Second Biennal International Inclusive Education Symposium

In West and Central Africa 2015

Organised by the University of Buea in Collaboration with the Teacher Task Force, Paris

06-10 April 2015, Douala, Cameroon-Press release-

The University of Buea and the International Task Force on Teachers for EFA conducted a Transnational Study on Inclusive Education in Institutions in Africa (Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Nigeria and Togo) in 2012-2013. The results showed the strong need for empowering policy-makers, teacher educators and teachers to be prepared to address the learning needs of all. Knowledge sharing is another essential way of achieving this goal. To this end, the second biennal international inclusive education symposium will be organised in Buea from the 6th to 10th of April in 2015, on the theme of “Perspectives of inclusive education in West and Central Africa with a multidisciplinary focus” by the University of Buea in collaboration with the International Task Force. In the symposium, invited international experts will treat diverse perspectives necessitating practices that are oriented through different disciplines and ensure that the critical concerns related to equity, equality and quality to be well approached. The 5 sub themes, a) Country Cases, b) Administrative, Legal and Policy Issues, c) Knowledge, Theories and Practices, d) Teacher Education & Research and e) Intervention & Rehabilitation Strategies, though not exhaustive, open a new line of dialogue and debate on the management of inclusive education practices in the African continent in an era when school education has a vital role to address issues of human rights and social justice.

The symposium provides an opportunity not only to better understand the concepts and the practices of inclusion education but also to develop related national, regional and international partnerships. The findings will lead greater visibility in the demands for national and transnational researches and will impact policy-making and programme development and implementation. At the same time, it aims at empowering teachers with pedagogic skills for inclusive practices. Finally, a Policy brief on Inclusion and Equity in Teacher Policies and Practices will be developed and published. The symposium targets around 100 policy makers of education ministries, educational administrators, teachers, university professors, lecturers, researchers practising teachers and teacher educators.


University of Buea: Mrs Therese Tchombe ( )

International Task Force on Teachers for EFA: Ms Aminatou Diagne ( )