Welcome to


Welcome to Kelvedon & Feering Pre-School

This pack will explain some of the things we will cover with your child during their time at Kelvedon & Feering Pre-School and aim to answer any questions you may have.

We take children from their 2nd birthday until they leave to go onto reception class. During their time with us we will work with you to support your child’s development, to encourage them to develop in all areas and increase their confidence ready for school.

Your child will be allocated a key person, who will develop a close relationship with your child and yourself. Your key person will begin making observations on your child and track their development to ensure that your child is continually moving forward. Your child’s key person will also be there to comfort and support your child, whilst providing any intimate care they may require.

Further information can be found in your welcome email.

Our Pre-school Team

We are very lucky to have a group of experienced and well qualified staff who will be working closely with your children.

Linsie Kennedy Viv Slater

Swifts Room Supervisor Swallows Room Supervisor

NNEB Level 3 Diploma in Early Years and Childcare

Liz Ryder Nicola Pomeroy (SENCO)

Level 3 Diploma in Early Years and Childcare Level 3 Children and Young Peoples Workforce

Our team are a well experienced, extremely dedicated group of people, who strive to provide the most amazing, fun and stimulating environment for your child, ensuring they enjoy their time with us, learn and feel safe.

All of our team are qualified to a minimum of Level 3 in Early Years, or are currently undertaking their training. The majority of our team are trained in paediatric first aid and all of our team are trained in how to safeguard our children.

Our manager is trained as the Pre-schools Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), however, we also have two other SENCO’s, Nicola Pomeroy, based in Swifts Room and Simone Parker, based in Swallows Room.

What is a Key Person?

A key person is someone who helps your child to become familiar with their early years setting and to feel confident and safe within it. Your key person will work closely with you to support your child’s development. If you wish to have a chat with your key person, you are welcome to chat either at the beginning or end of session. If you require more time, then we are always happy to arrange a meeting 

Further information can be at

My Learning Journey

During your child’s time at pre-school, your child’s key person will undertake a series of observations to identify areas to work on as next steps. We use a secure online system called Tapestrywhereobservations, photos and videos are uploaded to your child’s online learning journey. Each time a new observation is uploaded you will receive an email so that you are able to keep up to date with your child’s achievements and add any comments of your own. You are also able to upload your own observations.

After your second transition visit you will receive your log in details to access Tapestry. You will be able to see pictures of your child having fun and learning at pre-school. You are also welcome to add your own photos over the holidays to give us something to share with your child on their return 

When your child leaves pre-school, you will be given your child’s folder and a disc containing an electronic copy of their learning journey.

Further information on how to use Tapestry can be found in your welcome email

Early Years Foundation Stage

As an early years provider we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage. This allows a very child-led form of learning. Observations undertaken on the children will inform the direction our learning will take. For example if several children show a keen interest in role play linked to ‘ doctors, nurses and hospitals’ the following week we will plan our curriculum according to their interest.For this reason we may be camping one week then going to space the following week. This method of planning is exciting for the children and helps them maintain focus and enthusiasm as they learn through play.

Further information on the Early Years Foundation Stage can be found at

Further information on child development can be found at

How will I know how my child is getting on?

You can always chat with your child’s key person or keep updated viaTapestry our online learning journey. We will also endeavour to speak with you at least once a term and agree your child’s next steps. Between the ages of 24-36 months we will undertake your child’s two year old check with yourselves, to celebrate your little ones development and also discuss any concerns you may have.

Settling in process

Settling in can vary from child to child. This is why we will agree during your child’s initial visit the approach to support your child’s transition. Your child may only require one visit, or may require two or three short visits to familiarise them with the setting and the team.

On occasions it may be necessary for a parent to stay for a few short sessions, until your child is completely happy coming to pre-school.

Daily Routine

Every day in Pre-school is different! We do have a daily routine, however, this is very flexible and we will adapt to take the children’s lead in an activity.Our activities are based on observations we have undertaken of our children, by following their interests we ensure the experiences offered are stimulating for our little people.

We run snack bars in both rooms during session to encourage your child’s independence. We offer fruit and/or vegetables and either a slice of toast, muffin, pasta or a crumpet every day. The children also have a choice of milk, water or their own juice. The list is endless of all the lovely foods we will try!

