Application for King’sCommunity Funding

Centre for Research Staff Development

Please refer to the information on the website when completing this form

Section 1. Applicant Information

Principle Investigator

First Name
Family Name
Field of Expertise
Work Phone
E-mail Address

To add additional Principal Investigators please click on the table and use the + sign on the bottom right

Other Applicants, King’s Employees

First Name
Family Name
Field of Expertise

To add additional Applicants please use the + sign on the bottom right

Other Applicants, External to King’s

First Name
Family Name
Field of Expertise

To add additional External Applicants please use the + sign on the bottom right

Section 2. Proposal

The judging panel will comprise of a range of non-experts so please target your application to be accessible to a non-specialist audience.

Aims of Proposed Activity

Please summarise the aims (100 word maximum)

Background of Proposed Activity

Please summarise the aims (200 word maximum)

Proposed Activity

Please describe your proposed activity(500 word maximum)

Expected Outcomes

Please describe your proposed outcomes(100 word maximum)

How will the project be carried out without impacting your research?

Please describe how you will do this(100 word maximum)

How will the project contribute to your professional development, e.g. through gaining new skills/experience and/or broadening your network?

Please describe how you will do this(100 word maximum)


Please itemise the costs and include a total. Maximum fund is £2000 but if there is more than one application that is considered eligible, the maximum funding to each project may be reduced. The minimum funding available is £500.





To add additional items please use the + sign on the bottom right

Agreement and Signature

By submitting this application, I agree to use this funding solely for the purpose described above, that my co-applicants and I agree to provide a description of my completed project to be posted on the website of the Centre of Research Staff Development and that my co-applicants and I will demonstrate, discuss, or describe this activity at a minimum of one activity organised by the Centre for Research Staff Development within 1 year of the award.

Name (printed)

Please email your completed application to with ‘King’s Community Funding’ in the subject line