April 2014–Growth & Development
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Tuesday, April 1
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
InApril,we will talk about growth and development. Calcium is a key to building strong, healthy bones as you grow. It’s important to eat foods that supply calcium to your bones every day. Milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products are good sources of calcium. You can also get calcium from leafy green vegetables, beans and calcium fortified foods, like cereal and bread.
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “eat right”!
Wednesday, April 2
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
When you exercise, you’re helping build a strong body that will be able to move around and do all the stuff you need it to do. Be active every day and your body will thank you by staying strong!
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “move more”!
Thursday, April 3
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Have you ever heard of the “5 second rule” when food drops on the floor? The “5 second rule” is not true. If you drop food on the floor, bacteria attaches to it right away and bacteria is what makes us sick. So the next time you drop food on the floor, throw it away!
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “stay safe”!
Friday, April 4
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Most kids are hungry for a snack after school, especially if they eat lunch early. Instead of stressing out about what to eat, why not plan ahead for healthy snacks? If you go to the grocery store with your parents, together you can come up with some healthy snack ideas. Your parents can help you read the nutrition labels so that you choose snacks low in sugar, salt, and bad fats. Instead of desserts and chips, try some fresh fruits and vegetables!
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “less stress”!
Monday, April 7
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Do you ever wonder how fast you should be growing? There’s no perfect or right amount. On average, kids grow about 2 inches a year. The best thing to do is to ask your doctor during your next visit. He or she can tell you how you’ve been growing and what other changes your body may be going through.
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “check up”!
Tuesday, April 8
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Did you know that most kids in the United States don’t get enough calcium to build strong, healthy bones? Drinking sodas is a big part of the problem. Sodas don’t provide any good nutrition and they also interfere with the way your body absorbs calcium. So, next time you are thirsty, reach for water, milk, or calcium fortified orange juice instead.
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “eat right”!
Wednesday, April 9
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Do you remember what aerobic exercise is? Aerobic exercise is an activity that requires oxygen. When you do aerobic exercise you breathe harder and your heart beats faster. Aerobic exercise is important because it helps your heart to get better at its main job – delivering oxygen all over your body!
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “move more”!
Thursday, April 10
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Do you ever help your parents cook? Spending time in the kitchen with your parents is a great way to learn cooking basics and test your math skills using recipes. Your parents can also show you the right way to use kitchen tools and teach you about kitchen safety.
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “stay safe”!
Friday, April 11
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
In the fall, we learned deep breathing to reduce stress. In case you forgot how to do it, let’s do it again! Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose, and then breathe out slowly through your mouth. Let’s practice this all together – breathe in through your nose. . . . and breathe out through your mouth. You can do this exercise to relax anytime you need it.
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “less stress”!
Monday, April 14
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Some kids get growing pains in their legs when they are in a growth spurt. Often these aches occur right before bedtime. This is usually a normal part of growing up and should not keep you from running and playing. You need to see the doctor though if your legs look red or puffed up, you have a fever, or you walk with a limp.
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “check up”!
Tuesday, April 15
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Have you ever heard of fiber? Fiber is found in plant based foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains. Fiber helps keep our digestive system healthy and prevents heart disease and cancer. To makes sure you get plenty of fiber in your diet, you should always eat a variety of fruits, beans, vegetables, and whole grain cereals, rice, and bread.
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “eat right”!
Wednesday, April 16
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Often kids feel scared to try a team sport because they don’t understand all the rules. One good way to try a new sport is to join a team with a friend. You may also be able learn about a sport by asking your parents. Gym class is another great place to learn about sports. Or, you can check a book out of the library that explains the rules. Go ahead and try a team sport, you may end up having lots of fun!
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “move more”!
Thursday, April 17
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Do you bite your fingernails? There are thousands of germs under fingernails that can make you sick if you put them in your mouth. So the next time you are tempted to bite your nails think about the germs that hide under them!
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “stay safe”!
Friday, April 18
Student Holiday!
Monday, April 21
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Nobody likes getting a shot. But, we all need shots, called vaccinations, to keep us from getting some serious diseases. The next time you’re feeling sad about getting a shot, remember that the little pinch of a shot isn’t nearly as bad as the illnesses that shots prevent!
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “check up”!
Tuesday, April 22
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Have you ever heard that eating fat is bad for you? The truth is, there are some fats that we eat that are very good for us. Fats that come from plants are usually a good choice, including avocados, olives, and nuts. There are also fish that live in cold waters that provide healthy fats, such as tuna and salmon. An example of high fat foods that are not good for you include anything that is deep fried.
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “eat right”!
Wednesday, April 23
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Did you know that your brain is the boss over your body? It uses nerves to send messages back and forth to every part of your body. Eating healthy foods and being active are both good for your brain. You can also exercise your brain by solving a puzzle, reading, playing music, making art, or anything else that challenges you!
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “move more”!
Thursday, April 24
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Have you ever wondered why your feet stink? Our feet work so hard that sometimes they get sweaty in our shoes. Germs love sweaty shoes, and when they get together, the results are stinky feet. The best thing to do is to cut down on sweat – bathe your feet every day, wear clean socks, and make sure your shoes are not too tight.
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “stay safe”!
Friday, April 25
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
A good way to keep stress away is to share time with your family. Sitting down with your family for dinner is a great way to connect with them. Family meals give you an opportunity to learn how to prepare healthy food and set the table. You can also practice good manners while eating with your family, so you will know how to act at meals for the rest of your life.
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “less stress”!
Monday, April 28
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Everyone’s eyes are a little different – not just the color but the way they work and how well they see. Some people need eyeglasses or contact lenses to see clearly. If you’re having trouble with your vision, let your parents know so they can take you for an eye exam. Once you get your new glasses or contact lenses you will be amazed at all the things you can see!
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “check up”!
Tuesday, April 29
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
For the first time in history, kids are developing weight related diseases that used to be seen only in adults. The best way to keep this from happening to you is to stay active physically and to eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. Being a couch potato and eating junk food might seem fun for a little while, but it will make you unhealthy if you do it too much.
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “eat right”!
Wednesday, April 30
It’s Time for a Healthy Tiger High Five!
Did you know that playing makes you stronger? It’s true. Playing, running, jumping, dancing, and riding your bike makes you grow stronger. Because these physical activities use your muscles, they also make them become stronger.
Tigers, let’s give each other a high five and say “move more”!