BS 107 Conservation


Read ch 12 of EssentialEnvironment, do ?’s 1-10 pg 298. [10]

Read all ch. 13 & 14 of the EssentialEnvironmenttext.

Define: [1 @]

endothermic reactionexothermic reactionentropycatalystkinetic energy

potential energyrespirationpHsensible heat

law of conservation of mass

first law of thermodynamics

second law of thermodynamics

  1. Restate the four basic steps of converting biomass to ethanol. [8]
  2. List one other important biofuel. [2]

Define: [1 @]

active solarbiomassgeothermalnonrenewable energy

overburdenpassive solarrenewable energyreserves

resourcessecondary recoverydesertificationfissionable


fusionplutoniumuranium 235radioactive half-life

  1. Contrast surface mining with underground mining in terms of technique and environmental impact. [12]
  2. Contrast the fuel delivery & infrastructure of gasoline to hydrogen. Include an explanation of why we are a long way from having a hydrogen economy. [12]
  3. List the four grades of coal as it is formed and describe the characteristics of each. [16]
  4. Describe oil & natural gas formation and distribution in earth’s crust, and then explain how it is extracted. [25]
  5. Sketch the process of refining crude oil and the types & amounts of final products. [20]
  6. Describe the Greenhouse effect including a diagram [10], and listing 3 greenhouse gases [3], solar radiation, absorption and reflection. [3]
  7. List 8 different renewable energy sources(be sure to include the 8 subgroups of biomass) [16] and describe the process, potential (regional?), cost, limitations, and future use of each [16].
  8. Research and explain the function of an inverter in a solar or wind intertie system. [8]
  9. Why can wind be considered a form of solar energy? [4]
  10. Submit an outline of the Energy Conservation section pgs 213 & 214 including cogent values (numbers). [12]
  11. Diagram and label a simple fuel cell. [8]
  12. List the top 10 oil producing plants for biodiesel. [10]
  13. Calculate the annual cost of fueling your car at $3.00/ gallon, and $4.00/ gallon. You will need to estimate miles driven per week and divide by miles per gallon [30]
  14. Fully explain the differences between alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. [9]
  15. What are the major environmental problems associated with nuclear power? [20]
  16. What is the future potential of nuclear power? [15]
  17. Coal-burning electric power plants in the Midwest have contributed to acid rain in the eastern United States. Other energy sources would most likely be costlier than coal, thereby raising electricity rates. Should citizens of another state be able to pressure these utility companies to change the method of generating electricity? What mechanisms might be available to make these changes? How effective are these mechanisms? [30]