Macquarie Park RTO 90222

Competency Assessment Task
Course Name / Retail Services
Cluster / G
Cluster Name / Balance the Books
Qualification Code / SIR20212
Qualification Name / Certificate II in Retail Services
Units of Competency / SIRXCCS201 / Apply Point-Of-Sale Handling Procedures
·  Operate point of sale equipment
·  Ensure accuracy of transactions
·  Perform point-of-sale transactions
·  Complete sales
·  Wrap and pack up goods
SIRXFIN002A / Perform retail finance duties
·  Process petty cash transactions
·  Prepare banking documents
·  Process non-cash transactions
·  Reconcile invoices for payment to creditors
·  Prepare invoices for debtors
Student Name
Date of Issue
Due Date(s)
Assessor Name
Pre-requisite units / Not Applicable
Foundation Skills / þ Literacy / þ Numeracy
Employability Skills / þ Teamwork / þ Learning
þ Planning and organising / þ Self-management
þ Technology / þ Initiative and enterprise
þ Problem Solving / þ Communication
þ Cross Cultural Understanding
Assessment method
Part A: Case Study
Part B: Performing Calculations
Part C: Applying Non-cash POST
Part D: Performing Retail Finance Duties
Student Name
Date of Issue
Due Date
Students must complete knowledge and skills development activities which prepare for and may contribute to assessment of competence.
¨  I understand the requirements of the assessment task and assessment methods.
¨  I understand what is being assessed and can perform the tasks described in this assessment.
¨  I have been provided with information about RPL, Credit Transfer and Assessment Appeals.
¨  I have notified the assessor of any special needs to be considered during this assessment.
¨  I declare that the work submitted is my own and has not been copied from another person or source.
Student signature / Date
Additional requirements for students with special needs and /or EALD for the completion of this task.
¨  Providing Support staff ______
¨  Providing tutorial sessions ______
¨  Altering assessment methods ______
¨  Simplifying and rephrasing language ______
¨  Provide additional time to complete the task ______
¨  Further Assistance provided: ______
Task Outline
As you complete this assessment task you will be demonstrating your skills and knowledge to your assessor. The assessor may also observe your practical skills and techniques and ask you questions. Ensure in your work practices that you work safely and efficiently, check that equipment is ready for use and work with others to improve work practices.
PART A: Case Study
Case Study
Abraham Jafar Junior works at the point-of-sale register at the local convenience store. He is a part-time worker and has just begun his shift at 8.00am. He always makes sure he arrives before 8.00am so that he has time to check the $250 float, make sure he has enough forms for ordering cash or removing cash from the register and is ready to open his terminal on time. All sales assistants must use a code to log in. Abraham’s code is AJj#303. People who start the morning shift must ask the supervisor to unlock the register.
a)  Complete the table below list 3 types of equipment that Abraham might use below at the POST. Explain the use for each one.
Equipment / What it is used for
b)  Describe what Abraham must do to open his register and ensure there are no delays for customers at his register.
Case Study Continued
It is very busy during the morning. The register # 863 quickly fills up. When he has a spare moment he takes the notes, folds them up in their denominations and puts an elastic band around them. He then puts the coins in the bags provided, making sure he separates them into their individual bags, totalling $640. He remembers to leave the $250 float. He signals to his supervisor to take the money.
c)  Explain why Abraham needs to remove some of the money from his register.
d)  Explain why Abraham has to bundle the notes and put the coins into individual bags.
e)  List two security measures Abraham should follow when removing the money from the register.
Case Study Continued
At 2pm on the 31st February 2015 Abraham finds he is running low on $2 coins and $5 notes. The store policy is to maintain a minimum of $40 in $2 coins and $50 worth of $5 notes. Abraham is aware that he has to request additional change so he never drops below the minimum. Use the change request slip to order change.
Date: / Time: / Operator Initials: / Register Number:
Change / Number / Notes / Coins
Case Study Continued
One of Abraham’s customers makes the following purchases. The customer gives Abraham a $50 note.
·  Box of cereal $6.70
·  Dog food $11.00
·  Apple Juice $4.95
·  2 Litres of Coke $3.50
·  Shampoo $3.99
·  Paper towel $1.99
g)  Total the purchase. Round off to the closest dollar =
h)  On the table below, show much change should Abraham give
Denomination / Number
i)  Practice verbally counting out change to customer using play money.
Case Study Continued
Abraham sees the queue to his terminal is long, he starts to hurry. He weighs a watermelon and keys in $6 twice. The customer pays by cash and notices that they have been overcharged when they check their receipt. Abraham has to issue a new docket with the correct amount and total. Abraham has to get his supervisor to sign the correction.
Abraham is getting towards the end of his shift and he is starting to get tired. The queue is still long. One of the products needs a price check Abraham rings for assistance, but it takes a while for anyone arrives to help.
j)  What is the store policy for dealing with errors in transactions?
k)  If a product is scanned at the wrong price, what generally happens to the item according to the industry code of practice relating to scanning?
l)  Delays at the POST are usually due to consumables running out, such as receipt rolls, invoice receipts, order forms, wrapping/packaging or enough change. What should you do to prevent this and what could you do to calm the customers due to delays?
m)  At the close of trading each day, the manager on duty is responsible for closing the register. Your job is to help the manager. Number these 6 steps into the correct order:
