INSTRUCTOR: Mr. O’Neill SEMESTER: Spring 2017

Credit 1

Course Title: Residential & Commercial Construction I

This syllabus has been provided so you are aware of necessary materials, classroom expectation, and policies that will concern you while you are a part of this class.

Course Description:

Residential & Commercial Construction Iis the second course in the Residential & Commercial Construction program of study intended to prepare students for careers in construction by developing an understanding of the different phases of a construction project from start to finish. Upon completion of this course, proficient students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skill in the earlier phases of building construction, including site layout, foundation systems, concrete, framing systems, and electrical systems. Students will be able to perform concrete work; frame walls, ceilings, and floors of a structure; and install proper wiring while safely employing tools and interpreting construction drawings to complete projects. Emphasis is placed on demonstrating proper measurement and application of mathematical concepts. Standards in this course also include principles of the construction industry and business and project management. Students will continue compiling artifacts for inclusion in their portfolios, which they will carry with them throughout the full sequence of courses in this program of study.

Course Objectives:


Demonstrate a safe and ethical work habit with concern for their safety and the safety of others.

Learn safe use of hand, portable, and stationary power tools.

Acquire an understanding of construction geometry and mathematics.

Acquire strong communications skills.

Acquire a construction materials and processes vocabulary.

Develop an understanding of design concept.

Become familiar with accepted construction safety practices.

Develop a working knowledge of construction procedures utilized in residential and commercial construction.

Adhere to the highest possible standards in conduct and productivity.

Develop critical thinking abilities using logic and reason.

Method of Instruction:

Lecture by Instructor

Demonstration by Instructor

Shop/Class Labs

Demonstration by students

Grading System:

This class uses the Points Grading System. That means EVERY assignment is worth a specific number of points. The value of the assignment will be determined by the length and importance of the assignment. In this system, EVERY assignment is important and should be completed with your best effort.

Grading Scale:





Below 70F

Behavioral Expectations:

  • Be on time and in the class room working on your bell ringer when the bell rings. This means you should be at your seat and not at my desk.
  • Be prepared for class; bring your binder, paper, and something to write with every day.
  • Be courteous and respectful (profanity and other forms of disrespect will not be tolerated).
  • Your cell phone should be put up during class or placed in the charging station. If I see your phone I will take it to the office. You are only allowed to use your phone when given permission.

** Your phone must be turned off when in my class or on the charging station.

  • Substitutes will be treated with the utmost respect; all classroom rules and policies apply when I am not here.

Academic Policies:

1)Write legibly, if I can’t read your work you will be asked to redo it.

2)Turn in assignments on time; late work will result in a deduction of 10 points for each day past due.

3)It is YOUR responsibility to do makeup work; when you are absent, the assignments you missed will be in the “While You Were Out Binder”.

4)If you miss a quiz or test, you must come in before 8:15 or after 3:15 to take it within 5 days of absence; failure to do so will result in a 0%. You must schedule your make up time with me before you show up to take your test.

***This syllabus should be returned to me with both signatures. The signature means you have read and understand the contents of this syllabus.


Student Name (print)Parent/Guardian Name (print)


Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature

The faculty and administration reserve the right to change the class schedule as deemed necessary to facilitate instruction.