August 29, 2017
The Braxton County Board of Education met on Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at the Braxton
County Board of Education Office. The following members were present:
Jill Cooper, President
Dave Hoover, Vice President
Shane Brown
Van Carr
Brad Shingler
A student expulsion hearing was held at 5:30. Van Carr moved and Brad Shingler seconded
to approve the expulsion of student #1718-1 for 365 days with the caveat that they receive
counseling through Community Care and with good attendance, academics and behavior in
AEP they could return to school second semester of 2017-18.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Jill Cooper called the regular board meeting to order at 6:15 p.m.
Josh Anderson led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Dave Hoover led a non-denominational prayer.
Jason Wayne, Jeb Craft and Ryan Shreve discussed a Fishing Team at BCHS. Leslie McElwain
and Mindy Dever signed in as delegations to discuss school issues.
The Board discussed land belonging to schools that could be sold and the money used
to build a new bus garage.
Brad Shingler moved and Shane Brown seconded to approve the consent agenda items
(approval of August 15, 2017 meeting minutes, payment of bills, budget transfers and
supplements, treasurer’s report, permission to attend Braxton County Schools from Clay County
Schools and request to be released from Braxton County Schools to Attend Calhoun County
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the following resignation
(retirement) of service personnel:
Patty Fussell – Head Start Social Service Aide effective September 1, 2017
Vote: 4-0. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the following employment/
reassignments for professional personnel:
1. Meredith Hoover – 1/2 Split Grade Teacher at Flatwoods Elementary effective August 30,
2. Beth Atkins – Interventionist – Effective August 30, 2017
3. Debora Carroll - Interventionist – Effective August 30, 2017
4. Ellen Lewis - Interventionist – Effective August 30, 2017
5. Patricia McPherson - Interventionist – Effective August 30, 2017
6. Kelsey Metz - Interventionist – Effective August 30, 2017
7. Minnie Coffman - Interventionist – Effective August 30, 2017
8. Esta Illene Lewis - Interventionist – Effective August 30, 2017
9. Jessica Crislip – Psychologist – Effective September 5, 2017
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Dave Hoover moved to convene into executive session under 6-9A-4 (2)(A) for personnel
matters. Shane Brown seconded the motion.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
The Board convened into executive session at 6:42 p.m.
Brad Shingler moved and Shane Brown seconded to reconvene into regular session.
Vote: Unanimous Motion carried.
The Board reconvened into regular session at 7:19 p.m. with no action taken.
Dave Hoover moved and Shane Brown seconded to approve the following employment/
reassignments for service personnel:
1. Connie Kreutzer – Kindergarten Supervisory/Instructional/Transportation Aide/ECCAT at
Flatwoods Elementary effective August 30, 2017
2. Robin James – Pre-K Supervisory/Instructional/Transportation Aide/ECCAT at
Flatwoods Elementary effective August 30, 2017
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the following contracts
between Principals and Supervising Aides for 2017-18 School Year:
1. Connie Kreutzer – Flatwoods Elementary
2. Phyllis Moore – Flatwoods Elementary
3. Michele Dean – Frametown Elementary
4. Casey Wood – Frametown Elementary
5. Vanessa Vaughan – Little Birch Elementary
6. Michelle Jackson – Little Birch Elementary
7. Victoria Allen – Sutton Elementary
8. Heather Dobbins – Sutton Elementary
9. Sheffie Jagielski – Sutton Elementary
10. Robin James – Sutton Elementary
11. Melissa Jones – Sutton Elementary
12. Angela Mitchell – Sutton Elementary
13. Linda Utt – Sutton Elementary
14. Jaclyn Whitney – Sutton Elementary
15. Monica Wolford – Sutton Elementary
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the extracurricular contracts
for coaches for 2017-18 School Year (List Attached).
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Dave Hoover moved and Van seconded to approve the following request for medical
leave of absence for service personnel:
Tammy Hinkle – Custodian – BCMS – Sporadic leave of absence until released by physician.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Shane Brown seconded to approve fundraisers for Burnsville
Elementary, Davis Elementary, Flatwoods Elementary, Sutton Elementary, BCMS and BCHS.
Vote: Unanimolus. Motion carried.
Shane Brown moved and Dave Hoover seconded the following anonymous donation of
$1100 for teachers at Davis Elementary to use for instructional materials.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
A presentation was made by Sam’s Club regarding memberships. Brad Shingler moved and
Shane Brown seconded to table the vote until next meeting.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
A discussion was held regarding non-reimbursable menu items at elementary schools. Brad
Shingler moved and Dave Hoover seconded to table but gave the Director discretion to
distribute snacks until next board meeting.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Shane Brown seconded to approve the school bus bid from
Bluebird for $94,693.00 for 2 buses.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Beth Anderson and Taylor Conrad gave a report on the Burnsville Public Library and thanked
the Board for their support.
Dave Hoover moved and Shane Brown seconded to approve an early graduation request.
Vote. Unanimous. Motion carried.
Superintendent Dilly announced that September is Braxton County Fire Fighter Appreciation
Brad Shingler moved and Shane Brown seconded to adjourn.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Braxton County Board of Education will be held on Tuesday,
September 12, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at 98 Carter Braxton Drive, Sutton.
Others in Attendance:
Janet Six Amy Crockett
Johnny Crockett Ernest Tingler
Michelle Shreve Chad Lancaster
Kristi Lancaster Mindy Dever
Ryan Shreve Jeb Craft
Kim Craft Taylor Conrad
Beth Anderson Josh Anderson
Samantha Kniceley Leslie McElwain
Jason Wayne Robin Smith
Patricia Fussell Tim Via
Jessica Pierson Flora Cox
Michelle Gorby Leatha Williams
President - Braxton County Board of Education
Secretary - Braxton County Board of Education
As required by federal laws and regulations, the Braxton County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability in employment or in its education programs and activities. Inquiries may be referred to Tim Via, Title IX Coordinator, Braxton County Board of Education, 98 Carter Braxton Drive, Sutton WV 26601, phone 304.765.7101; or the West Virginia Department of Education’s Director of the Office of Civil Rights.