Meeting / Educational Technology Advisory Group
Date / Friday 2 March 2007
Time / 9:00am – 10:30am
Location / Library Conference Room
Attendees / Rod van den Akker, Gary Allan, Craig Anderson, Lyn Atkinson, Jim Barber, John Benwell, Mike Brookes (for Craig Anderson), Joyce Kirk, Amgad Louka (Chair), Jim McGovern, Warren Nageswaren, Rodney Noble
Visitors / Chris Hugo, Simon Wilkinson
Apologies / Craig Anderson,Mark Gunther
Item / Discussion/Outcomes / Action
Confirmation of Minutes / The minutes of the 16February 2007 meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record of proceedings.
Business from previous minutes / 3.1 E-learning Initiatives Fund Criteria
Amgad to distribute the document detailing the priority areas for the e-learning initiatives fund to the group.
3.5 MOP Update
Clarification was sought on whether the eTAG minutes should be forwarded to Steve Somogyi. It was agreed to discuss the wider dissemination of the minutes to portfolio reference groups and academic groups under 4. Other Business. / Amgad Louka
New Business / 3.1 TAFE Equipment/Infrastructure Funding – Rodney Noble
The Proposal for strategic advice from ETAG on State Funding Equipment Grant Use, was circulated for information and consideration at the 16 February meeting of eTAG.
Remaining funds from the State Capital Equipment Grant will be allocated for IT capital equipment/infrastructure with the priorities being determined through consultation with eTAG. Funds are to be used to progress the RMIT Academic Plan objectives in relation to e-Learning and the use of ICT in VET.
Members recommendations for the use of these funds were:
Gary-WIL real time engagement with students in the work place using web cam
-Servers and equipment
-Extend video conferencing
Rodney-Support existing initiatives, lectopia, video conferencing, MOP
Lyn -Use for existing initiatives
John-Extend lectopia, video conferencing, wireless network
-Workspaces for all TAFE staff
-Extra equipment
Warren-Extend lectopia
-Caltryx software for administering WIL
Jim-Desktops for staff
-Wireless networks extended
-Teaching spaces around e-learning eg Lab 3000.
DVC -Complete current projects such as Lectopia.
Jim emphasised the need for a strategy or work plan which details educational technologies and e-learning priorities, actions and targets over the next approx. 2 years. It was agreed that a coordinated approach was required and that a working group comprising, Amgad, Rod, Lyn, Warren, John,Garry andJim McGovernwould meet to begin work on developing a work plan.
Joyce stated that it was important to consider the needs of all students when formulating the work plan. Discussion then centred around investigating the possibility of establishing a subsidy scheme for students to purchase laptops. Rodney agreed to follow up with OTTE regarding funding to support student equipment and would report his findings at the next eTAG meeting.
3.2 ITS Training Team Presentation: 2007 and beyond – Chris Hugo
Chris Hugo provided an overview of ITS training and future training initiatives. It was noted that ITS training undertook training during orientation week and it was suggested that Chris meet with staff who co-ordinate orientation week to discuss incorporating some ITS training during O week.
3.3 LCMS Update – Simon Wilkinson
LCMS Pilot Project Report was distributed to members. Simon spoke to this document briefly outlining activities undertaken since the last report, current activities, issues and project timelines. Simon mentioned complicating factors related toRMIT customisation of Blackboard. These issues will be discussed under 4.1.
Simon advised that a LCMS blog had been created and this would be circulated to etag members.
It was agreed that Simon would provide monthly LCMS project updates to eTAG.
3.4 Lecture Theatre standardisation – Mark Gunther
Mark Gunther was an apology for this meeting.
Garry stated that he had provided some feedback to Mark on the Lecturer Theatre Standardisation Paper and had requested that the paper be redeveloped before re-submitting to eTAG. His suggestions included providing details of the implications for standardisation and requested details on the process to be followed. It was agreed by members that it would be beneficial for Garry to work with Mark on the development of the Paper. The Chair explained the importance of this issue and suggested that adequate time be taken to prepare a comprehensive and meaningful paper. Instead of submitting the report at the next eTAG meeting it will be submitted at the 30 March eTAG meeting.
3.5 Quicklinks – Jim McGovern
The RMIT University Learning Hub Toolset Review – Assessment of Quicklinkspaper prepared by Jim and Amgad was distributed to the committee.
Jim advised that Quicklinks provided no additional functionality that could not be made available in Blackboard. It had little to offer over and abovewhat can be provided through Blackboard building blocks. He recommended that there be no further use of Quicklinks after July.
The DVC requested that the planned implementation plan of Campus LX Pack should be added to the paper and suggested that the Campus LX Pack should be installed before discontinuing Quicklinks. Further, Garry recommended that implementation costs and the student perspective should be incorporated into the paper.
TheDVC asked that Jim McGovern and Amgaddevelop a paper, using Quicklinks as an example, regarding Point 5 of the recommendations in the paper. Recommendation point 5, ‘A process to be developed, perhaps encompassing steps 2-4 above to be used as a basis for assessing the means by which any new web-based learning support tools be evaluated for possible introduction into the Learning Hub Tool set.’
3.6 MOP Reporting Template – Amgad Louka and Jim McGovern
Item to be discussed at the 16 March meeting. / Rodney Noble
Simon Wilkinson
Simon Wilkinson
Mark Gunther/Garry Allen
Jim McGovern & Amgad
Other Business / 4.1 Removal of Blackboard Customisation
RMIT University Learning Hub – Removal of Customisation paper was distributed. Jim advised that the breadcrumb trail customisation of Blackboard should be removed to fully support the MOP project objective of providing Blackboard as the main elearning portal. This would mitigate many of the issues that arise when expanding Blackboard functionality.
ETAG members agreed that the customisation of Blackboard needed to be removed asap.
4.2 Circulation of ETAG Minutes
Discussion held over to the next etag meeting on 16 March.
4.3 Student Portal Group
Item held over to the 16 March meeting.
4.4 Meeting Room
John Benwell agreed to book 8.11.23 for future meetings. / John Benwell
Date, Time & Location of Next Meeting / Friday 16 March 2007 at 9:00am in 8.8.23.

Document: eTAG Minutes - 02032007.doc

Status: UNAPPROVEDAuthor: Charntel Marais

Version: 1.0Save Date: 15/03/2007

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