Demonstrates Competency in Mathematics

Grade 2

Learning Standards / Performance Indicators / Possible Evidence
1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
Number and Operations
Understands place value of numbers. / Represent numbers using a variety of models, diagrams, and number sentences (e.g., 473 represented as 400 + 70 + 3, and units, 47 tens + 3 or 450 + 23)
Understand the relative magnitudes of numbers using 10 as a unit and 100 as a unit or Represent 2-digit numbers with drawings of tens and ones and 3-digit numbers with drawings of hundreds, tens, and ones. / Represent numbers using a variety of models, diagrams, and number sentences (e.g., 473 represented as 400 + 70 + 3, and units, 47 tens + 3 or 450 + 23)
Understand the relative magnitudes of numbers using 10 as a unit and 100 as a unit or Represent 2-digit numbers with drawings of tens and ones and 3-digit numbers with drawings of hundreds, tens, and ones. / Represent numbers using a variety of models, diagrams, and number sentences (e.g., 4703 represented as 4,000 + 700 + 3, and units, 47 hundreds + 3, or 4,500 + 203).
Understand the relative magnitudes of numbers using 10 as a unit, 100 as a unit or 1000 as a unit. Represent 2-digit numbers with drawings of tens and ones and 3-digit numbers with drawings of hundreds, tens, and ones. / Represent numbers using a variety of models, diagrams, and number sentences (e.g., 4703 represented as 4,000 + 700 + 3, and units, 47 hundreds + 3, or 4,500 + 203).
Understand the relative magnitudes of numbers using 10 as a unit, 100 as a unit or 1000 as a unit. Represent 2-digit numbers with drawings of tens and ones and 3-digit numbers with drawings of hundreds, tens, and ones. / Games: Digit Game, Base-10 Exchange
Math Journals
*Math journal pages with red stars
Math Masters
*Unit Assessment
Ticket out the door
DOE Framework: Unit Organizer 2: High Roller, What’s My Number?
* DOE Framework: Unit 2 Organize Place Value, Money and Estimation – “Base Ten Pictures”
(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Understands place value of numbers (In SBRC Notebook)
Knows addition facts / Can complete 60 addition facts (0-18) in 7 minutes.
DNM 1-29
IP 30-59
M 60-90
E 91+ / Can complete 70 addition facts (0-18) in 7 minutes.
DNM 1-39
IP 40-69
M 70-90
E 91 + / Can complete 80 addition facts (0-18) in 7 minutes.
DNM 1-49
IP 50-79
M 80-90
E 91+ / Can complete 90 addition facts (0-18) in 7 minutes.
DNM 1-59
IP 60-89
M 90-95
E 96+ / *Time test (
-fact triangles/flash cards
-Addition top-it
-Beat the Calculator
*Math Facts in a Flash
Addition/subtraction Mini Quiz
Knows subtraction facts. / Can complete 60 subtraction facts (0-18) in 7 minutes.
DNM 1-29
IP 30-59
M 60-90
E 91+ / Can complete 70 subtraction facts (0-18) in 7 minutes.
DNM 1-39
IP 40-69
M 70-90
E 91 + / Can complete 80 subtraction facts (0-18) in 7 minutes.
DNM 1-49
IP 50-79
M 80-90
E 91+ / Can complete 90 subtraction facts (0-18) in 7 minutes.
DNM 1-59
IP 60-89
M 90-95
E 96+ / *Time test (
-fact triangles/flash cards
-Addition top-it
-Beat the Calculator
*Math Facts in a Flash
Fast Fact Test
Understands and demonstrates properties of addition. / Uses basic properties of addition (commutative, associative, and identity) to simplify problems
Can add 2 digit numbers without regrouping.
Uses mental math with benchmark numbers.
Students will understand the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction (fact families). / Uses basic properties of addition (commutative, associative, and identity) to simplify problems
Can add 2 digit numbers with regrouping.
Uses mental math with benchmark numbers.
Students will understand the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction (fact families).
Students can estimate to determine if answers are reasonable for addition. / Uses basic properties of addition (commutative, associative, and identity) to simplify problems
Can add 2 and 3 digit numbers with regrouping.
Uses mental math with benchmark numbers.
Students will understand the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction (fact families and add/subtract to check answers).
Students can estimate to determine if answers are reasonable for addition. / Uses basic properties of addition (commutative, associative, and identity) to simplify problems
Can add 2 and 3 digit numbers with regrouping.
Uses mental math with benchmark numbers.
Students will understand the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction (fact families and add/subtract to check answers).
Students can estimate to determine if answers are reasonable for addition. / *Unit Assessment
Math Boxes
Games: Addition Top-it, Addition Basketball, Addition Spin
Math Journals
*Math journal pages/items with red stars.
Math Masters
*DOE Framework: Unit Organizer 6: Sale Flyer Shopping
(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Understands and demonstrates properties of addition (In SBRC Notebook)
Understands and demonstrates properties of subtraction. / Can subtract two digit numbers without regrouping.
Uses mental math with benchmark numbers.
Students will understand the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction (fact families). / Can subtract two digit numbers with regrouping.
Uses mental math with benchmark numbers.
Students will understand the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction (fact families).
