10 questions without use of calculator

Equivalent fractions, decimals, percent

Compare fractions, decimals and percent

Multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers

Order of operation

5 – 7 questions or 15% of SOL will be new form of questions:

Fill in blanksOrder of operation, Square Roots, Replacement values, practical problems

(+, -, x, ÷ of decimals and fractions)

estimate solutions (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions)

Formula sheet (area, perimeter, surface area, volume, circumference)

Drag and DropDescribe, least to greatest (fractions, decimals, percent), ratios

Properties of Quadrilaterals

Perfect squares

Volume and surface area of rectangular prism

Mean as a balance point (number line)

Hot Spotshade fraction, decimal, percent

Sequences (arithmetic and geometric)

Absolute value

Multiple answers

Graphscreate bar/circle graphs/line graphs (compare)

plot points on a coordinate grid

Decimal/Fraction/% of probability Remember probability is between


2 or more answers

Absolute value

Square roots

Identify each number (implies that it could be more than one)



Wording on test to determine if there is more than one answer:

“Choose each number” - more than one

“Choose the number” - one answer

Also, look at the directions. It might tell you how many to choose.

Number and Number Sense (10 Questions)

6.1 Ratios

IXL: AA 1, 2, 3, 5

Ratio -comparison of two numbers

Ratio 2:3, fraction ( ), colon (2:3), word to (2 to 3)

1.Lucy buys 4 rolls of color film and 7 rolls of black and white film. What is the ratio of color film to black and white film?


2.What ratio describes the value of a nickel to the value of a quarter?


3.There were 12 footballs and 30 students in gym class. Which ratio accurately compares the number of students to the number of footballs?


4.Which statement is true?

  1. 6:7 = = 7 to 6
  2. = 2 to 5 = 5:2
  3. 8:3 = 8 to 3 =
  4. 9 to 4 = 4:9 =


FractionsPart of a whole Part/total

Divide = 4 ÷ 5

5/0 = undefined 0/5 = 0

  1. At a school carnival, a group of 47 students played the Fish Pond game. Each studentin the group won a prize. A stuffed animal was won by 24 students, a rubber ball waswon by 7 students, and the rest of the students won a baseball cap. What fraction of the group won a baseball cap?


  1. A 20-gallon container is filled with 6 gallons of gasoline. What fraction of the

container is filled with gasoline?


  1. Lisa said 5 parts out of every 8 parts is blue. What is another way to express this relationship?

5:8 5 to 8 5/8

  1. Sonya, Darren, and Abby were on different sports teams last season. The number of wins for each team is listed below.

• Sonya’s soccer team won 4 out of 5 games.

• Darren’s basketball team won 12 out of 20 games.

• Abby’s baseball team won 20 out of 25 games.

Which teams won the same proportion of their games?

Percent (Per 100) A percent is a special ratio in which the denominator is 100

Any fraction where the denominator (the bottom number) is 100, the numerator (top number) is the percent.

47/100 = 47%

7/100 = 7%

29/100 = 29%

  1. Lani has learned 21 of the 84 songs in her piano playbook. What percentof the total number of songs in the playbook has Lani learned?

25 %

  1. Jenny picked 25 roses. She gave away 10 roses. What percent of the roses did Jenny give away?


  1. Mary picks 15 flowers from her garden. If 3 out of 5 of these flowers are yellow,

how many yellow flowers does Mary pick?


  1. Rona drove 56 miles to visit a friend. She drove 42 miles before stopping for gas.

What percent of the drive did Rona complete before stopping for gas?


  1. In Randi’s school, 5 out of every 7 students ride the bus to school.

What percent ofstudents ride the bus?


  1. If there are 350 students in Randi’s school, approximately how many students ride

the bus?


  1. A surveyed 643 skateboarders and found that 209 of them preferred wood

skateboards to plastic or aluminum skateboards. Based on the number of people

surveyed, what is the most reasonable estimationof the percent of skateboarders

who preferred wood skateboards?


equivalent (=)

equivalentdecimals, percents, and fractions (Graph a representation)

fractions that have denominators that are factors of 100. (1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 25, 20, 100)

  1. Sue's little sister was coloring the squares on a 5  10 grid. She had colored 25 of the squares. What percent of the squares were not yet colored?
  1. What number can replace the on the number line?
  1. What is 0.06 represented as a percent and a fraction?
  1. If you had 100 questions on your math exam and you got 95 of them correct, what is your grade expressed as a fraction, as a decimal, and as a percent?
  1. The school’s science fair was attended by of the students. About what percent of the students attended the science fair? (Round to the nearest percent.)
  1. If there were 100 questions on your Science exam and you got 90 of them correct, what is your grade, expressed as a fraction, as a decimal, and as a percent?
  1. A seventh-grade class conducted a survey to find out what kinds of pets their classmates owned. They discovered that 60% of the pets owned by the students were dogs. What fractional part of the pets were not dogs?
  1. Which of the following does NOT contain equivalent fractions, decimals, and percents?
  1. , 0.4, 40%
  2. , 0.25, 25%
  3. , 0.375, 37.5%
  4. , 0.05, 50%
  1. Which of the following is NOT in order from least to greatest?

