EdPlan Online/Paper Test Creation Checklist (Campus)

Question and Resource Construction

Naming Convention– Assessment – Create Resource/item – Step 1: (2015_SNAP1_MAT_G6_PAP_7.3a_Q01) Include 0 for ease of use during QBA process. Important for finding questions from list. Resources may include distinct title words at end of name. Do not exceed 50 characters.

Verify Pasted Text– [STEP3]If you’re pasting text from MSword or from the web, EdPlan will warn you that pasted information may also contain source formatting. Choose paste as plain text. Large blocks of text for resources may still contain line-breaks in the pasted content. Verify text pasted into text editor, and remove extra spaces or page breaks (as needed – may see large gaps in previews, if not removed) Equations(see icon:) are created by equation editor window entry. Do not copy and pasted image of equation. See manual for operations.

☐Images Size– [STEP3/4] adjust images that look too big during the editing process, so they will not be cut off on printables, or be too large for online testing. (Paste image, select pasted object, right-click to see ‘image properties’ adjust width to 500px, close.) An image size of 500px may be large enough for question but too large for answers. Consider answer images to be 200px or smaller in width for answers.

Verify Sequence– [STEP4] Be sure that all multiple choice/griddable answers are entered correctly, and that correct answer is selected. (be sure to not copy letter answer choices into answer text (e.g. A. Dogs, rather simply enter Dogs.)

Rubrics/Griddables– [STEP4]See griddable guidance on formatting options. See rubric guidancefor open-ended question options. Please note that online rubrics must be entered by the teacher online. Paper rubrics must be entered on paper and scanned.

Verify TEKS– [STEP5– Standards*] ensure TEKSstandards are accurate and dual coded, if necessary. Use “New TEKS” option in EdPlan, not “TEKS”. Units* - find grade level and default subject to select. Not critical to reporting.

Preview Question– [BOTTOM BUTTON] Use Preview Question option to see preview online layout before finalizing assessment.

Finalize & Publish– Finalizewhen editing is complete, to make available for others to view/access (Current Status: change to finalize, press save “” icon) Publish: After finalizing, for others to view items/resources, you must publish (“” icon) to your campus content collection.

Test Creation

Test Naming Convention– [TEST INFORMATION - STEP1] Use the following format: 2015_HISD_SNAP1_MAT_HS [MAT, SCI, SST, ELA, USH, BIO]

☐Test Level– Campus exams should always be “campus” tests.

☐Description– This is a required field, enter at least one letter or period to satisfy requirement.

☐Course– Choose the intended course for test to be used.

Order and Point Distribution– Distribute and apply 100 points to all selected questions.

Create a Printable Version (PDF)–Use test name for printable version title. See Printable Version Sections guidefor options. Check for sections, instructions, footers, and 2-column answer options on printable. Use “Save” button to save options and title.

Finalize and Save– To access other features: preslug, release, preview, you must finalize and save test.

Post-Creation / Prior to Release

☐Generate “Answer Key”– From ‘Test Created’ step, compare answers and standards to the assessment and outline.

☐Compare Printable Version to “Order and Point Allocation” step– Compare question order of printable version to question order listed in previous step “Order and Point Allocation” to make sure no order changes occurred in printable version.Only change the question order from the “Order & Print Allocation” step, do not change the order of the questions in the printable version step.

☐Preview option– Preview the test as it would appear online to a student, make sure questions, answer choices, format, and details are correct and acceptable before advancing. (See preview icon at top of page)

☐Generate Preslug– From ‘Test Created’ section, create a preslug scan sheet.

Choose “Preslug Scan Sheets”

  1. Choose Printable Version drop down name
  2. Choose Form type 120
  3. Click Advanced Printing Options – click “Print Blank”, save/print PDF preslug scan sheet.

☐Finalize & Publish– Finalize to make available for others to view, when editing is done (Current Status: change to finalize, press save “” icon) Publish: After finalizing, for others to view items/resources, you must publish (“” icon) to your campuscontent collection.