Advanced World History Syllabus

Mr. James

Hello and welcome to my world history class! I would also like to welcome you to Thomas County Central High. We’re

going to learn a lot this year and have fun doing it. If there’s ever anything I can do to help you succeed inside or

outside of my class, please let me know. I want to help you become the best, most successful person possible!

I look forward to a great year and I’m glad you’re in my class.

-Mr. James


The textbook will be supplied in the classroom and may be checked out by students for use at home when necessary.

Students are financially responsible for all books checked out and not returned.

We will be reading Blood Red Horse during the 2nd nine weeks. In the past, students have really enjoyed this novel set

during the Crusades.

Additional Work for Advanced Class:

As the advanced class is meant to be more challenging that the regular classes, there are additional assignments we will complete throughout the year. This includes, but is not limited to, use of primary and secondary sources, and a creative project each 9 weeks.



Spiral bound notebook or loose leaf paper

Pens and pencils

Departmental Grading:

Tests and quizzes40%

Daily work packets (Classwork/ homework)40%

Nine weeks benchmark testing20%

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Testing:

SLO testing is administered as a beginning and end of the year evaluation of students’ progress in World History. The goal of the SLO is to show that students’ have been introduced to and retained what they have learned in World History throughout the year.

Classwork/ Homework:

•Classwork is completed and turned in as a packet on test day.

  • If you are absent, you are required to complete and return all assignments as arranged with Mr. James. You should refer to the student handbook for additional information.
  • Quizzes will be given unannounced throughout the year.

Cheating and Plagiarism:

In short, don’t do it! “Sharing” answers with a classmate is cheating. Discussing test questions with someone who has not yet taken it is also an example of cheating. Copying answers directly out of the text is not acceptable. All answers should be in your own words. Please refer to the integrity policy in the student handout.

Major Topics to be Studied:

1. Early and classical civilizations

2. Major religions of the world

3. The Middle Ages

4. The Renaissance and the Reformation

5. The Age of Exploration

6. Revolutions: Enlightenment, Scientific, Industrial, American, French, Lat. American

7. Impact of Imperialism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, and Totalitarianism

8. Causes and effects of the World Wars of the 20th century

9. The Cold War and the modern world

Rules & Procedures

Procedures are a part of life. We follow procedures to get a driver’s license, for going to the doctor’s office, or getting into college. The reason that we have procedures in life is so that people can function in society knowing what the acceptable way to do things is.

There are procedures in this classroom. These procedures establish our classroom culture.

Entering the Classroom:

  • Go directly to your desk and take out materials that you need for the day.
  • Stow your backpack under your seat (NOT IN THE AISLE).
  • Be seated and ready to begin when the tardy bell rings.
  • You may sit anywhere you wish, unless you cause a disruption.
  • I reserve the right to assign seats at any time during the school year.

When you are tardy:

  • If you are tardy to 1st period you must go to the front office, sign in, and get a pass.
  • Enter quietly, show me your pass, go directly to your seat and get started on the assignment. DO NOT DISTURB THE CLASS.
  • You will be given detention EACH TIME you are tardy without a pass.
  • 5 tardies = parent contact, 7 tardies = referral. Intervals of 3 = referral (10, 13, 16, etc)
  • If you are more than 10 minutes late you will be written up for skipping.

During class:

  • We must maximize the 50 minutes we have together each day.
  • I expect you to pay attention and complete assignments; use your time wisely.
  • Raise hand and be recognized to speak before asking a question or making a comment. History can be a very vocal and interactive class, but there must be order, not chaos.
  • Be respectful of others opinions and their right to vocalize them. Understand that with world cultures there is no right or wrong, just different.
  • NO CELL PHONES unless I give you specific permission to use them for an assignment.

Leaving the classroom:

  • You must ask permission to leave the room at any time.
  • You should only ask to leave the room for emergencies only.
  • You must write me a legible hall pass with your name, date, time, and destination.
  • Do not interrupt me to ask to leave the room. Wait until notes or instructions are over.

End of class dismissal:

  • I dismiss the class, not the bell.
  • Before dismissal, you must be in your seat and the area around your desk must be clean.

