Cottage Grove PTO

Meeting Minutes

Monday, May 8th, 2017

6:30pm – Cottage Grove School

  1. Attendance: Charlotte Miller, Cathy Knops, Julie Miller, Sarah Weise, Jeff Simpson, Cecily Brose, David Peterson, Dan Olson, Reed Foster, Connie Haessly, Stephanie Rossing, Jim Frisqie, Keri Robbins, Natalie Donkersgoed
  1. Special Guests:

Jeff Simpson – Chair community engagement committee

Keri Robbins – Chair community engagement committee

Dan Olson – Superintendent

Discussion: How can we have that outreach to the community? How can they reach more people?

Brainstorming ideas: Could there be a person that comes from thecommittee to the PTO meetings? Open Forums? Forever Friends?

There was a brief discussion about field trips. It was verified that the PTO can make a determination to allocate funds towards a request made by principles or teachers.

  1. Principal’s Report

Connie Haessly – Taylor Prairie Elementary

-Spring Sing on Friday and art show 5/5

-a number of field trips coming up

-thank you to PTO for all the food on Friday

-thank you so much to volunteers that have helped at the schools this year.

-Report cards 6/9 available in Infinite Campus

-In the midst of finishing testing

-Summer school starts 6/19 Heather McGee is heading that up this year.

-Appreciate all the work of the PTO this year

Reed Foster – Cottage Grove Elementary

-Food fantastic for teacher appreciation

-Art show ends next week.

-Hiring new strings teacher for next year. Hired a new special education teacher for retiring teacher.

-3rd grade battle of the books 5/17

-Field trips in full swing

-May 30th 1st graders visiting CG school

-June 1st international fair for 3rd grade

-June 2nd wax museum

-Volunteer recognition on June xx

-Grove games May 25

-John Hagan is heading up summer school at CGS

  1. President’s report – Charlotte Miller

-School kit order forms just came home. Need to be turned in by the last day of school.

  1. VP Reports

-Taylor Prairie – Stephanie Rossing

Family Fun night movie – Sing 4/12/17; need to advertise script beforehand next time.

-Cottage Grove – Sarah Weise

Sarah’s last meeting.

  1. Secretary Report – Cecily Brose – Motion to approve Stephanie Rossing, seconded by Sarah Weise.
  1. Treasurer Report – Cathy Knops

-Scrip Update $21,000 Sales - > net revenue $1500

-Incredible sales in April – the Scrip challenge worked

-Motion to approve report Sarah Weise, seconded by Julie

-2017-2018 Budget

  1. only change from last month was increasing fall festival to $11,000

-Motion to approve 2017-2018 budget Sarah Weise, seconded by Stephanie Rossing

  1. Committee Reports

Restaurant night

$110 – Subway

June 5th Subway

Discussed Food Cart idea for back to school night.

Fall Festival – Oct. 7th

TP Playground – Jen Koenig and Stephanie Rossing will be leading fundraiser efforts.

Meeting adjourned 8:07pm

Minutes prepared by Cecily Brose