a. , ,

b. , ,

c. , ,

d. , ,

Order and compare 3 fractions, decimals, and percent (decimals through thousandths, fractions with denominators of 12 or less), in ascending or descending order. (Drag and drop)

Ascending order – Numbers are said to be in ascending order when they are arranged from the smallest to the largest number.

5, 9, 13, 17 and 21 are arranged in ascending order

Descending order – Numbers are said to be in descending order when they are arranged from the largest to the smallest number.

25, 21, 17, 13 and 9 are arranged in descending order

  1. Numerator is 1, the bigger the Denominator the smaller the fraction.

Example: ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/5, 1/6

  1. Compare fraction to ½.

Example 2/4 2 is half of 4

3/6 3 is half of 6

4/8 4 is half of 8

  1. Denominator is the same, then the bigger the numerator, the greater the number.

Example: 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/5

  1. Which of the following statements is true?
  2. 0.16 < 0.016
  3. 5.065 < 5.65
  4. 2.804 < 2.408
  5. 5.83 < 0.583
  1. What fraction could you place in the blank to make a true statement?

0.15 < ___< 85%

  1. What percent is equivalent to 3/20?
  1. Write the following in descending order.

16%, 1/6, .166

Write each improper fraction as a mixed number:






6.3 Integers (hot spot) absolute value

IXL: C 1, 3, 4

Integers : Are whole numbers and their opposites. Integers are not fractions or decimals.

-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

Negative numbers, positive numbers, and zero

temperature (below 0)finance (owing money) below sea level

Number line for integers and absolute value

  1. What number is equivalent to |–16 | ?
  1. What number is equivalent to |27| ?
  1. What value is equivalent to | -14 | ?
  1. Which point represents the integer of -3?
  1. What statement is true?
  2. –15 < –1 < 0
  3. –15 > 15 < –7
  4. 0 < –6 > –20
  5. –7 < –3 > 0
  1. What number has the same absolute value as 5?
  1. 5
  2. 0
  3. 5.5
  1. What integer is the opposite of –3?

6.4 multiple representations of multiplication and division of fractions.

IXL: V 5, 6 W 1, 2, 3

(part of a part.)

x 6(part of the whole)

What does it mean to divide with fractions?

10 ÷ 2 “How many 2 make ten?” What “times” 2 is 10
, “How many make ?”

“How much for one?”

How many are in each group?

Multiplying Fractions:

4 x 2/3 = 2/3 + 2/3 + 2/3 + 2/3 4 groups of 2/3’s

  1. 2/3 x ¾ = 6/12 or 1/2

How many acres of land does each person have if acres are divided among 4 people?

Mr. Frazier has 36 yards of fence wire. He wants to divide the wire into strips that are yard long. How many strips of wire will he be able to make?

6.5 positive exponents and perfect squares(see notes in journal)

IXL: E 1, 2, 3, 9

Perfect squares

104 = 10,000

103 = 1000

102 = 100

101 = 10


If 10 is the base, the exponent will be the number of zeros.

20 = 1

50 = 1

0= Undefined

  1. Which exponential expression is equivalent to 8 x 8 x 8 x 8?


  1. What is the expanded form of 93?

9 x 9 x 9

  1. What does 100 equal?


  1. The numbers 1, 4, 9, and 16 are called “perfect squares”

Find the next three numbers in the sequence.

25, 36, 49

  1. Which is a model of 4²?

Computation and Estimation (9 questions)

6.6 a) (complete items without the use of a calculator) multiply and divide fractions and

mixed numbers IXL: V 1, 2, 10, V 11, W5, X 6

1.What is the solution for ÷ ? = 1 4/5

2.What is 8 ÷ 2? 34/9 = 3 7/9

3.What is the solution to 5 x 2?

4.Find the solution for 8 ÷ 6.

5.What is ÷ ?

6.Divide: 4 ÷ 1

7.Multiply: 2 x 3

b) estimatesolutions and then solve single-step and multistep practical problems

involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions. (fill in blank)

IXL: U 4, 7 V 4, 7, 9, 12 W 4, 6, 8 X 7

¾ + ½ greater than or less than 1

  1. Nan lives 13 ½ miles from the airport. Felipe lives 6 ¼ miles from the airport.

How many more miles does Nan live from the airport than Felipe?

