Employment Application Form

All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Please read the guidance notes before completing this application form

Post applied for (Job Title) :
Application for the Post at (location):
Where did you see this vacancy?
1.  Personal Details
Title / Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Other:
First name(s) / Last Name
Home Address and Post Code
Home phone number / Mobile phone number
E mail address
2.  Asylum and Immigration Act
Before you start working you MUST provide evidence to demonstrate your right to work in the UK.
Are you eligible to work in the UK? / Yes / No
Is this subject to having a work permit? / Yes / No
3.  For teaching staff only
Are you recognised by the DfE as a qualified teacher in this country? / Yes / No
DfE Number / Date when qualified
Have you successfully completed a period of induction as a qualified teacher in this country? / Yes / No
Note:- the DfE requires that applicants for teaching posts must have at least a Grade C in GCSE English and Maths, or have reached the equivalent standard if you were born on or after 1st September 1979 and want to teach primary pupils, you will also need at least a GCSE Grade C (or equivalent) in a science subject. Please state how you meet these criteria.
4.  Current or Most Recent Employment
Name of Employer
Post Code / Telephone Number
Position Held
Date Appointed / Notice Required
Reason for Leaving / Current Salary
Current or Most Recent Employment Continued
Please give a brief description of the main responsibilities/duties of the post
5.  Previous Employment
Start with your most recent job. You should include all paid employment, voluntary work, periods of unemployment and time spent out of employment for example undertaking care responsibilities. You may be asked to explain any gaps.
Name of employer/organisation and full address / Dates to and from / Job Title and brief description of responsibilities
Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary

We reserve the right to approach any of the previous employers listed in this section to confirm the details you have provided.

6.  Education and Qualifications
Please give details of your education and any qualifications obtained. You will be asked to provide evidence
Secondary School/College/University/Institute / Qualifications and Grades Achieved
Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary
7.  Supporting Statement
Please use the space below to demonstrate how you meet the requirements of the person specification, giving examples, where appropriate. Also include further information about yourself that you feel is relevant.
8.  References
Please supply the names and addresses of two referees; one should be your current or more recent employer and the other your previous employer (Someone who knows you in a professional or teaching/education context).
Please note that references will be required prior to interview for all academy based posts, teaching and support staff.
Referee 1 – Current/most recent Employer / Referee 2 – Previous Employer
Name: / Name:
Job Title: / Job Title:
Post Code
Telephone No:
Email Address:
Relationship / Address:
Post Code
Telephone No:
Email Address:
9.  Health
Please note that the successful candidate will be required to complete a medical questionnaire if based in an academy and may be asked to attend for medical examination.
10. Safeguarding
EMLC Academy Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare if its students and expects all employees and volunteers to share this commitment. Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service Checks will be carried out on all successful applicants based in out academies.
11. Declarations
Criminal Convictions
The amendment to the Exceptions Order 1975 (2013) provide that certain spent convictions and cautions are ‘protected’ and are not subject to disclosure to employers, and cannot be taken into account. Guidance and criteria on the filtering of these cautions and convictions can be found at the Disclosure and Barring website.
Applicants should note that providing false information to obtain employment is a criminal offence.
Failure to declare a conviction, caution, bind-over or pending prosecution, may disqualify you from appointment or result in summary dismissal.
Criminal Convictions continued
Any information given will be completely confidential
Please answer the following questions:
Have you previously used, or do you currently use, any other forename(s), surname(s) or aliases (including maiden name)? / Yes / No
If YES, state the other name(s) and dates used
Do you have any criminal records to declare? (This includes criminal convictions or police cautions spent or otherwise) / Yes / No
If YES when did this take place
Are there any current criminal proceedings against you? (this includes any cautions, bind-overs, police warnings or pending prosecutions) / Yes / No
Signed (see Note below)
If you answer yes please attach details, including dates and reference numbers.
Please note it is a condition of your employment that you inform the Academy if you are convicted of any criminal offence (including driving offences). Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action being taken including the termination of your employment.
12. Data Protection
I understand that the information contained in this form is personal data, which will be held on computer, and, if I am appointed, further information about me will be computerised for personnel administration purposes, including analysis for management purposes and statutory returns and that such data is subject to the Data Protections Act 1998.
13. Declaration (to be signed by all applicants)
I have read and understood the information contained in this application form. I declare that all the information provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that omissions or incorrect statements will disqualify me, or if appointed, I will be liable to be dismissed. The decision constitutes part of the terms of contract if I am appointed.
Signed (see Note below) / Date:
Print Name

Please Note: - If you email this form to us (i.e. you can’t sign it) then it is assumed that you declare the information on this form, and your answers to the section on the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, are true and accurate.

14. Your guide to completing the form
Please read these notes carefully as they have been written to help you make the best of your application.
The decision to short list you for an interview will be based solely on the information you provide on the application form. We will not make any assumptions about your experience, knowledge, skills and abilities to do the job.
Always complete your application form in black ink or type, and keep a photocopy of your completed application form before returning it to the Academy or EMLC Academy Trust. You may find it helpful to do a rough draft first.
The person specification describes the essential knowledge, experience / professional qualifications, which you will need in order to do the job as, described in the job description. You need to demonstrate that you have these skills and that you understand and are committed to equality and diversity.
Personal Details
Complete this section fully and clearly. All successful applicants will be required to produce documentary evidence of their eligibility to work in the UK. Verification of identity is required before confirmation of appointment.
Present or most recent employment
It is important to give full information, including the organisation or school you work in, or most recent employment if not currently working, full dates, addresses and other requested details.
Previous employment
Include here any relevant work experience, including part time or work undertaken on a voluntary basis in this section, starting with your most recent experience. Ensure you put in full details of dates, names and addresses and your job title. You will need to explain any gaps in your employment.
Education, Qualifications and Training
Ensure that you give all the information requested. Proof of qualification is required before the appointment is confirmed.
Personal Statement
This is an important part of the application form and is your opportunity to explain how you meet the person speciation for the post. You should demonstrate your skills, knowledge and experience and give short examples. Describe how you match the requirement of the job; include experience gained from previous jobs, community or voluntary work. Ensure that the information you give is well organised, relevant and brief. You may find it helpful to list each person specification requirement as a separate heading to explain how you meet that requirement. If you do not complete this section of the form, you will not be considered for short listing. CVs will not be accepted.
For all Academy based employees, your referees will be contacted prior to interview under the DCSF safeguarding children and safer recruitment. Your first referee should be your current or most recent employer. We reserve the right to approach any previous employer for a reference. If your last post did not include working with children, a reference will be sought from your most recent previous employer where you were working with children.
Disclosure of a criminal record
The amendment to the Exceptions Order 1975 (2013) provide that certain spent convictions and cautions are ‘protected’ and are not subject to disclosure to employers, and cannot be taken into account. Guidance and criteria on the filtering of these cautions and convictions can be found at the Disclosure and Barring website.
You will be subject to an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring check if you are successful. You must provide details of any conviction(s) or offence(s) as requested.
All disclosure information is kept securely and will only be seen by those who need to use it to carry out their duties. The disclosure forms are not kept on personal files.
Equal opportunities Monitoring Form:
All job applicants are expected to complete the monitoring details of the form to assist us in complying with statutory requirements.

EMLC Academy Trust Employment Application Form V3 Feb 14 Page 6 of 7