Company Limited by Guarantee 5769356

Registered Charity 1115740

What is Advocacy in Barnet?

Advocacy in Barnetis an advocacy service for people who use community or health services in Barnet and is independent of all service providers in the borough.

Advocacy simply describes the support another person may give you to speak up for yourself and make changes in your life.

What does Advocacy in Barnet do?

Advocacy in Barnet aims to provide individual service users in Barnet with access to independent information, support and representation.

This may be provided in a one-to-one partnership with an advocate OR

It may be provided for a group of people with similar issues

People using community and health services often find it difficult to be heard within the system, or to access the precise services that they need.

What is 50+ Matters?

50+ Matters offer services for people who are 50 years and over livingin the London Borough of Barnet and surrounding boroughs, to give them access to health and community services.Advocates visit people in their own homes, people living in care homes, patients on wards and at day centres.

Advocacy is about listening, rights, representation and support.

We are looking for people over 30 years of age who, maybe through their own experience, have gained skills and experiences they can use to empower and support others.

We are looking for volunteers to commit 4 - 6 hours per week.


As an advocate volunteering for Advocacy in Barnet you will be part of a team of other volunteer advocates. You will be able to develop your skills through the varied work you will undertake with different individuals.

As part of the team you will be involved in making decisions about the work and the development of the project. You will be expected to attend regular support meetings.

As well as volunteering as an advocate there will be opportunities to get involved in other areas of our work, such as representing the project at meetings, the running of our office, and training other advocates.

The work will involve travel around the Borough of Barnet; however, we will try our best to allocate you to care homes and other settings closer to you. Advocacy in Barnet will cover any volunteering role related travel costs.

Advocates will undergo initial training and will have the opportunity to take part in further training and external courses, as relevant, where funding is available. The initial training is free for volunteers and will be provided by us.

Advocates must make a reliable yet flexible commitment. Most volunteering will be done during the day and will entail meetings with the individual (or individuals). It may also include meetings with other people involved in the situation, both professionals and family, and some telephone, letter writing and information research work and some element of befriending work.

For further information please contact

Annika Collins on 0208 201 3148



4 -5 The Concourse, GrahamePark, London NW9 5XB