How can you get involved in your child’s learning at Pre-school?

There are several ways in which you can become involved. We very much welcome parents and grandparents the opportunity to volunteer, however, we also appreciate many of you have extremely demanding lives. Please feel free to volunteer even for a one off session or just to pop in and play for half an hour, this will give you a real insight into your child’s experience of pre-school. Just speak to your room supervisor to arrange 

We also have a parent run committee which is always actively encouraging parents to assist in the running of the setting, especially supporting with fundraising activities!

We actively encourage learning at home. To support this we offer a library of books your child can take home and share with you on a regular basis. This not only encourages your child to share a book with you, but also prepare them for when they start school and will begin taking books home every night to share in preparation for reading.

We also have a stock of home learning packs, covering areas such as:

  • Left handed writing
  • Developing pencil skills
  • Number fun!
  • Supporting children with bedtime
  • Supporting children with potty training
  • Fun with playdoh
  • Goldilocks & the Three Bears story sack

If you have an idea for a useful home learning pack, let us know and we will make it!

Don’t forget to look at your child’s online learning journey, make comments and add observations of your own.

If you would like to enable close family members to also have access to your child’s online learning journey, then please let usknow and we can arrange this for you.

We also have a dedicated Facebook page, where we update on a regular basis all of the fun we are having, so don’t forget to ‘like’ our page to be kept updated!

Men we need you!

In actual fact it is not us that needs you, but your child.

Extensive research undertaken over recent years, shows that parental involvement (both male and female) in children’s learning and development is a key factor in improving children’s outcomes.

We are aware that pre-school is a very female dominated place, but we are all lovely ladies and would love to have more Dads, uncles, male carers and Grandad’s come and visit us. You are very welcome to come and play (even if you can only manage half an hour) or stop and chat to us at drop off/collection time. Please also come along to our termly Dad’s stay and play session, which takes place on a Saturday morning and is free of charge!

Experience shows us that when a child’s predominant male figure joins in with a session at pre-school, the child’s self-esteem improves greatly and you will also find that you will be a magnet for the other children who will also want to play with you.

So please, please, give it some thought and come and join us soon!

Children’s lunchbox tips and ideas

Packing your child’s lunchbox can often prove to be a daunting task.

What should they eat? What will they eat? How much should I pack?

What should they eat?

Research shows that some children’s lunchboxes have too much processed and junk food and are therefore, the children are missing out on vital vitamins and minerals. Children need plenty of foods to fill them up and give them energy. Nutritious foods packed with fibre, protein, carbohydrate and vitamins will help your child’s growing body and give them a dose of energy and brain power for the rest of the day ahead. Please remember, in line with our policies we ask that any food you provide is nut free (e.g. No peanut butter, chocolate spread etc.) and no sweets.

What will they eat?

‘Variety is the spice of life’, children, just like us, get bored with the same old food, so try introducing some new foods in small quantities. You never know with a little bit of peer pressure they might just try it and like it!

How much should I pack?

All too often we as professionals see some children excitedly open their lunchbox only to sink back in their chair at the sight of so much food. Please, only pack small amounts of each food, your child is more likely to eat everything you provide if he/she feels they can easily manage it all.

Finally a note about sugar in children’s food. Sugar can be hard to spot as it is often called many different things such as glucose, fructose, maltose, fruit syrup and molasses. Also be aware of foods which state ‘no added sugar’ as normally chemical sweeteners have been used as a substitute. It is best, therefore, for your child to get their treat of sweetness from foods containing natural sugars e.g. apple, bananas and raisins.

Frequently asked questions & useful information

Where do I wait at the beginning and end of session?

Before 8.55 we ask our parents to wait just outside of the fence which surrounds the pre-school garden. At 8.55 am a member of staff will invite you in for the start of the session. Drop off Is between 8.55am and 9.05am. However, if it is raining you are welcome to take cover under the undercover area.

At the end of session, please wait outside of the green fence and a member of staff will come and let everyone in.

When is it convenient to speak with my child’s key person?

