Australia’s 2030
Emissions Reduction Target

Strong, credible, responsible

The Australian Government will reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 26–28 per cent below 2005 levels by2030. Our target is a step up from Australia’s current target to reduce emissions to five per cent below 2000 levels by 2020.

Australia’s 2030 target is a strong, credible and responsible contribution to climate action. It builds on Australia’s impressive track record of addressing climate change and is consistent with strong growth in the economy and jobs.

Australia will meet its 2030 target through policies built on its proven Direct Action approach, which improve productivity, reduce costs and drive innovation—such as the Emissions Reduction Fund, its Safeguard Mechanism and other complementary policies.

Figure 1. Australia grows, emissions intensity and emissions per capita fall.

Australia has a strong track record on climate change

Australia outperformed its Kyoto Protocol first commitment period target (2008–2012) and isontrack to meet and beat its 2020 target.

Between 2000 and 2013 the economy grew by nearly 50 per cent and our population grew strongly, while greenhouse gas emissions fell by two per cent. Australia’s emissions percapita have declined by 19percent since 2000 and by 22 per cent since 2005. Emissions per unit of gross domestic product have fallen by 33 per cent since 2000 and by 28 per cent since 2005.

Meeting Australia’s 2030 target

Australia will meet our 2030 target through policies that provide positive incentives to reduce emissions. At the core of Australia’s climate change policies are the Emissions Reduction Fund and its Safeguard Mechanism.

The Emissions Reduction Fund supports Australian businesses, communities and landholders to undertake activities which reduce or avoid greenhouse gas emissions. To date the Emissions Reduction Fund has purchased 92.8 million tonnes in emissions reductions at an average price of $13.12 per tonne, including in projects which improve energy efficiency, capture methane from landfills and store carbon in forests and soils.

The Emissions Reduction Fund is complemented by the SafeguardMechanism which will ensure that emissions reductions purchased by the Government are not offset by significant rises in business-as-usual emissions elsewhere in the economy. The safeguard mechanism will start on 1 July 2016.

The Renewable Energy Target helps Australian households and businesses to install solar and other renewable energy technologies, transforming our electricity sector to cleaner and more diverse sources, and supporting growth and employment in the renewable energy sector.

The Renewable Energy Target allows sustainable growth in both small and large scale renewable technologies, delivering a doubling to more than 23 per cent of Australia’s electricity from renewable sources by 2020.

Through the Renewable Energy Target, the Government is continuing to support households wishing to install rooftop solar panels or solar hot water systems. So far more than 2.4 million household solar systems have been supported by the scheme—one of the highest percentage uptakes in the world.

The National Energy Productivity Plan, including a target to improve Australia’s energy productivity by 40 per cent between 2015 and 2030, will see improvements in how households and businesses use energy in their homes, offices, and industrial facilities. The Plan will include measures to make energy choices easier and will encourage improvements in the efficiency of appliances, equipment, buildings and transport, as well as wider innovation in energy services. The Plan will be progressed in collaboration with the states and territories through the Council of Australian Governments’ Energy Council.

The Government has announced a Ministerial forum to commence work on improving the fuel efficiency of Australia’s vehicle fleet. Work has commenced to investigate the implementation of Euro 6 standards, improved fuel quality standards and new measures to address the fuel efficiency of vehicles. In addition, the Government will examine further measures such as incentives and standards to encourage the purchase of more fuel efficient vehicles.

Australia has led the world in reducing ozone depleting substances under the Montreal Protocol. Australia is continuing to play a key role in achieving major progress towards the global phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), including through the development of a Dubai Roadmap for the phase down of HFCs, negotiated in November 2015. Internationally, Australia will work with other countries to reduce global use of these very potent greenhouse gases by 85 per cent by 2036. Domestically a review of Australia’s ozone and synthetic greenhouse gas legislation is underway, including options to fast track a domestic phase down of HFCs.

Australia’s international role

Climate change is a global issue. All countries must work together to address it.

The Australian Government is playing a constructive role in negotiations for a new global climate change agreement.

To have a meaningful global impact, all countries need to act to limit and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. This means the Paris Agreement must deliver full participation and commitments to take coordinated action by all countries.

In addition to its 2030 target, Australia is working with other countries, driving innovative and practical policy responses which will not only reduce emissions but significantly improve the environment.

Australia is working with countries in our region and beyond through practical initiatives such as rainforest recovery which plays a critical role in addressing climate change.

Countries in the region are making commitments to reduce deforestation by contributing Annexes to the Asia-Pacific Rainforest Recovery Plan.

Enhancing carbon levels in soils offers huge potential to improve the uptake of carbon emissions across the globe. Australia is a world leader in this area and will be sharing its expertise with other countries.

Similarly, Australia is actively involved with international efforts to progress negotiations to reduce hydrofluorocarbons under the Montreal Protocol.

Australia works with other countries to deliver innovative and practical policy responses to climate change. We help our partners, particularly in the Asia-Pacific, to reduce emissions and manage climate impacts, while building infrastructure, delivering economic growth and significantly improving the environment. We are a major contributor to international initiatives like the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI).

Australia has pledged $200 million over four years to the GCF. The GCF is a major multilateral fund that will support developing countries to grow their economies in a sustainable way and help them to adapt to climate change. The Fund will leverage private sector investment and support a range of emission reduction and adaptation projects with broader economic and environmental benefits. Australia will continue to use its Board seat to advocate for the interests of the Indo-Pacific region.

Australia is also supporting developing country governments design and implement green growth strategies through its $28.3 million contribution to theGGGI. The GGGI currently has 38 capacity building and advisory projects across 19countries, including Fiji, Vanuatu, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, China, India, Mexico and Cambodia.

Key data and facts

Data / Units / Number
Australia’s Emissions in 2005 / MtCO₂-e / 611
Australia’s Emissions Target in 2020 / MtCO₂-e / 532
Australia’s Emissions Target in 2030 / MtCO₂-e / 440–452
Australia’s Emissions Target 2020 / % / -5 per cent on 2000 levels by 2020
Australia’s Emissions Target 2030 / % / -26% to 28% on 2005 levels by 2030
Reduction in emissions per capita 2005–2030 / % / 50–52
Reduction in Emissions perunit of GDP2005–2030 / % / 64–65
Annual rate of reduction in emissions 2010–2020 / % / 0.9
Annual rate of reduction in emissions 2020–2030 / % / 1.7–1.9

© Commonwealth of Australia, 2015.

This fact sheet is licensed by Commonwealth of Australia under a CreativeCommons Attribution 4.0 Australia licence.

The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Australian Government or the Minister for the Environment.