21st Century Standards Profile

Human Services

Course Title: Careers in Education 1: Foundation in Education WVEIS Code 1301

Student’s Name______


Course Description: The CED 1: Foundations in Education student will be introduced to the history, development, organization, and practices of preschool, elementary, and secondary education. In addition to classroom training, students will participate in field experiences at local elementary, middle, and high schools. Students also gain the professional or skilled knowledge and skills necessary in beginning a career in the education profession. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and participate in hands-on activities to develop an understanding of course concepts. Teachers should provide each student with real world learning opportunities and instruction related to the education profession. Students will participate in a local student organization, such as Future Educators of America. The West Virginia Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives.

Level of Competence:

  • Above Mastery: The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed standard. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed.
  • Mastery:The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet standard. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective and the student can work independently.
  • Partial Mastery: The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions.Performance needs further development and supervision.

Content Standards and Objectives / Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery / Date / Comments
Standard 1: Awareness and Reflection
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.CED1.1.1 / critique their own strengths and areas for improvement as learners.
HS.O.CED1.1.2 / evaluate themselves as individuals, learners, and community members.
HS.O.CED1.1.3 / practice cooperative work with others.
HS.O.CED1.1.4 / explain the factors contributing to self-esteem.
HS.O.CED1.1.5 / summarize the role of self-esteem in learning.
HS.O.CED1.1.6 / analyze their own diversity.
Standard 2: Styles and Needs
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.CED1.2.1 / evaluate different learning styles.
HS.O.CED1.2.2 / compare the special needs and exceptionalities of learners
HS.O.CED1.2.3 / analyze how special needs and exceptionalities affect the learning process.
HS.O.CED1.2.4 / research major physical, social, and personal challenges that impede successful learning.
HS.O.CED1.2.5 / predict the opportunities and challenges created by diversity in the classroom.
Standard 3: Growth and Development
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.CED1.3.1 / sequence the physical stages of learners.
HS.O.CED1.3.2 / research the cognitive stages of learners.
HS.O.CED1.3.3 / discuss the development of moral stages of learners.
HS.O.CED1.3.4 / analyze the steps in the psychosocial stages of learners.
HS.O.CED1.3.5 / synthesize intrapersonal applications of the developmental changes of learners.
Standard 4: History and Trends
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.CED1.4.1 / trace the international, national, and state history of education.
HS.O.CED1.4.2 / research the educational trends that have influenced the issues in today’s education.
HS.O.CED1.4.3 / predict future educational trends based on past and current events.
HS.O.CED1.4.4 / compare positive and negative perceptions of the teaching profession.
HS.O.CED1.4.5 / assess in written form how philosophical thought – even thought contained in ancient philosophies – has influenced education and still continues to do so.
HS.O.CED1.4.6 / justify in writing their philosophy and the theory of education and impact they think it will have on them as teachers.
Standard 5: Structure and Governance
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.CED1.5.1 / research careers in special education.
HS.O.CED1.5.2 / compare the various types of schooling available today.
HS.O.CED1.5.3 / deconstruct the governance structure of the local, state, and national educational systems.
HS.O.CED1.5.4 / utilize national and state content standards and assessments.
Standard 6: Certification and Employment
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.CED1.6.1 / examine the steps to teacher certification.
HS.O.CED1.6.2 / identify areas of teacher shortages.
HS.O.CED1.6.3 / demonstrate effective job application and interview skills.
HS.O.CED1.6.4 / discuss various aspects of the teaching profession such as teacher supply and demand, preparation, salaries, rights, professional development, unions, etc.
Standard 7: Observation and Preparation
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.CED1.7.1 / identify their own strengths and areas for improvement as potential teachers.
HS.O.CED1.7.2 / select appropriate Students will: after observation and analysis of the learner’s development stages.
HS.O.CED1.7.3 / examine characteristics of an outstanding teacher.
HS.O.CED1.7.4 / analyze ways in which a teacher’s personality impacts instructional style and interaction
HS.O.CED1.7.5 / summarize effective teaching strategies. .
HS.O.CED1.7.6 / identify the elements of an effective lesson for all learners.
HS.O.CED1.7.7 / synthesize components of effective classroom climate, management, and discipline.
HS.O.CED1.7.8 / integrate effective use of technology in the classroom.
HS.O.CED1.7.9 / critique different assessment techniques.
Standard 8: Application and Instruction
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.CED1.8.1 / implement meaningful ways to build confidence, knowledge, and skills in all learners.
HS.O.CED1.8.2 / provide developmentally appropriate learning activities for groups and individual learners.
HS.O.CED1.8.3 / accommodate major challenges (i.e., physical, social, personal) that impede successful learning.
HS.O.CED1.8.4 / apply knowledge of learning styles, multiple intelligences, and Bloom’s Taxonomy to instruction and assessment.
HS.O.CED1.8.5 / implement a student created lesson providing for each style of learning.
HS.O.CED1.8.6 / participate in teaching in the real classroom.
HS.O.CED1.8.7 / critique their field experience activities with a collection of artifacts.
Standard 9: Analysis and Reflection
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.CED1.9.1 / critique their teaching of at least one lesson from FLAY, MAY or SAY.
HS.O.CED1.9.2 / analyze and reflect on their field experiences.
Standard 10: Participating in the Student Organization
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.CED1.10.1 / identify the purposes and goals of the student/professional organization.
HS.O.CED1.10.2 / explain the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student/professional/civic organization.
HS.O.CED1.10.3 / demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student/professional/civic organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects.

Profile Summary


Student’s Signature______Date______


Instructor’s Signature______Date______