You are welcome to speak with your child’s key person at the beginning or end of each session. If you think you need more than a short chat or would like to speak in more private conditions, please ask for a mutually convenient appointment. Alternatively, you can telephone on 01376 572239 if you wish to have an informal chat over the phone or email Sonia at .

What do I do if someone else will be picking my child up?

Please enter this into the child collection book, located in the red rack. If you are unexpectedly unable to collect your child please give yourcollecting adult your child’s password. They will be asked for this before being allowed to take your child. It is always useful if you can ring the pre-school on 01376 572239 informing us of the collection arrangement, but we appreciate this may not always be possible.

How do I know what my child has done in session today?

We aim to update our parents on a weekly basis via email on the topics covered throughout the week and the topics we hope to cover over the following week. You can also see what your child has been up to on their online learning journey, or on the parent notice board located outside. In Swifts room we also send home a daily update sheet, including information such as nappy changes, snack etc.


On your child’s peg card is a detachable photograph or name. Please can you encourage your child to take this off and put in the box located on the table as you enter the room. Named drinks can be placed on the red tray located on the lunch trolley/table.

Packed Lunches

If your child is bringing a packed lunch to Pre-School, please be aware that we do not have sufficient refrigerated storage space to store lunch boxes; therefore, a cold pack is advisable to keep the lunch cool. Please clearly mark the lunch box with your child’s name and leave on the lunch box trolley. Please note that we are a nut free zone.

Pre-School Clothing

Please speak to your room supervisor regarding the purchasing of pre-school clothing.

Please also ensure your child is provided with appropriate clothing for our ever changing weather, such as sun hats, boots and coats! Don’t forget to label your child’s clothing.

Information for parents

We have a parent information notice board located in the lobby area of both rooms; we also have useful information on our website


We actively welcome feedback concerning the running of our pre-school, sessions etc and welcome any comments you wish to make either in person or via our feedback system. Sonia is available to discuss any concerns or issues you may have at any time, either in person or via the telephone on 01376 572239 or email . We ask you to note your comments, either positive or negative and place in the feedback box located in the lobby. We issue questionnaires throughout the year to encourage parents and children to give feedback.

Notification of Illness

If your child is unwell and unable to attend pre-school please drop us a quick line or leave a message to let us know on 01376 572239 or email .

Please note that as a setting we are able to administer Calpol (paracetamol based medication) to your child in cases of an extremely high temperature. It is therefore extremely important that you inform the room supervisor if you have administered any paracetamol based medication to your child in the previous 24 hours, to avoid over dosing.

How will I pay for my pre-school place?

You will be invoiced either just after your child starts the pre-school, or at the beginning of each new term,our current rate is £3.82 per hour.

If you feel your child may be eligible for two year old funding then please speak to Sonia or your room supervisor and we will happily assist you in the process of applying for this. All three and four year olds are eligible for 15 hours per week funding, however, any additional hours will be invoiced at a rate of £3.82 per hour.

We also accept childcare vouchers, please speak to Sonia to arrange this.

For some of our childrenclaiming three/ four year old funding, we may be able to apply for an Early Years Pupil Premium, this is an additional amount of money awarded to the setting to enhance resources and provide staff training. Further information on this can be found at the end of the Welcome booklet.

Payments can be made either in cash, cheque or online, full details are given on your invoice.

Pre-school committee

Our pre-school is run by a committee of parent volunteers. The committee is re-elected at our AGM. The pre-school cannot exist without a committee and requires parents to volunteer for various roles each year. This might be something you would like to give some thought to? Details of our present committee can be found displayed in the lobby, together with contact details.

Policies and Procedures

Relevant policies and procedures can be found on our website, a full hard copy is available on request for your perusal on the premises. .

Mobile phones

Please note our priority is to safeguard all of our children, therefore, we are a no mobile phone zone. Please ensure that you do not answer any calls or use your phone whilst on our premises.

Snow procedure

If the setting is closed due to adverse weather conditions, we will aim to email all of our parents as soon as we have the information. We will also follow the guidance of St Marys School, therefore, if you hear on Heart FM that the school is closed, we will also be closed. We will also update our Facebook page.

Who do I speak to if I am concerned about my child’s development?