The Minutes of meeting held 4th April 2017 in the Rear meeting room, Farcet Village Hall

Cllrs C York, C Deards, Hyland, M Haggers, L Granger and the ClerkMrs. E Tajer

2 members of the public were present

2046/16- 17Receive and approve apologies

Cllrs Hudson, Y Nickson

2047/16- 17Receive Disclosable Pecuniary Interest declarations

None declared

2048/16- 17Approve the minutes of the meeting held on7th March 2017

It was proposed by Cllr York seconded by Cllr Deards and unanimously agreed that the minutes of the 7th March2017were a true and accurate record.

2049/16- 17Matters Arising from the minutes of the meeting of 7th March 2017

  • The Large hall work has now been completed. However, the agreed work for the whole floor to be sanded could not be completed as large places of concrete were found under the removed carpet. The Clerk met with Cllrs Deards, Nickson and Hudson to discuss the options as a decision had to be made that day regarding the floor. It was agreed that, although more expensive industrial laminate floor would be installed across the whole large hall floor. Cllrs York and Hyland were contacted via the telephone to gain their agreement also. Cllr York has contacted the floor supplier to ask whether a sealant can be added to the floor. It was agreed the correct decision was made.
  • The Clerk has made contact with the families of Thomas Northham and Thomas Fletcher. Both have indicated their support for the footpath to be named Thomas Way.
  • The Clerk accepted HDC quotation. They had already started the grass cutting for 2017/2018 prior to acceptance of the quotation, as they did not want the grass to get too long. The manager was on holiday, however, the Clerk was advised she can obtain a schedule on his return.
  • The external maintenance work to the chapel has been completed
  • Cllr Deards was the only Councillor to return the skills audit- the clerk will send a reminder email to Councillors
  • LHI Grant- the Parish Council were unsuccessful for its grant application
  • Letters had not been sent to Mayoral candidates as the names had not been realised
  • King’s Delph Highway- the Clerk spoke with highways officer (Sophie Parsons) who advised road would be inspected by the end of the week
  • Barclays has advised the signatories have been changed and the Clerk has started the process for Internet banking

2050/16- 17Public Participation

An inquiry was made regarding the petition about speed camera’s and the speed limit from Yaxley to Farcet.

Cllr York advised he had constructed a petition and was to distribute in Yaxley via the Yaxley partnership. He advised he would need help with distribution in Farcet.

2051/16- 17Matters for information and reports

  1. Police Report

Andrews Close- Attempted Burglary

Southoe Road- Number plate theft

The Clerk advised the Parish Coucnil need to set a date to invite the Crime Commissioner to the village. It was agreed to look at two dates:6th June 2017 to the annual meeting of the electorate or1st July 2017 to the Community Cafe

  1. Representatives on outside bodies
  1. Feedback from Social Media

2052/16- 17Village matters

  1. Yaxley to Farcet footpath- work has begun although second piece of land had not been purchased.
  1. Plan of priorities for the village

The Parish Council worked through the list assigning tasks to individuals to work through and report back at the next meeting.

  1. Parking issues in village

Cllr York and Deards completed a village Walk with PC Sykes

There is by-law in Farcet to stop parking on the verges, however if the parking is contravening the Highway Code enforcement action can be taken by the police.

PC Sykes advised they will be checking/inspected illegal parking in Farcet and issuing fins where necessary.

The Chairman advised the Parish council will be adding an article to the Newsletter regarding the issue.

The Chairman advised there were certain parking signs/double yellow lines that had faded. He also advised that the parking issue could be helped in Cross Street with the removal of one set of double yellow lines. The Clerk will contact Highways and ask for a meeting in the village to look at the signage and yellow lines.

  1. Approach from Hallam Land/ Persimmon homes regarding land for a community space. It was agreed to invite Hallam Land to a meeting for more information.

2053/16- 17Cemetery and allotments

  1. Use of chapel as a micro-museum

It was proposed by Cllr Deards seconded by Cllr Granger and agreed that the lease could be signed by the Parish Council outside of a Parish Council meeting with the Great Fen Trail once the amendments that Cllr Hudson suggested at the meeting in March 2017 had been applied.

2054/16- 17Playing fields

2055/16- 17Planning

  1. Approvals/Refusals/Appeals-none
  1. New Applications- none

2056/16- 17Finance

  1. Approve accounts for payment

929 / 4/4/17 / s/o / Clerk / Wages / £916.51
930 / 4/4/17 / s/o / Superannuation / Contribution employee and employer / £382.53
931 / Weekly / s/o / Mark Kinder / Village Warden / £52.50
932 / 4/4/17 / 102985 / Clerk / Expenses / £62.50
933 / 4/4/17 / 102986 / Sloan Ranger / Village Hall cleaning / £230.00
934 / 4/4/17 / 102987 / Mr R Harding / Cemetery maintenance / £1360.00
935 / 4/4/17 / 102988 / Cambs ACRE / Payroll service / £41.40
936 / 4/4/17 / 102989 / Mrs C Deards / Key cupboard / £8.49
937 / 4/4/17 / 102990 / Information commissioner / Data protection register / £35.00
938 / 4/4/17 / 102991 / TPM / Chapel maintenance (incl repair lead, check/replace loose tiles, re-pointing, new guttering) / £900.00
939 / 4/4/17 / 102992 / M&j commercial restorations / Flooring supplies (outstanding amount) / £220.52
940 / 4/4/17 / 102993 / viking / Emergency exit sign / £8.99
941 / 15/4/17 / DD / Hunts DC / Business rates / £124.00

The following payments were issues outside of the meeting:

927 / 13/3/17 / 102983 / 4SEASONS / Floor workmanship / £2300.00
928 / 17/1/17 / 102984 / M&j commercial restorations / Flloring supplies deposit / £1575.00

It was proposed by Cllr Deards seconded by CllrHaggersand unanimously agreed to approve the accounts for payment

  1. No Bank reconciliation as bank statements had not been received.

2057/16- 17Village Hall

  1. Terms and conditions update- Cllr Deards agreed to redraft and circulate.
  2. Side fire door- this door is being left open by users. Cllr York suggest the push bar is removed and a normal lock put back on the door. It was proposed by Cllr Granger and second by Cllr Haggers and agreed that this should be investigated.
  3. There has been no applicants for the position as VH caretaker. Cllr York advised Mark Haggers would be willing to have expenses paid at £25 to regular check the hall and let in users. This would be a village hall expense not the Parish Council.

It was proposed by Cllr Hyland and second by Cllr Deards that this would be accepted.

2058/16- 17Parish Council

  1. Skills audit- the Chairman asked that these are returned to the Clerk by the end of the week.


2059/16- 17Correspondence

  • Road Closure on Middle Street due to Anglian Water (5th-12th May 2017)
  • Tree strategy for Hunts DC
  • DHL have advised they will not sign voluntary agreement for HGV

2060/16- 17Matters as agenda items for future consideration

  • Review of cemetery regulations
  • End of Year accounts

2061/16- 17The meeting closed at 9:24pm. The Date of next meeting9th May 2017