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Mindfulness and Compassion in Psychotherapy

Hosted by the University of California San Diego Center for Integrative Medicine and Department of Psychiatry, and the San Diego Chapter of CAMFT

Part 2: Introduction to Self-Compassion

Date: Saturday,June 27th, 2015

Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: UCSD Center for Mindfulness, 5060 Shoreham Place, Suite 330, San Diego, CA 92122

Presented by Michelle Becker, MA LMFT, Director of Compassion Programs at the UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness, and Jacquelyn Schwartz, MA LMFT

In this presentation we will discover how self-compassion can make you a more effective therapist. We will explore what self-compassion is, the benefits and blocks to self-compassion. We will learn how to cultivate self-compassion through experiential exercises. We will look at how self-compassion can help us prevent burnout and how it can increase our efficacy as therapists. This presentation will further your understanding of the expanding body of scientific research in the area of self-compassion and its implications for creating positive outcomes in psychotherapy.

Learning Objectives:

1Articulate the three components of self-compassion.

2Articulate how self-compassion enhances psychotherapy.

3Integrate experiential exercises to cultivate an understanding and practice of self-compassion.

4Consider the value of establishing a regular personal self-compassion practice before explicitly teaching it to others.

5Understand key research supporting the clinical value of self-compassion.

UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Contact Hours: 3. If you are a psychologist and wish to receive APA CE credits there would be an additional fee of $25. Payment will be collected on the day of the event, payable by cash or check (payable to UC Regents). SD CAMFT will provide 3 CEUs for LCSWs and MFTs without any additional charge.

Early Bird Registration until June 1st, 2015:

  • Pre-licensed Members: $20
  • Pre-licensed Non-Members: $35
  • Licensed Members: $30
  • Licensed Non-Members: $45

Registration Rates after June 1st, 2015:

  • Pre-licensed Members: $35
  • Pre-licensed Non-Members: $50
  • Licensed Members: $45
  • Licensed Non-Members: $60

For more information and to register, please visit the SD CAMFT website at .Bottom of Form