Aug 8, 2013 Minutes
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Thursday, Aug. 8, 2013
State Capitol, Room 423
Members:Suzanne Mulcahy (Chair),Elynne Chung, Paul Daugherty, Linell Dilwith, Stan Hao, Roxane Martinez, Rachelle Matsumura, Cary Miyashiro,Sharlene Morimoto, Fred Murphy, Gail Nakaahiki, Mitchell Otani, Rick Paul,Kimberly Shinno, Bill Taylor
Staff:Brian Hallett, Gary Zane
Topic / Who / DiscussionOpening– 9:00a.m. / Suzanne Mulcahy / Chair Mulcahy thanked committee members for their service;especially since school has started, and reviewed the day’s agenda.
Approval of Minutes / Cary Miyashiro
2nd: Mitch Otani / Approved July 18, 2013 minutes with amendments.
Public Testimonies / Allen Awaya / Suggested the COW recommendto the Department to submit a “wish list” for additional positions - like a VP or additional FTE for every school. This request would be on top of the Department’s normal supplemental budget request. Also discussed the issue of funding adequacy for schools. Adequate funding for school will not occur until the Department can obtain a dedicated funding source.
Fred Murphy / Reviewed the WSF tentative allocation file and feels small schools are being subsidized by large schools. The per student funding ranged from $3,600 to $6,000, with high schools being funded the lowest. He understands economies of scale, but small schools in urban areas, close to other small schools, shouldbe combined. During the consolidation process, urban schools can be revitalized. Small isolated rural schools cannot be closed because of the Department’s obligation to educate those students. A criteria to close schools need to be established.
Suzanne Mulcahy / Informed the committee that no decision will be made about recommending school closures todayas this was not discussed in previous COW meetings.
Gail Nakaahiki / Inquired if spreadsheet passed out by Principal Murphy includes Superintendent’s reserve funding? Yes
Stan Hao / If Superintendent’s reserve was removed from the spreadsheet, it may level out per student funding. It shows that the Superintendent’s reserve fund is working to assist small schools.
Mitch Otani / Inquired if a column for Title I funding be added?
Fred Murphy / Cautioned committee that adding Title I may be considered supplanting.
Kimberly Shinno / Enchanted Lake area schools are 15 minute walking distance from each other. Small schools may have higher per pupil funding, but are unable to provide extra enrichment classes.
Break 10:00 - 10:06 a.m.
Suzanne Mulcahy / Requested members to review the draft COW’s recommendation to BOE memo for discussion and vote.
Committee Work – Voting on Recommendations to BOE / / WSF Reserve – Committee recommends that CAS filter out applications, and be remindedthat WSF Reserve is not a grant application. Committee approves WSF Reserve as modified.
Base Funding – Committee recommends no change to base funding.
Brian Hallett / Recommends Committee consider suggestion brought up in public testimony specific supplemental budget request to the Legislature to increase base funding.
Suzanne Mulcahy / Recommendincreasing base fundingconsistent with suggestion made in testimony, by including additional funds forone vice principal and one teacher type position for each school.
Fred Murphy / Suggest additional base funding should be on top of WSF appropriation and allocated like a categorical program
Linell Dilwith / If position types are not identified, the $135,000 increase to base funding the COW is recommending for a VP and data coach for every school will not be used as intended. Teachers will requestadditional funds be used for teacher positions to reduce class size, due to the open and democratic WSF process.
Vote toinclude base funding with Committee recommendations. Unanimous Yea
Vote to approve school site capacity to support implementation in WSF – Unanimous Yea
Lunch Break 12:15 p.m. to 12:55 p.m.
Vote to clarify that there is no set % of WSF funds to be spent by principal (75% myth) – Unanimous Yea
Committee vote to accept Common Core, Actual vs. Average Salary, and Gifted and Talented recommendation to BOE. Unanimous Yea
Member Kim Shinno excused 2:05 p.m.
Committee inquired why isn’t SPED and Article VI allocations released same time as general funded programs?
Amy Kunz / Federal funds are controlled by program managers and AS, not OFS
Stan Hao / SPED has accurate data, yet allocations are released late.
Paul Daugherty / Stated that DOE management is adamantly against a methodology and time line for SPED allocation.
/ Vote to acceptSPED recommendation with amendments. Unanimous Yea
Vote to accept Data Integrity recommendation. Unanimous Yea
Suzanne Mulcahy / COW approves all recommendation to BOE. Recommendation will be presented to the BOE FIC meeting in August. Thanked committee for their service.
Commencement 2:49 p.m.