Custer County Commission Meeting (Wednesday, 9/13/17)
Members present:
Commissioners Travis Bies, Phil Lampert, Jesse Sorenson, Jim Lintz, Mark Hartmanand Attorney Tracy Kelley
- Commission Meeting was called to order at 8:00 AMfollowed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Adopting of the agenda
Motion and second to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Consent Agenda:
Motion made byLintz, seconded by Lampert to approve the minutes of the Aug. 23, 2017 commission meeting, the following vouchers andtravel requests. Motion carried, unanimous.
Travel requestsapproved:Phil Lampert, Jim Lintz & Jesse Sorenson to SDACO Convention in Rapid City, SD, cost of $525 total; Dawn McLaughlin, Teri Morgan, Terri Cornelison, and Gary Woodford to SDACO Convention in Rapid City, SD, cost of $284.00 each; DOE office to SDAAO School in Pierre, SD, cost of $2,715; Lt. McMillin to Crimes Against Children in Casper, WY, cost of $873
Vouchers approved as follows:
COMMISSIONERS: Southern Hills Publishing $309.99
COURT: Garland Lee Goff Law $1770.50, Beesley Law $5949.60, Justin O’Neill Law $1228.51
AUDITOR: SouthernHills Publishing $118.40; Quill $376.98; Golden West $173.23; Ricoh $1.80
TREASURER: Digital Dolphin $ 139.98; Golden West $173.23
IST: Golden West $69.29
STATE’S ATTORNEY:Lela Larson $37.80; Pheasantland Industries $154; Golden West $173.23; Ricoh $.12; RC Police Dept $219
COURTHOUSE BUILDING: Custer True Value $283.53; Servall $111.04; Golden West $34.65
DIRECTOR OF EQUALIZATION:Southern Hills Publishing $18.90; Arrowwood Resort $690.65; SDAACO $900; Networkfleet $29.34; Golden West $207.87; Ricoh $23.14
REGISTER OF DEEDS:Golden West $138.58
VETERANS SERVICES: Golden West $34.65; Best Western Ramkota $288; VFW Post #3442 $250
INFO TECHNOLOGY:Ricoh $128.23, Golden West $7453.71, Heartland Paper $560; Pitney Bowes $399
SHERIFF: Black Hills Energy $61.33, Network Fleet Inc. $264.06, Innovative Office Solutions $213.71, Southern Hills Publishing $20.50; First Western Insurance $50; Neve’s Uniforms $84.95; Pheasantland Industries $336.50; Quill $115.74; Secretary of State $30; Marty’s Towing $365; Golden West $350.46; Black Hills Towing $165; Ricoh $50.34; A to Z Shredding $10.71; Battle Mtn Humane Society $2400
PRISONER CARE:City of Rapid City $210; Western SD Juvenile Services $2850; Linda Nohr $75; Regional Home Plus Pharmacy $237.64
AIRPORT: Custer True Value $23.27; Golden West $198.37; MG Oil Co $4511.17; Mark & Shannon Stites $3000
FOOD PANTRY: Custer Storehouse $875
MENTALLY ILL: Beesley Law $1201.35
LIBRARY: Mt Rushmore Telephone $112.42; Golden West $281.06
CULTURE/RECREATION: Custer True Value $23.98
EXTENSION: Quill $89.35; Golden West $220.07; Ricoh $5.86; Discovery Benefits $13.89
CONSERVATION: Quill $37.20
WEED & PEST: Bob McClaren $193.39; Michael Pease $72.38; Dave Reyelts $402.32; Nancy Gausman $30.90; Busskohl Ranch $780; Darrell Svalstad $14.98; Kevin Sullivan $12.65; Benita Trump $58.49; Earl Brunson $780; Jack Dye $1000; Golden West $48.65
PLANNING: French Creek Loggers/NAPA $22.98; Quill $177.89; Golden West $138.58; Discovery Benefits $13.89
COUNTY ROAD & BRIDGE: Custer True Value $66.33;CBH Cooperative $12791; Great Western Tire $1912.80;Matco Tools $255.90;Black Hills Energy $68.63; Butler Machinery $12.10; Godfrey Brake $112.50; Keiffer Sanitation $147.45; Servall $197.98; West River International 1073.49; Z&S Dust Control $8999.28; Newman Traffic Signs $632.17;Ranch Hand Fencing $1623.30; Fastenal $160.39; Lynn’s Dakotamart $15.96; Mt Rushmore Telephone $114.52; S&B Motor $893.75; SD Dept of Transportation $10851.68; Sturdevant’s/PRONTO $9.61; Town of Buffalo Gap $54; Snap On Tools $339.50; Rockmount Research $ 483.30; Dakota Radiator $890; Golden West $268.94; Ricoh $7.37; Forward Distributing $47.05; PowerPlan $27.15; Whisler Bearing $230.44; French Creek Loggers/NAPA $571.81
FIRE PROTECTION: Argyle $12,679; Buffalo Gap $5,000; Dewey $2,500; Folsom $5,750; Highlands $5,750; Pringle $8,000
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Rushmore Communications $921.70; Networkfleet $29.34; Golden West $103.94
BUILDING:Custer Do It Best $15.41; Custer City $1380.72; Mayer Plumbing $70.80; Sander Sanitation $327.68; Couch’s Waterproofing $19,654.38; A to Z Shredding $22.27
24/7: Redwood Toxicology Labs $152.13; Dash Medical Gloves $60.90
EMERGENCY LINE:Golden West $1375.87; Ricoh $8.41; Discovery Benefits $13.88; RT Communications $23.77
TREASURER’S TRUST: Argyle Fire $1,926.45; Buffalo Gap Fire $899.01; Custer Volunteer Fire $18,999.88; Dewey Fire $163.16; Folsom Fire $605.91; Fairburn Fire $1,924.64; Hermosa Fire $5,339.17; Highlands Fire $1,000.23; Hayward Fire $1,058.13; Hot Springs Fire $456.17; Pringle Fire $1,173.75
- There were no conflicts of interest declared.
