Board Meeting – Social Club – Monday 15th July 2013 - 7.30

Minutes of 13th May & 13th June
New Build
New Build cont’d
Exisiting building
AOCB / W Sutherland, Patrick Murray, J Sutherland, J Barnes, E Grant, A Kruger, M MacAulay, J Melville, T Robinson, S Sutherland,
J Bishop, Pat Murray, Carol Mackay, Vicky Mackenzie
These were both accepted as read
13th May Proposed W Sutherland Seconded J Barnes
13th June Proposed P Murray Seconded E Grant
Internet router: to be repositioned as soon as practicable
Awards for All:Letters of congratulations from John ThursoMPand Rob Gibson MSP.
Banners: good idea and good value.
Lloyds Community Fund: application past first hurdle, thanks to Carol for recommendation.
Book Fair: congratulations over £500 raised for new community centre.
Trees at Meadows Park: in poor condition decision on their future with Highland Council.
HIS charge account: opened up to £500.
Bookers charge account: to be arranged
Open Mic session: TBA for autumn.
Deeds for Social Club to be returned to Mackenzie and Cormack -back Nigel Jones - make copies first
Membership – MMcAulay and A Kruger are now members and eligible to be directors.
Induction Pack – Had been issued to new directors at last meeting. Page 7 to be completed and circulated for signatures next meeting.
Dope sheet for audio system to be put in projector room.
Companies House Registration: details completed for registration
Amy Allen has re-considered her nomination as a director and will not be taking up the position
Accounts : report from Paddy ( see attached doc).
EDF electricity contract: Paddy will do comparison with last year.
Clydesdale account: now closed £400 transferred to Bank of Scotland account.
Donations: St Finnbarr’sdonated £370.00 to DADCA. Paddy believes that Festival Week and Youth Café also received donations, check this out
£90 was received from the DADCA table at Picaresque book fair to go to the new community centre fund. Thanks expressed to David Duguid.
Northern Times ads annual contract working well thanks to Mark Fraser who has it all readyon spreadsheet to hand over in October.
Festival Week need to let Mark know what to put in..
Cost p.a. is £1500pa.but board generally felt that DADCA should pay for all this as a parent organization and as a perk to sub-committees. Paddy proposedDADCA pay for 1 year and then review. Accepted
Update – No update yet , hope to complete soon.
Gaelic Policy review: no bilingual translation, will do signs and posters. Keep as printed except “where appropriate”. Replace review regularly with review annually. Remove “ as this is a new policy” and re-circulate
Data Protection Policy review: deferred until next meeting
Pre- decide which policies to review – Paddy will circulate before meetings.
Lottery Bid: Made a start, will pursue Stage 1 at earliest opportunity.
Sports hall now assured funding by HC £2.9m deliverable within 3 years. Seen as a vote of confidence in school’s future. Removes the need for “bolt on” sports facilities to be considered. Find out if Fitness suite is to be planned. Football club just need changing facility.
Group survey – to date 31 responses out of 70 received. To make one last push to get more responses.
Pre-planning application: Has been submitted and acknowledged by Bob Robertson. An informal chat with Bob could be helpful.
Letter of comfort received from Trustees of Meadows Park indicating willingness to sell some land for the building.
Loft ladder needed for coffee lounge attic from HIS about £180, current one unsafe.
Items are disappearing from kitchen, reminder to users.
Fridge needs to be cleared by users, caretaker to clean. Note to users to remove food.
Bar needs a tidy up before Festival week, possibly remove the bar to create more space. Sunday 21st at 4.00pm – 6.00pm.
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RDGC 400 year celebrations: Launched and looking to form community sub-committee with reps from local groups.
David Duguid would like to extend book fair by a month, to work around Festival Week bookings. Ladies night would not be able to use Struie room
18th birthday party using audio system on Friday 19t July. Pat to contact DJ to set up at 6.
Festival Week – 2 weeks away, meeting next week to finalise details. Different this year more areas involved. Programme gone for printing.
Flowers and Fairs – plants are now in. New liners to be ordered for end of season. TECs unable to help owing to cut backs. Thanks expressed to Geordie Gunn for stepping in.
Cinema – Set up staging up 2 hours before on 18th ie. 5.30pm. Judi projectioner.
Art and Craft Guild – Gallery 2014, meeting on 17th at 7.30 to look at feasibility of opening for 1 month
Youth Café – no report
Car Boot Sale: Update a sheet of requirements to include ALL details eg opening time, table reservations, concessions etc.
Notice up on doors open to public at 9.30 All to follow policy.
Next CBS 17th August, Terry IC, all who can to help.
Glebe field Lease: Highland Council now seeking sub-lessee, Community Council have approved DADCA, Focus Group content to let DADCA take this. Needs further discussion and legal advice from Nigel Jones. Talk to Phil Tomalinref the lease particulars .
Front door difficult to close, needs firm push and lock in opposite direction from expected.
Date of next meeting Monday 19th August / Action
PM, TR, Jill, Jerry
All who can
Pat M
Pat M
TR, Paddy,JM,EM
Jill, ML, JMS