  1. Ms. Brown asked her students to simplify the expression below.

2/3 +1/4

What is the simplified version of Ms. Brown’s expression?

  1. Stacy has 2 1/3 yards of fabric. She buys an additional 1 1/2yards of fabric.

How many total yards of fabric does she have?

  1. At a sporting goods store, 3/10 of all the items are baseball items and1/3 of all the

items are football items. What fraction of the total number of items in the store are baseball or football items?

  1. Mike and Frank ran in a race. Frank ran 1 miles. Mike ran 1 times as far as Frank. How far did Mike run?
  1. You have a 14-foot board and need to cut the board so that it is 11 feet long. How much do

you have to cut off?

  1. The manager of a sporting good store ordered 58 boxes of athletic shoes. If each box weighs 2 pounds, which is the best estimate of how much all the boxes of shoes weigh?
  2. Sandy practiced the clarinet a total of 9 hours in one week. The following chart gives the number of hours she practiced each day, Monday through Saturday. How long did Sandy practice on Sunday?
  1. Lowanna is baking cookies. The recipe calls for 3 cups of sugar. She only wants half a recipe. How much sugar will she need?
  1. An auto mechanic tells John that labor is $47.00 per hour. If it takes the mechanic about 1 hours to fix John’s car, about how much will the labor cost?
  1. A property of 12 acres will be split equally among 4 family members. What will be the size of the property that each family member will receive?
  1. What is the area of this rectangle?
  1. Jason has three bags of candy that weigh 4 ounces, 2 ounces, and 6 ounces. What is the best estimate for total weight of all three bags of candy?
  1. Mica and Denise are reading the same novel. Mica has read ½ of the novel, and Denise

has read 1/3 of the novel. How much more of the novel has Mica read than Denise?

  1. Sandra wants to buy 2 gallons of detergent. The table shows the sale price of four different brands of detergent.

Which of the following is the least expensive way for Sandra to buy 2 gallons of detergent?

  1. Buying 4 bottles of Fresh All
  2. Buying 4 bottles of Mega Wash
  3. Buying 2 bottles of Ultra Clean
  4. Buying 1 bottle of No More Stains

Ultra Clean / 1 gallon / $6.50
Fresh All / ½ gallon / $2.00
Mega Wash / ½ gallon / $3.10
No More Stains / 2 gallons / $12.00
  1. Every week Sam saves $1.00 on Monday and $2.50 on Friday. If this is his

total weekly savings, how many weeks would it take him to save enough to

buy a $49 wireless phone?

A 7 weeks

B 14 weeks

C 46 weeks

D 52 weeks

6.7 Decimals addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (Fill in Blank) estimation strategies

IXL: F 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 J 2 O5, X5

1.Jake makes $6.05 per hour. About how many hours does he need to work to make $250?

2.Shawn wants to purchase 3 CDs for $14.99 each, a shirt for $9.59, and a cap for $11.99. What is a reasonable amount of money, before tax, that Shawn can expect to spend?

3.You went shopping with $20. You bought a notebook for $3.70, 3 pencils for 30¢ each, and a drink, fries, and burger for $2.20. Estimate the amount of money you had left.

4.Here is a menu posted at Tom’s school.

Item / Cost
Pizza / $1.75
Hamburger / $2.35
Salad / $2.60
Chicken Patty / $1.95

If Tom buys pizza and a salad and pays with a $5.00 bill, how much change should he get back?

5.Jordan has to buy 18 gallons of gas that cost $2.49 per gallon. How much will he pay for the gas?

6.Kelly worked 7.25 hours on Monday and 6.5 hours on Tuesday. She earns $6.80 per hour. How much did she earn for working these two days?

7.Michael’s garden is shown below.

If Michael buys 60 feet of fencing to go around this garden, how much will he have left over?

8.Charice’s van drove 147.5 miles and used 11.8 gallons of gas. How many miles per gallon did Charice’s van travel?

9.At the grocery store, Jerry spent $24.75 for 3 pounds of chicken and 3 pounds of cheese. The cheese cost $4.50 per pound. What was the cost of the chicken per pound?


Package (in ounces) / Package Price / Candy Price
(per ounce)
8 / $1.60
10 / $1.80
12 / $2.04

Complete the table to determine which package has the lowest candy price, per ounce.

11.Bruce needs 30 five-foot pieces of rope for a school project. The hardware store

sells rope by the yard. How many yards of rope will Bruce need to purchase?

12.Eliana and her sister are comparing the prices of two brands of cereal.

Toasty Oatscosts $2.25 for a 15-ounce box. Crunchy Oaties costs $3.90 for a 30-ounce bag.

