Illegal Immigration and the Church – Big Problems #2
) Introduction
A) Idea behind the series is that the Bible has the answer for everything.
1) We look at ordinary life questions and confirm if the Bible does have the answer.
B) This is a topic that I have been wanting to do for a few awhile.
1) I had planned on doing it before I left a month ago.
2) I am glad I did not because I was exposed to a great class on the topic at PTP.
(a) Moises Pinedo
· E-book at Apologetics Press - “Illegal immigration and Hispanics ministries in the United States”
· PTP Class in Spanish
(b) I am going to incorporate what Moises from these two sources into my lesson.
3) As Moises said in his class and his book, this lesson also is not a how to for a government response on Illegal Immigration
(a) It is a governments right to determine what should be done
· Rom. 13:1
4) Concern in this lesson is the Church in two areas:
(a) What should our action be in regard to illegal immigration
(b) The impact of illegal immigration on the Church
C) Definition of Terms
1) Alien, Immigrant – Someone who is in a country different from where they have citizenship.
2) Immigration – Moving to live in a new country.
3) Illegal Immigration – Moving to live in a new country when you are not legally allowed there.
4) Illegal Alien/Immigrant – One who has moved into a new country without authorization.
D) Ways in which an Alien becomes an Illegal Immigrant
1) Entering a country without appropriate authorization
2) Remaining in a country without appropriate authorization
(a) Ex. Expired visa.
· Total Immigration of all countries ran 11.6 million in 2008.
E) History of Immigration in America
1) America has received more immigrants that any other nation in History.
2) From its inception, people have come for a variety of reasons.
(a) Adventure
(b) Religious freedom
(c) Escaping persecution
(d) Promises of Riches
(e) The Bottom line is there was hope for something better.
3) In the 19th century, laws were initiated to restrict immigration.
(a) America still has an open invitation to all mankind to immigrate to it.
· However, they must meet the requirements for entrance to be legal citizens.
¾ Not meeting the authority of these requirements is a crime.
¾ Falsification of the authority to enter is also a crime.
(b) In 2008, it was reported that 11.3 Million illegal immigrants were in the USA.
) Let’s Pause and Look at the Kingdom of God for a Moment.
A) As with America, The Kingdom of God is open to all mankind. It is a destination for Hope.
1) Is. 2:1-3 – Prophecies the time.
2) Acts 9:13-15 – We see the Work for which Paul was called.
3) Acts 10 – Peter is called to the Gentile Cornelius’ house.
(a) Vs. 28-35
(b) Vs. 44-48 - They receive the Holy Spirit
(c) Acts 11:15-18 – Peter testifies kingdom is open to all.
4) Rom. 1:16 – Paul affirms the kingdom is for all.
5) Col. 1:13 – The language is even more clear.
B) As with America, Entrance into the kingdom has requirements.
1) Rom. 10:17 – Hear
2) Heb. 11:6 – Believe
3) Acts 17:30 – Repent
4) Rom. 10:9-10 - Confess
5) Mark. 16:16 - Baptism
6) 2 Thess. 1:6-10 – Continued Obedience to His Laws.
C) As with America not meeting the requirements is a crime - James 4:17
D) As with America falsification of Authority to enter is also a crime. - Gal. 1:8
) There are Arguments in Favor of Illegal Immigration in the USA
A) The Law is not enforced
B) It is Not Possible to Control Illegal Immigration
C) Illegal Immigrants also pay taxes.
D) Many immigrate illegally to find security and refuge
1) These items are all based on situations.
(a) Their validity has to be determined by the government though. They are the authority.
(b) Indeed, Government has the authority to determine situational ethics.
(c) This is why special laws are applied for refuges as well as temporary and permanent visas.
2) Not only are illegal immigrants breaking legal citizenship requirements
(a) If they drive they are breaking legal documentation laws.
(b) If they work, they are breaking employment laws.
) Situational do not change the ethics for individuals. Only Authority Can Establish Proper Action.
A) It does not matter from where you have come.
1) Bolivia, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Japan, etc. there is no excuse.
2) Ex. Would you allow strangers in your home without invite? Would you approve of it?
(a) It doesn’t matter what the stranger thinks, you have the authority.
B) Outside of Romans 13, there are many passages in regard to Government Authority.
1) Mat. 22:15-21
2) John 19:10-11
3) Acts 25:11
4) Titus 3:1, I peter 2:13-17
5) Philemon 14 – Philemon was the chief of his house… his authority was needed.
C) These passages leave the Illegal Immigrant only one choice: Repentance.
1) Mat. 3:2, Acts 2:38, 17:30, 20:21, 26:20
2) Speaking of the Kingdom of God, the salvation of Illegal Immigrants is in danger.
(a) They must repent.
(b) God’s Border control is perfect.
(c) If you don’t meet the requirements, you don’t get in.
(d) You will be deported.
) Illegal Immigrants are not the only ones in danger from their actions.
A) They Jeopardize nearly everyone they come in contact with.
1) Ministers jeopardize their souls if they do not share the truth about immigration.
2) Congregations jeopardize their souls and may be found guilty of aiding a criminal.
(a) Additionally, their example to the community in regard to obeying God’s laws
3) Family units are put in jeopardy of separation if a parent is deported.
(a) This endangers children and spouses.
4) The truth is illegal immigrants put workplaces and friends in jeopardy as well, all because they chose ignore authority.
) Christians who act without Authority put others in danger as well.
A) If you act without authority, you are a blind guide to others.
1) This applies to all aspects of our lives.
2) A Christian acting without authority is a stumbling block.
(a) You are trying to walk on holy ground, to which you have no claim.
(b) This is why we preach Biblical Authority, encourage study, and talk on tough subjects.
· We want Christians to act with authority so they can claim a citizenship in heaven.
) What is the Solution to the Illegal Immigration Problem?
1) Information – Teaching needs to be done to Immigrant communities about legal Citizenship.
(a) Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
(b) Moises – “Some time ago, the leadership of a congregation in Nevada decided to publicly address the problem of illegal immigration from the perspective of Christians’ responsibility to civil laws. After that lesson, the congregation lost half of its Hispanic membership.”
2) Location – A Clear understanding of what citizenship should be desired must be conveyed.
(a) Philippians 3:20 - “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ”
(b) Peter 2:11 – Beloved I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts, which wage war against the soul.
1) Commitment – Christians need to reach out to illegal immigrants inside and outside of the Church with the gospel.
(a) Mark 16:15 – And He said to them Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
II) Closing
A) The Bottom line to the Immigration Problem is We Must Follow God.
1) We must act with authority for our actions.
2) In the USA, immigrants are welcome, but only if they meet the requirements.
3) Heaven is no different.