- Fire Advisory Board
1. Motion by Hartman, seconded by Lintz to approve the transfer of a title to a 1992 Seagrave truck (VIN# 1F9EE28T2NC2089) from the Pringle Fire Department to the Fairburn Fire Department. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Highway Department
- Woodford sought approval to pay out a fee previously set by an easement agreement in the amount of $500.The auditor was directed to make that payment. It was agreed that a motion was not needed as the fee had been approved with the approval of the easement agreement.
- Cliff Reuer from SD Local Transportation Assistance Program presented to the commission regarding the placement of the 4-way stop signs in Buffalo Gap. He recommended, based on the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and traffic volumes on file, that the 4-way stop be changed to a 2-way stop with signs installed on the 2nd Street legs of the intersection. He noted that stop signs should not be used for speed control. He suggested posting more speed limit signs to help control the speed through the town. Consensus from the commission was to leave the 4-way stop signs in place based on the many requests received from residents of Buffalo Gap.
- Woodford updated the commission concerning the 404 permit for Beaver Creek and advised that a request had been made and granted for an extension under that permit.
- The commission acknowledged the resignation of Matthew Lawson from the Highway Department.
- Sheriff
- The commission opened bids for the surplus sheriff’s vehicles. One bid received for the 2014 Silver Ford Explorer Police Utility for $19,000.00.Motion by Sorenson, seconded by Hartman to accept that bid from Winner Police Department. Motion carried, unanimous. A further decision will be made concerning the remaining vehicles.
- Mechaly gave the commission an overview on the new GPS units installed on all the law enforcement vehicles as well as the emergency management and equalization vehicles.
- Airport
1.Motion by Hartman, seconded by Lampert to authorize the construction of a helicopter parking pad at a cost of $21,438.20. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Human Resources
1.Commission acknowledged the resignation of Patricia Parsons from the Health Nurse office.
- Library
1. Motion by Lampert, seconded by Lintz to approve the surplus of an IBM Personal Wheelwriter (typewriter) to the landfill. Motion carried, unanimous.
- Executive Session
1.Motion by Hartman, seconded by Lampertto go into Executive Session for discussion of the Director of Equalization position in accordance with SDCL 1-25-2(1). Motion carried, unanimous. Executive Session started at 9AM and ended at 9:45 AM.
2.Motion by Lampert, seconded by Hartman for an approval of a first Indigent Application.
3.Motion by Lampert, seconded by Hartman to deny a second Indigent Application.
- Commission
- Mail call – Received a letter from BHSU regarding the World Tourism event being held September 27, 2017.
- Upcoming meetings: South Dakota Counties Convention Sept. 18-19 at the Rapid City Civic Center; Landfill meeting Sept. 19; Housing meeting Sept. 19, Conservation meeting Sept. 22.
- Public Hearing
1.The commission reviewed the budget requests from each department. The commission will meet again on Sept. 21 to review the budgets again, after each department has reviewed their budget for accuracy.
- Adjourn
Motion by Lampertand seconded by Lintzto adjourn the meeting at11:10 AM. The next meeting will be at 11a.m. Sept. 21, 2017, in the Commissioners’ Room in the Custer County Courthouse.
Travis Bies, Chairman
Terri Cornelison, Custer County Auditor
Published once at the total approximate cost of ______.