CIS 1073Computer Programming & Higher Level Languages

Spring 2010 - Kyvernitis

Instructor:Sally Kyvernitis (pronounced Key-ver-NEE-tees)

Office: Room 350, Wachman Hall (Broad & Montgomery)

Office hours: Tue & Thur: 11:30am-1:00pm, Tue, ThurFri pm by appointment

Phone: 215-204-2030 (office), critical calls 610-564-6563 (cell)

E-mail:[email protected], or (if temple mail is down)

Web site: (grades posted here, click on teaching)

Lab Instructor: HAIDONG SHI

Cell (urgent calls only): 267-884-5179.
Office: Room 1000m, 10th floor in Wachman hall
Office hours: TBA (usually there).

Meeting Times/Places:

Lecture: Tuesday & Thursday, 8:00-9:20am, in Tuttleman Hall, room 305A

Lab: Friday 10:00-11:50am, Wachman Hall room 104 (no lab first week of class)

Course Description

Introduction to programming methods, software engineering, and object-oriented programming. Topics covered include the Java programming language, top-down design and object-oriented programming, the software development process, module documentation including preconditions and post-conditions, debugging, and testing programs. Data types covered include primitive data types, arrays, strings, and objects. Programming techniques include classes and methods, searching and sorting an array, and an introduction to file processing.

This is the first course in programming for majors in Information Science & Technology – regardless of whether they have programming background or not. Note: Students will not get credit for this course if they have previously taken CIS 1068 (0067). Mode: 3 hr. lecture, 2 hr. lab.

Course Objectives

This is an introductory course in programming using java as the language. At the completion of this course, you should know how to read, write, and debug basic programs using good programming style (e.g., modular documented programs using standard naming conventions).


  • Math 1021 (formerly C073) College Algebra with a grade of C or better OR placement into Math 1022 (C074) Pre-Calc.

If you are registered for this course, but do not meet the pre-requisite, please contact the instructor immediately. Students who have not completed the pre-requisites will not be awarded a grade for this course.

Textbooks and Resources

  1. Required Textbook:Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, Fifth edition, by Walter Savitch and Frank M. Carrano, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2009, ISBN numbers: ISBN-13: 978-0-13-607255-6, ISBN-10: 0-13-607255-6
  2. Additional/optional Texts/resources: any Java book, the internet (tip: use the keyword “java tutorial” for better search results).
  3. Course materials: posted in blackboard (course docs, assignments, & discussion board) which you access through
  4. Grades will be posted to the instructor’s website: click “grades” for the your course number and semester.


  • Instead of a midterm, unannounced quizzes will be given in lecture – usually about one quiz per week. Quizzes cannot be taken late and cannot be made up, but (since there are always issues and problems), the lowest 2 quizzes are dropped. Thesesmall, frequent quizzes ensure that students are attending class and absorbing the material.
  • If you miss lecture, check Blackboard “course documents” (to see the lecture notes) and ask your classmates for any additional information that may have been presented.


  • Attendance is REQUIRED. At the beginning of each lab, there will be a short quiz (which, like lecture quizzes, cannot be taken late and cannot be made up). Since every student will probably have some valid reason for missing or being late to one or two labs, your lowest 2 quiz grades are dropped. The subject of the lab quizzes will be something learned in the previous lab. The lab quizzesensure students do their own programming homework, review what they learned the previous lab, and attend labon time.
  • Lab instruction is provided during the lecture prior to the lab. This leaves more lab time to get a head start on the homework for the week. Lab sessions may start off with a short period of instruction, but mainly the labs are self-directed with help available to answer questions and solve problems. Don’t expect to be able to complete programming assignments in lab (although sometimes you might be able to). To get the most out of lab,make sure to have the previous lab completed, and make sure that you attend and understand what is being presented in lecture.
  • Lab assignments are due several days before the next lab. This allows for faster grading and feedback. Assignments submitted after the deadline and up to 1 week days late get a 20% penalty. Assignments are not accepted after that.
  • Please note that homework assignments are not heavily weighted. You must be able to do your own homework independently and you must be able to demonstrate what you learned by doing well in the lab quizzes (which are more heavily weighed).
  • The last 2 weeks of lab consist of a review and a “hands on” exam.