When you are absent:

  • Make sure you turn in your parent/doctor note to the attendance secretary.
  • See me the day you get back to get missed work, either before school or before class – NOT once class has begun. You can also ask your neighbor and check the hanging folder. BE RESPONSIBLE- You’re in high school!
  • If you miss a test, you can make it up before or after school, see to me schedule make-up.


  • Class grade sheets are posted in the back of the room after each test.
  • Grades will be listed by student number, so make sure you know yours.
  • Grades can be checked BEFORE the tardy bell rings or at the end of class.
  • Grades will be calculated using the following criteria:

40% - Tests, Projects, Essays

40% - Daily Work Assignments (Packets), Quizzes

20% - Final Benchmark – given at the end of each 9-weeks.

a. Tests will be given at the end of each unit.

b. Daily assignment packets are collected at the end of each unit. We will talk more about this in class.

c. The due date for all daily work is the test date.

d. You will be required to complete at least one project each 9-weeks.

e. Quizzes may be given at any time, without warning.

EXTRA CREDIT: May come in the form of bonus questions on tests or quizzes. There WILL NOT be special assignments at the end of the 9-weeks to boost your grade. DON’T ASK! Each student will be given the same opportunity for extra credit points.

When assignments are not turned in on time:

  • You are expected to turn in all assignments ON TIME.
  • If you are absent, late work will be accepted THE DAY YOU RETURN with no penalty.
  • Late work MAY be accepted based on individual circumstances. You will have 5 EXTRA DAYS to turn work in.
  • Points will be deducted for assignments that are late.


•Discipline is a major concern among parents, administrators, and teachers. Without academic and behavioral discipline very little education is accomplished in the classroom. Therefore I expect you to be disciplined, both in academics and in attitude.

•The CLASSROOM RULES are as follows:

1.Arrive on time with all materials.

2.Follow directions immediately.

3.Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. (If it’s not yours, don’t touch it!)

4.Work on assigned tasks during work time.

5.Respect everyone and everything in the classroom at all times.

6.Follow all rules as stated in the student handbook, this includes but is not limited to cell phone policy and dress

code policy.

•If you have difficulty complying with these rules the following consequences will result:

A.Verbal warning

B.Teacher Detention before or after school.

C.Parent Contact or Conference

D.Referral to Administration

Other issues:

If you write on/put anything on a desk, you will come before or after school and clean all the desks.

If you throw things in the classroom, you will come in before or after school and pick up all objects on the floor.

If you groom/put on makeup in class, I will confiscate your materials and keep them until the end of the day.

Student Handbook Issues:

Cell phones and other electronic devices are allowed everywhere on campus EXCEPT DURING CLASS TIME. If you use or have out any electronic device during class, I will confiscate it and turn it in to administration. These include cell phones, MP3 players, iPods, tablets, video games, cameras, etc. NOTE: You will have to pay $10 or have a parent pick up confiscated electronics.

Dress Code Issues:

1. No piercings except in ears

2. No explicit clothing (including suggestive sayings) or anything associated with gangs

3. No holes in jeans above knees, skirts/shorts 4” above knee; leggings are NOT pants and must be worn with appropriate outer garment that is appropriate measure.

4. No sagging pants or exposed undergarments, untucked T-shirts can be no longer than fingertip length.

4. No unnatural hair color or distracting hair styles.

5. No cleavage, no tank tops (there is no 2 or 3 finger rule), midriff must be covered (front and back), clothing must not reveal undergarments.

6. No head gear (including hats, hoodies, do-rags, bandanas, scarves, sunglasses, knit caps, etc.) allowed in buildings. You will have to pay $10 or have a parent pick up confiscated head gear.

7. No house shoes or slippers

Additional Help:

If you need additional help, please feel free to come by my classroom before or after school by appointment. That said, it’s best to let me know you’re going to come by to make sure I don’t have another commitment at the same time.

A final note:

If there’s anything I can do for you to help you, please let me know. I’m here to help you. Most of you are freshmen and high school will be a dramatic change from what you are used to. There will be times when it all seems overwhelming, but we will get through it together. It’s my goal to see you succeed both in and out of my classroom.

I’m looking forward to a great year!

-Mr James