Students can estimate to determine if answers are reasonable for subtraction. / Can subtract multi-digit numbers with regrouping.
Uses mental math with benchmark numbers.
Students will understand the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction (fact families and add/subtract to check answers).
Students can estimate to determine if answers are reasonable for subtraction. / Can subtract multi-digit numbers with regrouping.
Uses mental math with benchmark numbers.
Students will understand the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction (fact families and add/subtract to check answers).
Students can estimate to determine if answers are reasonable for subtraction. / *Unit Assessment
Math Boxes
Math Journals
*Math journal pages/items with red stars.
Math Masters
Subtraction top-it
(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Understands and demonstrates properties of subtraction (In SBRC notebook)
Understands multiplication. / N/A / Students show knowledge of multiplication using arrays, repeated addition, and number stories. / Students show knowledge of multiplication using arrays, repeated addition, and number stories.
Students are able to manipulate a multiplication table. / Students show knowledge of multiplication using arrays, repeated addition, and number stories.
Students are able to manipulate a multiplication table.
Students will use repeated subtraction, equal sharing, and forming equal groups to divide large collections of objects and determine factors for multiplication. / *Unit Assessment
*Exemplars: Octupus Best of Math I
-Math boxes
-Math Journals
*Math journal pages/items with red stars.
(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Understands multiplication (In SBRC Notebook)
Understands and compares fractions. / N/A / N/A / Students can identify and create equal fractional parts including: halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, eighths, and tenths. / Students can identify and create equal fractional parts including: halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, eighths, and tenths. / *Unit Assessment
*DOE Mathematics Frameworks
Unit 5 Organizer: Parts of a Whole: Candy Bar Fractions
-Fraction cards
-Math boxes
-Math Journals
*Math journal pages/items with red stars.
(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Understands and compares fractions (In SBRC Notebook)
Represents problem-solving situations using mathematical expressions. / Students can build mathematical knowledge using problem solving skills.
Students can apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems.
Students can represent mathematics in multiple ways. / Students can identify number sentences using addition or subtraction.
Students can build mathematical knowledge using problem solving skills.
Students can apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems.
Students can represent mathematics in multiple ways. / Students can identify number sentences using addition or subtraction.
Students can build mathematical knowledge using problem solving skills.
Students can apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems.
Students can represent mathematics in multiple ways. / Students will represent and interpret quantities and relationships using mathematical expressions including equality and inequality signs (=, >, <).
Students can identify number sentences using addition, subtraction, or multiplication.
Students can build mathematical knowledge using problem solving skills.
Students can apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems.
Students can represent mathematics in multiple ways. / *Unit Assessment
*GA DOE Frameworks: Unit 6: Numeration with Computation “Counting Mice”
-Game-Sharing Equally Everyday Math Masters pg. 122
-Math boxes
-Math Journals
*Math journal pages/items with red stars.
(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Represents problem-solving situations using mathematical expressions (In SBRC Notebook)
Understands the value and exchange of money. / Count money using coins and bills using a variety of methods (coin and bill identification and addition word problems).
Students will use dollar and cent notation. / Count money using coins and bills using a variety of methods (coin and bill identification and addition word problems).
Students will use dollar and cent notation. / Use money as a medium of exchange. Count back change and use decimal notation and the dollar and cent symbols to represent a collection of coins and currency.
Students will use dollar and cent notation. / Use money as a medium of exchange. Count back change and use decimal notation and the dollar and cent symbols to represent a collection of coins and currency.
Students will use dollar and cent notation. / *Unit Assessment
*DOE Frameworks : Unit 2 Place value, Money and Estimation: “Change and More Change”
-Math boxes
-Math Journals
*Math journal pages/items with red stars.
(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Understands the value and exchange of money (In SBRC Notebook)
Estimates, measures, and compares units of length / N/A / N/A / Measures and estimates length to the nearest centimeter and inch.
Students will determine an appropriate tool and unit of measurement. / Measures and estimates length to the nearest centimeter and inch.
Students will determine an appropriate tool and unit of measurement. / *Unit Assessment
*DOE Frameworks: Unit 3 Length, Temperature, and Time: Giant Measurements