Procedure / Number in the correct order.
All registers must have the cash drawer left open overnight to prevent damage to the cash register in the case of burglary
Print a Z report / terminal reading/ Print EFTPOS & POS
Help total & remove the cash and non-cash documents from the register
Return the key, all monies and documents to the office safe with a manager.
Record the cash and non-cash documents on the reconciliation statement
Separate the cash float and count the cash and non-cash documents
PART B: Performing Calculations
Use a calculator to answer the following questions:
1.  Use addition to add up the cost of the following items:
Item / Cost
1 exercise book
1 ruler
1 display folder
1 packet colour pencils / $1.30
Total / =
2.  Subtraction
a)  A customer gives you a $50 note for goods costing $23.10 =
b)  How much change do you give them? =
3.  Multiplications
A customer went into an office supply shop and bought the following items, calculate the total cost for each item and the total cost all together.
Number of items / Item / Cost Of Item / Total Cost
5 / Pens / $1.80 / =
4 / USB’s / $8.95 / =
2 / Folders / $3.80 / =
Total / =
4.  Percentages (division)
a)  Find out how much to charge for an exercise machine with a ticketed price of $450.00 at 10% off =
b)  A sports store is having a storewide sale on shoes with 15% off. Find out how much to charge for a pair of Air Retail Runners with a retail price of $180 =
PART C: Applying Non-cash POST
1.  Explain the procedures in performing the following non cash transactions:
Type of Transaction / Procedure
Credit / Debit cards using EFTPOS
Loyalty cards
Gift vouchers
Credit notes
Returns/ Exchanges/ Refunds
2.  Complete the questions below about returning policies within retail:
a)  Which area of the law deals with returns and exchanges?
b)  What is the usual time period for returns or exchanges?
c)  When is it not usually possible for a retailer to give a refund or exchange?
d)  When must the retailer honour the exchange or refund?
3.  Complete the following cloze passage for completing a sale: (use the word bank below)
Word Bank à Use each word only once
discounts / purchased / rewards / identifies
30 / Procedures / practice / retail
sales / customer / balance / errors
cost / documentation / accurately / invoices
The most common documents a sales assistant is required to deal with when finalising a sale include order forms, receipts, loyalty cards and ______. Completing these ______is very important. If ______are made, it can cause significant problems for the customer. For example, if an order form is completed incorrectly the customer might receive something quite different from what they wanted. Each store will have specific requirements for ______and you should take care to become familiar with these.
1.  Order forms: If an item is not currently available the ______may wish to place an order. The customer details you will need to gather include name, contact details, delivery address, description of the item, ____, likely delivery date, how the customer wishes to be notified that the delivery has arrived, deposit paid & ______owing.
2.  Receipts: The _____ industry has a code of ______that requires all retailers to provide customers with a clear and detailed receipt that shows each item ______, the price, the date and the name of the store. If the _____ assistant does not give the customer a receipt, a customer can request one either from the register or handwritten.
3.  Invoices: Similar to a receipt, a bill for items purchased that is prepared electronically. Often with an invoice, the customer does not need to pay immediately. Time of payment can vary from immediate, to ___ days. Usually the invoice ______the purchaser’s details, item details, quantity, cost, any tax or discounts, who the invoice is sent to and when payment is due.
4.  Loyalty cards: This is a system that ______customers for shopping in the store regularly. It can give customers ______, gifts and special previews of new goods. You may need to fill out a customer loyalty application. ______may vary between stores, so always find out the procedures you are expected to follow.
4.  Why is it important to ensure customer delivery requirements are met?
5.  What can you do to ensure that a sale is processed efficiently and professionally?
6.  Write 3 tips for thanking and farewelling the customer:
7.  Identify the appropriate wrapping, packaging and procedures for the following items:
Item / Appropriate wrapping , packaging and procedures
Formal clothes
Cold meat purchased with cleaning product.
Curtain Rod
Bread & Eggs
PART D: Performing Retail Finance Duties
1.  You are a retail assistant at Newcastle Sports Store. Your supervisor has asked you to bank the day’s (9/6/15) takings of cash on the Reconciliation Sheet below. Complete the Total Value column of the table below.
2.  Enter the totals into the WEP Deposit Slip which is also below.
1)  Daily Reconciliation Sheet
Notes / Number / Total Value / Coin / Number / Total Value
$100 / 9 / $2.00 / 30
$50 / 24 / $1.00 / 53
$20 / 100 / $0.50 / 46
$10 / 90 / $0.20 / 140
$5 / 50 / $0.10 / 160
Total / $0.05 / 100
Total Overall :
3.  Deposit Slip
Deposit Paid in by: / Notes
Date / Coins
(Account name in Block Letters)
4.  You are the assistant manager at Newcastle Sports Store. Part of your responsibilities is to ensure petty cash is used correctly in the store. Amy (one of the newer employees in the footwear department) took $50 out of petty cash last week (30/11/15) to buy cleaning spray which cost $8.75 but has not returned the receipt, the change, or filled out the correct documentation. All of this should usually be done the day of or after the purchase
Fill out the petty cash form below to show Amy the correct way to complete the documentation.
Signature: Supervisors Signature:
5.  Study the invoice below and complete the activities 1-4 on the next page.
XL Fitness Supplies
756 Metro Avenue
Phone 02 99999999 Fax 02 99999998 /