Attendance and Participation:

Attendance is expected. If you plan to be absent for legitimate professional activities, you must notify your instructor ahead of time via e-mail. Scheduling conflicts with your work, extra-curricular activities, or any other such activities is not a valid excuse.

Tests and Exams

Tests and exams are cumulative. Exams will generally be based on material covered in class, but not necessarily restricted to it. There will be no make-up exams.


Scheduled office hours and E-mailmay be used to communicate with the instructor. I encourage you to contact me ASAP and not wait till the last minute to resolve problems.

Academic Honesty and Ethics

Temple University, the school, the department and I expect you to observe the highest ethical standards. Simply put, we count on you to do the right thing. You are expected to always do your own work. When working in the lab, on your projects or team project you may consult, study as a group but always submit your own original work. All violations of academic honesty will be handled according to university policy.

Disability Disclosure

Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss the specific situation as soon as possible. Student must provide me with a note from the office of Disability Resources and Services at in 100 Ritter Annex, 215-204-1280, regarding their disability.


95-100 A
90-94 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B / 80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C- / 67-69 D+
63-66 D
60-62 D-
0-60 F

Tentative Grade Weights

how many / Drop Lowest / weight %
Lab Homework / 11 / 15%
Lab Quizzes / 11 / 2 / 25%
Lab Exam / 1 / 20%
Lecture Quizzes / 11 / 2 / 20%
Lecture Exam / 1 / 20%
TOTAL / 100%

In order to continue on to subsequent courses in the IS&T major, you must get at least a "C".

Tentative Schedule

Check Blackboard (Course Docs, Assignments) for updated materials dates.

Lecture / Lab
week / Tue. / Topic / Reading / Thur. / Fri. / Homeworks / Points
1 / 19-Jan / Intro / 1 / 21-Jan / no lab
2 / 26-Jan / numbers / 2.1 / 28-Jan / 29-Jan / 1 / I/O & numeric calcs
3 / 2-Feb / Exceptions, If / 9.1, 3.1-3.3 / 4-Feb / 5-Feb / 2 / If, exceptions (inputting numbers)
4 / 9-Feb / Methods / 5.1, 5.2 / 11-Feb / 12-Feb / 3 / methods
5 / 16-Feb / While Loops / 4.1, 4.2 / 18-Feb / 19-Feb / 4 / while loops
6 / 23-Feb / For Loops / 4.1, 4.2 / 25-Feb / 26-Feb / 5 / for loops
7 / 2-Mar / Strings / 2.2 - 2.4 / 4-Mar / 5-Mar / 6 / using Strings (submit “partially implemented” project)
9-Mar / --SPRING BREAK-- / 11-Mar / 12-Mar
8 / 16-Mar / Introduce Classes and objects / 5.2-5.3 / 18-Mar / 19-Mar / 7 / Putting it Together (completed project)
9 / 23-Mar / Classes / 6.1-6.4 / 25-Mar / 26-Mar / 8 / Classes
10 / 30-Mar / Arrays / 7.1, 7.2 / 1-Apr / 2-Apr / 9 / arrays: searching
11 / 6-Apr / Multi-dim. arrays, sorting / 7.3 - 7.5 / 8-Apr / 9-Apr / 10 / arrays: sorting &/or multi-dimensional
12 / 13-Apr / File I/O / 10.1-10.3 / 15-Apr / 16-Apr / 11 / File I/O
13 / 20-Apr / File I/O / 10.1-10.3 / 22-Apr / 23-Apr / 12 / lab review
14 / 27-Apr / Review / 29-Apr / 30-Apr / 13 / lab exam

Monday, May 10th, from 3:30-5:30 a common exam will be administered. Location: To Be Announced.

Spring 2010 Important Dates

Spring semester begins / Tuesday, January 19
Last day to drop a course / Monday, February 1
Spring recess begins / Monday, March 8
Classes resume / Monday, March 15
Last day to withdraw from courses / Monday, March 29
Classes end / Monday, May 3
Study days / Tuesday, May 4-Wednesday, May 5
Final examinations / Thursday, May 6-Wednesday, May 12