To: Grey Nuns Hospital Site Management & Site Leaders
From: – Program Manager
Unit Manager Unit
GN Infection Control Practitioners
Re: Influenza A Outbreak on Unit XX
Over the last several weeks there have been an increased number of cases of hospital acquired Influenza A. After consultation with Dr. L. Boychuk, Medical Director of Infection Prevention & Control (IP&C) an outbreak situation has been declared by IP&C on
This means that as of , Unitis closed to admissions and transfers.
It is of the utmost importance that every measure is taken to prevent spread and acquisition of Influenza A. Influenza A is spread through the transfer of the microorganism via the hands of Healthcare workers and or contaminated equipment, devices and environment, and or droplet transmission by coughing or sneezing.
As a standard hospital precaution to limit the spread of Influenza A we have:
- Placed all symptomatic patients on contact / droplet precautions.
- Restricted visitation for all patients. Visitors to wear gown, gloves, mask and eye protection that are provided at the entrance of the patient’s room.
- Placed signage at entrance to the unit notifying staff and visitors of the current situation.
- Asked that all physicians, staff, patients and visitors adhere to strict hand hygiene (as outlined below).
- Restricted the use of the patient kitchen to staff only.
- Increased Environmental Services cleaning, all discharges to be terminally cleaned
- Dedicated patient care equipment to each patient in order to limit the use of shared items. Any items that cannot be patient-specific must be cleaned thoroughly with a hospital approved disinfectant.
- A healthcare aide has been put in place to assist with additional cleaning of equipment on the unit.
- Suspended Volunteer Services visits to the unit.
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with the Unit Manager at or any of the Infection Control Practitioners.