-Math boxes

-Math Journals
*Math journal pages/items with red stars.
(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Estimates, measures, and compares units of length (In SBRC Notebook)
Estimates, measures, and compares units of length / Students tell time to the nearest 5-minute interval.
Students will know minutes in an hour and hours in a day.
Students will understand the relationship of time within the hour. / Students tell time to the nearest 5-minute interval.
Students will know minutes in an hour and hours in a day.
Students will understand the relationship of time within the hour. / Students tell time to the nearest 5-minute interval.
Students will know minutes in an hour and hours in a day.
Students will understand the relationship of time within the hour.
Students will determine an appropriate tool and unit of measurement. / Students tell time to the nearest 5-minute interval.
Students will know minutes in an hour and hours in a day.
Students will understand the relationship of time within the hour.
Students will determine an appropriate tool and unit of measurement. / *Unit Assessment
*DOE Frameworks: Unit 3 My Perfect Day Outside
-Math boxes
-Math Journals
*Math journal pages/items with red stars.
-Measure Works unit 1 (pgs. T-1, T-6, T-7, and T-9)
(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Estimates, measures, and compares units of length (In SBRC Notebook)
Estimates and measures temperature. / N/A / N/A / Measures and estimates temperature.
Students will determine an appropriate tool and unit of measurement. / Measures and estimates temperature.
Students will determine an appropriate tool and unit of measurement. / *Unit Assessment
*DOE Frameworks: Unit 3 My Perfect Day Outside
-Math boxes
-Math Journals
*Math journal pages/items with red stars.
-Classroom thermometer chart (Everyday Math)
-Measure Works unit 1
(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Estimates and measures temperature (In SBRC Notebook)
Describes and classifies two-dimensional shapes / NA / Students will describe and classify plane figures (triangles, square, rectangle, trapezoid, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, and irregular polygonal shapes) according to the number of edges and vertices. Students will identify the types of angles. (right, acute, and obtuse) / Students will describe and classify plane figures (triangles, square, rectangle, trapezoid, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, and irregular polygonal shapes) according to the number of edges and vertices. Students will identify the sizes of angles. (right, acute, and obtuse) / Students will describe and classify plane figures (triangles, square, rectangle, trapezoid, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, and irregular polygonal shapes) according to the number of edges and vertices. Students will identify the sizes of angles. (right, acute, and obtuse) / Math Boxes
Math Journals
*Math journal pages/items with red stars.
Math Masters
*Unit Assessment
*DOE Mathematics Frameworks
Unit 4 Organizer: “Plane and Solid Figures” Crazy Polygons

Best of Math I

Task: Paleontologist
(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Describes and classifies two-dimensional shapes (In SBRC Notebooks)
Describes and classifies three-dimensional shapes / N/A / Students will describe and classify solid geometric figures
(prisms, cylinders, cones, and spheres) according to number of edges, and the number and shape of faces and angles. / Students will describe and classify solid geometric figures
(prisms, cylinders, cones, and spheres) according to number of edges, and the number and shape of faces and angles. / Students will describe and classify solid geometric figures
(prisms, cylinders, cones, and spheres) according to number of edges, and the number and shape of faces and angles. / Math Boxes
Math Journals
*Math journal pages/items with red stars.
Math Masters
*Unit Assessment
*DOE Mathematics Frameworks
Unit 4 Organizer: “Plane and Solid Figures”
Task: Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That

Best of Math I

Task: Geometry
(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Describes and classifies three-dimensional shapes (In SBRC Notebook)
Describes the change in attributes as two and three-dimensional shapes are cut and rearranged / N/A / Students will describe the change in attributes as two and three-dimensional shapes are cut and rearranged. / Students will describe the change in attributes as two and three-dimensional shapes are cut and rearranged. / Students will describe the change in attributes as two and three-dimensional shapes are cut and rearranged. / “ What’s my Attribute?” Math Masters 120 and 121
*Unit Assessment
*Math journal pages/items with red stars.
(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Describes the change in attributes as two and three-dimensional shapes are cut and rearranged (In SBRC Notebook)
Data Analysis
Creates simple tables and graphs and interpret their meaning. / N/A / N/A / Students will create simple tables and graphs (picture graphs, Venn diagrams, bar graphs) and interpret their meaning. / Students will create simple tables and graphs (picture graphs, Venn diagrams, bar graphs) and interpret their meaning. / *Unit Assessment
-Math boxes
-Math Journals
*Math journal pages/items with red stars.
* DOE Mathematics Frameworks
*Unit 1 Organizer: “Venn Diagrams, Charts and Graphs”

Task: Field trip to the zoo

*Unit 1 Organizer: “Venn Diagrams, Charts and Graphs”

Task: Our Favorite Color

(See DOE Frameworks for more tasks)

*Creates simple tables and graphs and interpret their meaning (In SBRC Notebook)