Table A6. Cross-lagged Generalized Estimating Equations regression of boy’s problem behavior predicting parent’s maladaptive parenting (t+1)
Physical punishment / Low involvement / Poor communicationOR / 95% CI / B / 95% CI / B / 95% CI
Maladaptive Parenting (t)* / 5.91 / 4.74 / 7.38 / .5463 / .4914 / .6012 / .6858 / .6457 / .7259
Interpersonal callousness / 1.10 / 0.79 / 1.53 / .0281 / -.0095 / .0656 / .0306 / .0023 / .0590
CD / ODD / 1.22 / 0.86 / 1.74 / -.0075 / -.0469 / .0319 / .0170 / -.0134 / .0474
Hyperactivity/impulsivity / 1.22 / 0.94 / 1.58 / .0265 / -.0033 / .0563 / -.0023 / -.0248 / .0202
Boy age / 0.89 / 0.82 / 0.96 / -.0023 / -.0102 / .0056 / -.0001 / -.0063 / .0063
SES / 0.99 / 0.99 / 1.00 / -.0015 / -.0026 / -.0004 / -.0003 / -.0011 / .0005
Partner in home / 1.00 / 0.81 / 1.25 / -.0116 / -.0346 / .0114 / -.0166 / -.0342 / .0010
Weeks unemployed / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.01 / .0004 / -.0006 / .0014 / .0010 / .0003 / .0017
Kids in home / 0.96 / 0.88 / 1.04 / .0171 / .0070 / .0272 / .0027 / -.0048 / .0102
African-American / 1.87 / 1.49 / 2.34 / .0136 / -.0112 / .0384 / .0187 / .0016 / .0359
Intercept / 0.63 / 0.28 / 1.41 / .6516 / .5463 / .7569 / .4188 / .3324 / .5052
Number of observations / 2613 / 2619 / 2619
Number of subjects / 489 / 489 / 489
* When the outcome is physical punishment at time t+1, we control for physical punishment at time t and respectively in the models for low involvement and poor communication