Invoice #001

Date: (Today’s date)


123 Sports Store
23 Metro Marketplace
Phone 02 99888888 /
Michael / Courier / 30 Days
3 / XL Home Gyms / 550 / 1650
7 / XL Medicine Balls / 45 / 315
4 / XL Dumbbell Sets / 60 / 240
10 / XL Punching Bags / 75 / 750
5 / XL Boxing Gloves / 45 / 225
20 / XL Drink Bottles / 4 / 80
15 / XL Tank Tops (Large) / 25 / 375
10 / XL Soccer Shorts (Medium) / 30 / 300


/ 3935


/ 393.50


/ 4328.50
Make all cheques payable to XL Fitness Supplies
If you have any questions concerning this invoice, contact Michael on 02 99999999
* A delivery driver has delivered an order from XL Fitness Supplies to you at Newcastle Sports Store. You compare the invoice above to the actual stock that has been delivered. You observe the following discrepancies:
1.  6 medicine balls have been delivered rather than 7
2.  6 pairs of boxing gloves have been delivered rather than 5
3.  The tank tops that have been delivered are sized ‘Small’ rather than ‘Large’
4.  The unit price you expected to pay for the home gyms was meant to be $500 rather than $550
6.  Explain what action you should take for each of the above discrepancies.
7.  You receive a phone order from Peter (17/08/15) at 24/7 Gym. Peter orders the following products:
·  3 Large fit balls at $45 each
·  7 gym mats at $30
·  10 white gym towels at $15 each
·  1 deluxe treadmill at $1275
Correctly complete the invoice on the next page.
CUSTOMER INVOICE / Order date: / Invoice number: 9087
Ordered by:
From: Newcastle Sports Store
23 Metro Marketplace
Phone 02 99888888
Payment terms: 30 days
To: 24/7 Gym
46 Metro Road
Phone 0299454545
GST (11%)
Payment Due
Assessor’s Name / Cluster
Student Name / Date
Units of competency being assessed / Assessment Outcome
Apply Point-Of-Sale Handling Procedures / ¨ Competent / ¨Not yet competent / If NYC - Refer to shaded section below
Perform retail finance duties
If you have been deemed NOT YET COMPETENT the following further action is required:
Apply Point-Of-Sale Handling Procedures / Date of Reassessment /Date Competent
Perform retail finance duties
Assessor general comment:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student and have provided appropriate feedback
Assessor Signature
Assessors: the completed student assessment task and assessor feedback sheets must be securely retained for six months after the completion of the course. Also retain any other evidence that demonstrated how the student was deemed competent e.g. written tasks, photographs, videos.
Student Feedback (to be completed after student receives assessor feedback)
¨ I agree with the outcome of this assessment
¨ I do not agree with this assessment outcome and will speak with assessor re appeals process
What did I learn from this Task?
Student Signature / Date

SIR20212 Ret Task Cluster May 2016 Page 1 of 17 Public Schools NSW Macquarie Park RTO 90222