  1. What is the price per ounce of the Toasty Oats?
  1. How much more expensive is Toasty Oats per ounce than Crunchy Oaties?

6.8 (complete items without the use of a calculator) Order of operations. Fill in blank


  1. Simplify the expression below.

42 + 52

  1. Simplify the expression below.

3 + 5 x 23 +32

  1. Simplify the expressions below.
  2. 72 - 9 + 13
  3. 43 ÷ 22
  1. Evaluate: 32 ∙ 2 +
  1. Simplify this expression: 38 – 2 + 4 x 3 + 3²
  1. Which is equivalent to 20 x (9 – 5) – 12 +4² ?

Measurement and Geometry (12 Questions)

IXL: Y 1, 2

6.9 The U.S. Customary System of measurement and measurements in the metric system.


37°C is about 98°F (about normal body temperature).

22°C is about 72°F (about average room temperature).

0°C is about 32°F (water freezing temperature).

100°C is about 212°F (water boiling temperature).


1.If a cat weighs 20 pounds, it would weigh about how many kilograms?

2.Richmond, VA is about 50 miles from Williamsburg, VA. About how many kilometers is that?

3.If you need 12 quarts of lemonade for a class party, about how many liters is that?

4.Which of the following is about the same length as 1 foot?

A10 centimeters

B30 centimeters

C1 meter

D3 meters

6.10 Area/Perimeter/circumference/volume/SA (Fill in the blank)

IXL: Z26 Z32 P 9 (4th grade)

π (pi) as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter;

The area determines the perfect square number. If it is not a perfect square, the area provides a means for estimation.

  1. David measures a side of a piece of wood. The length is 8 feet and the width is

one-half of the length. What is the area, in square feet, of the piece of wood?

  1. Olivia measures the diameter of a circle. If the diameter is 32 centimeters, what is the radius, in centimeters?
  1. A circle has a radius of 18 inches. What is the circumference of the circle?
  1. Gunther drew a circle. The radius of the circle is 20 inches. What is the area, in square inches, of Gunther’s circle?
  1. The diameter of Lexa’s hula hoop is 36 inches. What is the radius, in inches, of Lexa’s hula hoop?
  1. Janet discovered a very interesting relationship between the diameter of the circle and the distance around the outside of the circle.

Circle / Distance around the circle / Circumference
A / 21 cm / almost 6.7 cm
B / 28 cm / almost 9 cm
C / 36 cm / almost 11.5 cm

Which statement best describes this relationship?

  1. The circumference of the circle is of the diameter of the circle.
  1. The circumference of the circle is a little more than 3 times the length of the diameter.
  1. The diameter of the circle is of the circumference.
  1. The diameter of the circle is twice the length of the circumference
  1. What statement is true about pi ()?
  1. Pi is the ratio of the diameter to the radius of a circle.
  1. Pi is the ratio of the area of a circle to the circumference of the circle.
  1. Pi is different for every circle.
  1. Pi is the ratio of circumference of the circle to the diameter of the circle.
  1. A model train set has a circular track that has a radius of 75 cm. What is the area on the inside of the track?
  1. Chris wants to build a rectangular pen enclosed by a fence for his horses. The pen will measure 45 feet long by 12 feet wide. How many feet of fencing does he need to enclose the rectangular pen?
  1. Mr. Chen has a backyard in the shape of a rectangle that has a perimeter of 128 feet. If the width of the backyard is 25 feet, what is the length?
  1. A garden in the shape of a rectangle has length of 18 feet and a width of 12 feet. Covering the garden with fertilizer will cost $1.15 per square foot. How much will it cost to fertilize the garden?
  1. Carla is filling a fish aquarium with water. The aquarium has the shape of a rectangular prism that measures 1 feet wide, 3 feet high, and 5 feet long. What is the volume of the aquarium?
  1. If the length of the radius of the circle is 6, what is the area of the square?
  1. 12
  2. 48
  3. 72
  4. 144
  1. A rectangle has a perimeter of 60 inches and length of 22 inches. What is the width of the rectangle?
  1. If the circumference of a circle is 16?, what is the radius?
  1. A circle has a circumference that measures 18 ? inches. What is the radius, in inches, of

the circle?

6.11 Graphs (Hot Spot)

IXL: Q1, 3, 6

a) identify the coordinates of a point in a coordinate plane (fill in the blank)

b) graph ordered pairs in a coordinate plane. (hot spotor graph)


X, Y axis




Name three points on the x axis ______, ______, ______

Name three points on the y axis______, ______, ______

6.12 congruence of segments, angles, and polygons

IXL: Z14

The symbol for congruency is