The Danish Wood Packaging Materials Treatment and Marking Scheme:

Notice on the

Documentary requirements for treated wood

The Danish Wood Packaging Materials Treatment and Marking Scheme, established and run by the Danish Plant Directorate, is based upon requirements as set out in the International Standards on Phytosanitary Measures no. 15: ’Guidelines for Wood Packaging Materials in International Trade’, FAO, Rome 2002.To obtain the necessary certification, Danish companies wishing to use the internationally recognised and protected mark must be approved by the Danish Plant Directorate.

The wood to be used for the construction of wood packaging materials (including dunnage) being marked as set out the Danish Governmental Order (and in accordance with ISPM # 15) shall have been debarked, and heat treated or treated with methyl bromide as specified in that standard.


Consignments of wood to be used by certified Danish companies for marked wood packaging materials shall be accompanied by the following documentation upon arrival to the certified Danish producer (constructer) of wood packaging materials:

1) Wood from certified Danish companies:

a) a marking as depicted shall be fixed to each packing unit of the consignment:


‘XXXX ‘ is the unique registration number assigned by the Danish Plant Directorate to the actual certified company, and

b) at least one trade document per consignment shall specify which parts of the consignment has been treated in accordance with the Danish requirements

2) Wood from foreign companies certified in accordance with ISPM # 15 by a foreign country’s official authority:

a) a marking shall be fixed to each packing unit of the consignment stating

  • that the wood has been debarked and treated in accordance with ISPM # 15 and
  • the country code and the company’s official registration number


b) at least one trade document per consignment shall specify which parts of the consignment has been debarked and treated in accordance with ISPM # 15

3) Wood from foreign non-certified foreign companies

a) a marking shall be fixed to each packing unit of the consignment stating that the wood has been debarked and treated in accordance with ISPM # 15


b) at least one trade document per consignment shall specify which parts of the consignment has been debarked and treated in accordance with ISPM # 15


c) each consignment shall be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate specifying which parts of the consignment has been debarked and treated in accordance with ISPM # 15. Consignments from other EU Member States may instead be accompanied by another official document of the same content and issued by the National Plant Protection Organisation. Where the certificate or alternative document unambiguously identifies the packing unit (e.g. by a serial number), the Plant Directorate may provisionally accept point (3 a) not having been fulfilled.

Accepted abbreviations.

The said marking of packing units and any abbreviation used in trade documents (in above points 1, 2 and 3) shall unambiguously state, that treatments has been applied to the quoted packing units in accordance with ISPM # 15. Thus the markings “HT” or “MB” are globally recognised abbreviations specified in the standard.

For compliantly heat treated wood, The Danish Plant Directorate would also accept markings or abbreviations such as “KD 56/30”, “Heat Treated 56o/30 min” etc, stating core temperature in oC and duration in minutes. The Plant Directorate cannot accept the sole marking “KD” without specification of temperature and time. Neither is it sufficient to state that the wood originates from a certain company known to deliver treated wood only.


The documentary requirements quoted in the present notice do not confer any novel import requirements or restrictions upon wood exported to Denmark. The requirements are solely concerned with the treatment documentation needed for the usage of any wood in constructing wood packaging material under the Danish certification scheme.

Further information

The Danish Plant Directorate’s website: includes a page on the Danish certification scheme for producers of wood packaging materials and an updated list of certified Danish companies

Enquiries may be directed to

Ms. Lis Stenstrup, ph. +45 45263822, e-mail , or

Mr. Ebbe Nordbo, ph. +45 45263891, e-mail

Notice version: 28.12.2004