Meeting Minutes –September 23, 2011

Members in Attendance:Daniel Barney,Christopher Rice, Carl Roe, and Brent Sailhamer.

Members Absent: Peter Ostrowski

Borough Officials in Attendance: Bruce Koziar, Planning/Zoning/Codes Manager and Michael T. Keiser, Public Works Director

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.

Items Reviewed by the Planning Commission:

  1. The Planning Commission considered a preliminary land development plan submitted by Alpha Consulting Engineers, Inc., on behalf of Downtown Construction Company LLC at 321 Cherry Street (R-3 High Density Residential Zoning District) subject to conditions.

Hubert Gilroy, Esquire, representing the applicant, stated that Carlisle Borough Council approved the rezoning of this property and that the applicant has worked with the neighbors and resolved many of their concerns.

Dave Weihbrecht of Alpha Consulting explained that the plan proposes to construct four, three-story buildings for a total of 65 units and a 3,200 square foot clubhouse. Two parking spaces will be provided for each unit. A six-foot, solid vinyl fence will be installed on three sides of the property to screen existing residential properties. Also, the stormwater from this property will be directed to the Penn Street side of the property so that all water will enter into the Borough’s existing stormsewer system.

Mr. Fred Seltzer of 515 W. North Street had the following concerns:

  • Contour of the land which will allow the water to drain to the east and south side of this property, providing for pour drainage on this property.

Mr. Weihbrecht stated that the contour of the land will be changed with the initial grading of this property. The stormwater will be directed to several on-site ponds and to the Lincoln Street side of this property so that it will enter into the Borough’s existing stormsewer system. Mr. Keiser stated that one unusual item proposed by the developer is that an underground storage tank will be installed to collect stormwater and then use it within the development’s irrigation system.

  • Only one access to this development.

Mr. Tucci of Cardinal Commercial Builders, Inc. stated that there will be two access points to this development. The main access will be located on Cherry Street. The second access point will be a gated entrance off of Lincoln Street. This access will be locked and access given to emergency vehicles, etc.

  • Number of parking spaces provided to the employees at the Hoffman building.

Mr. Gilroy said that the Hoffman building was not part of the plan submitted tonight, therefore they would not be addressing the parking plan for the Hoffman building.

  • Will the sidewalk and fencing along Cherry Street be removed?

Mr. Tucci said yes, this sidewalk will be removed. Mr. Keiser stated that there is no requirement of sidewalk along private driveways.

  • The proposed buildings do not blend in with the surrounding neighborhood. He feels they are too modern looking. He would rather see two-story buildings and also see building #1 relocated to the back corner of the property.

Mr. Gilroy stated that the plan and the proposed buildings comply with the Borough’s ordinances. The Planning Commission cannot dictate or specify the architectural design of the building.

Jennifer Garcia of 555 W. Penn Street first of all thanked the developer for working with her and the other residents to resolve their concerns. She asked if additional landscaping would be provided throughout the complex and if a lighting plan has been submitted.

Mr. Weihbrecht said that much more landscaping is planned, but only required landscaping is shown on the plan.

Mr. Gilroy stated that a lighting plan will be submitted to Borough staff and he will see that she gets a copy of it.

Neal Newell of 423 Lincoln Street expressed concern with tractor-trailer access and asked if consideration was ever given to open Cherry Street.

Mr. Keiser stated that approximately 18 years ago, he proposed the opening of this portion of Cherry Street and the residents filled the room in protest.

Conclusion: The Planning Commission, upon motion by Brent Sailhamerand second by Daniel Barney, voted to approve the preliminary land development plan subject to staff’s conditions. Christopher Rice rescued himself from voting.

  1. The Planning Commission reviewed information from the Cumberland County Planning Commission regarding the Borough’s Zoning Ordinance relative to the Industrial Zoning Districts.

The Planning Commission reviewed the hand out provided by the Cumberland County Planning Commission and agreed to table this item until new members of the Commission are on board next month. Meanwhile, Cumberland County Planning Commission will put together an information packet including what they recommend should be changed, consolidated or eliminated within the zoning districts.

There being no further items on the agenda, the Planning Commission adjourned at approximately 6:23 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Bruce Koziar

Planning/Zoning/Codes Manager