Goldman Sachs - Web Payment Entry Setup Form


Number Of People To Approve Each Third Party Payment or Journal of Cash / This is equivalent to the number of signatures needed to authorize payments and journals.
Number Of People To Approve Each Non-Third Party Payment or Journal of Cash / This is equivalent to the number of signatures needed to authorize payments and journals.
Valid values: 0, 1, 2 or 3
Name / Access Level / Please list the name(s) of the person(s) who will be using Web Payment Entry and the access level they should be granted.
Access Level:
(E) Entry only - Person can enter payments, receipts, journals and/or new instructions, but needs someone else to approve payments.
(A) Approve and Enter - Person can enter some or all types of transactions and can approve others, but still needs someone to approve their payments and journals.
(S) Supervisor - Enter, approve others and their payments and journals are self-approved.
NOTE: If the payments or journals need 2 or more approvers, those entered by a supervisor will still need one additional approval.
Authorisation by the duly authorised agent of the account owner (“Agent”)
We hereby confirm, in our capacity as Agent to each fund for which we may instruct money movements (cash payments and cash receipts) via the Web Payment Entry System in the future, that we have full authority and capacity to make such instructions on behalf of each such fund. Accordingly, the undersigned, a duly authorised signatory of the Agent, hereby authorises the above-designated users to instruct Goldman Sachs & Co. ("GSCO") and/or Goldman Sachs International (“GSI”), via the Web Payment Entry System (or other electronic means), to make money movements. The authority of each individual named herein shall remain in full force and effect until such time as GSCO or GSI receives written notice of the revocation of such authority. In connection with this authorization,the Agent hereby represents and warrants to GSCO and GSI on a continuing basis that: (i) all payments authorised hereunder will be for a proper purpose and for value; and (ii) the section of the Trading Authorisation (entitled Third Party Payments), or the sections of the New Account Application, as applicable, pertaining to the payment and delivery of cash, cheques or securities has been duly executed by each fund and that the terms of and representations contained therein are incorporated by reference herein.
Authorized Signature: ______