God Promised Spring

Like winter, some seasons of our faith journey feel cold, barren, devoid of life. Will renewal ever come? Will spring flourish again in our heart? Yet the world bears witness to God’s power to bring new life where all seems lost.

In the early 1990’s, the St. Louis neighborhood of South City deteriorated sharply due to a stagnant economy, population decline and crime. Then Bosnian refugees started settling there. Thousands of people renovated abandoned houses and other buildings; they started businesses and brought skilled labor back to the neighborhood. As the area returned to life, the refugees experienced renewal, too – hope in place of discouragement, opportunities where none had existed, peace instead of war, life replacing death.

When our faith is challenged by despair, lost dreams or an uncertain future – when God’s promises feel as dead as winter – real-life renewal stories are signs of spring. They testify to the resurrection God has in store for us.


The year just past was wracked with violence, racism, and political rancor. We long to fix these problems, but how? We may feel as frustrated as the church board member who spouted, “We’ve already tried prayer. It didn’t work!”

Those words might resonate today, yet things aren’t always what they seem. We can’t see God behind the scenes crafting a new reality, but Scripture promises it. And though our prayers won’t undo earthly death, they surround the grieving with strength and love. We can’t “solve” sin, but our prayers can bring communities together and spur us to look out for one another.

The Jewish Talmud states, “Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly now. Love mercy now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.” In this new year, may we be undaunted in doing what we can. It might not seem like much, but things aren’t always what they seem.

Lessons from a Snowman

  • It’s okay to wear white well after Labor Day.
  • Simply hanging out in your front yard can be fun.
  • Accessories don’t have to be fancy or expensive.
  • We’re all made mostly of water.
  • You know you’ve “arrived” when a song is written about you.
  • So what if you’re a little bottom-heavy?
  • Don’t get too much sun.
  • Sweating too much can be disastrous!

Sunday, January 29,2017

Here we learn what is good and what the Lord requires of us:

justice, mercy and walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8).

May you find blessing and inspiration as you hear God’s Word today.

Today at First

This morning, our offering will be for Amistad Christiana; a CRC and Hispanic Ministry in Sioux Center whose services are in Spanish. Care Group #4hosts the coffee fellowship after the morning service. Please join us in the fellowship hall.

This evening, we welcome the Western Christian Chamber Singers and their families as they worship with us.Please join us for refreshments in the fellowship hall following the evening service. Our offering will be for Minn-ia-kota. Minn-ia-kota Youth organization exists as a network, which facilitates/supports local youth ministry in the area CRC’s.

Next week, Care Group #5will host the coffee fellowship. The Sheldon Unity Service will be held next Sunday (Feb. 5) at First Reformed Church, 2 p.m. Pastor Kevin Gingerich will give the message. This will serve as our evening service.

Check the Prayer Bulletin for congregational prayer needs.

Our Church Family

At their request, the memberships of Merlin & Betty De Groot have been sent to the Redeemer URC in Orange City. May the Lord bless them in their new church home.


Today amGary & Donna DoppenbergFeb. 5 amChad & Brenda Fykstra

North DoorNorm & Joellen ScholtenNorth Door Norm & Joellen Scholten

East DoorTyler & Janelle Vander ZwaagEast DoorMissy & Alexa Schut

pmDarline Elgersma & Sylvia Buyert

Nursery- TodayamHelen V.D., Laura K., Morgan H., Jacob C.pmAdam & Krista V.M.

Feb. 5am Jill V.E., Ruth K., Brayden V.M. Emma W.

Christian Ret. Home & Village NW–TodayJerry Reed Feb. 5Norm Scholten

Library–TodayEllen Feb. 5Helen

Valet Parking – TodayMark Kleinwolterink Feb. 5Dave Van Essen

Offerings- TodayAmistad Christiana; Minn-ia-kota Feb. 5Above Quota Missions

Results of the congregational meeting: The motion to replace the carpet passed.

Activities this Week

Sun. 10:45 AM Sunday School and Catechism Classes meet

6:00 PM Evening Worship Service

Mon. 5:45 AM Men’s Bible Study

Wed. 6:30 PM YPS – Activity at All Seasons Center. Check email for details.

7:00 PM Money Management Bible Study – study lesson 5, Invest Money Wisely

7:00 PM Cadets Lesson A15 or B15. Devotions – Gavin De Hoogh

7:00 PM GEMS

Thurs. 9:30 AM Mom’s Group

2:00 PM Women’s Bible Study

Hearing Impaired Assistance: We offer assistive listening devices for the hearing

impaired. They are located on the narthex table in a basket.

First CRC Announcements:

  • People picking up Ruth Roetman, 362 Village Circle, SW of Wansink Ctr. House # (712) 631-4515. Please call Ruth Sun. morning to see if she is planning to go to church.
  • Correction to Deacon’s Newsletter – Feb. 26 p.m. offering was incorrect. The offering will be for service trips for Sean & Mariah Kleinwolterink, not Michaela, as was listed.
  • Coffee Break will meet next on Wed., Feb. 8. We will study lesson 6, q. 1-6.
  • The Care Group of Arwin & Lois Van Wyk is requesting help from the congregation for bringing three meals/week to the Van Wyk’s. A sign-up sheet is on the table. Please remember to call to arrange a drop-off time. Thanks!

GEMS Announcements:

  • We are looking for ladies willing to help out by being a waitress and cleaning up for the Father/Daughter Banquet Wed., Feb. 15. We encourage ladies of all ages to volunteer. Please contact Kristi Habben or Julie Jacobsma if you are willing to help.
  • ReFit Revolution is coming to Sanborn Christian School Mon., Feb. 20! Check-in at 6:45 and event will be done by 8:15. They create a fitness experience that changes women/girls from the inside out. This is for all girls/women ages 8-88, so invite your friends/family! Mothers/daughters are encouraged to come together. Please wear exercise clothing. Cost - $5/person with advanced tickets; $8 at door. Please contact Valerie for tickets or questions at or 712-449-8150.

--If we could spread love as quickly as we spread hate and negativity, what an amazing world we would live in.

Unity Christian Announcements:

  • Sophomore Class Soup/Sandwich/Dessert Supper – Tues., Jan. 31 (postponed date). Serving from 4:45-7 p.m. in the cafeteria. Free-will donation at the door.
  • Homecoming 2017 – Fri., Feb. 3. Unity alumnus from class of ’07, Stephanie (Goslinga) Raih will speak at the chapel 1:30 p.m. Homecoming court presented after speaker. Evening activities beginning at 6 p.m. - basketball games, presentation of homecoming royalty, and dance team performances. All friends of Unity are invited to all the activities.
  • We are seeking applications for the following positions for the ‘17-‘18 school year:A part-time business teaching position - this will include teaching classes in Accounting, Consumer Econ. and Entrepreneurial Business. A full time music teacher - teaching several choral classes and a strings orchestra. In both positions we are seeking mature Christian leaders passionate about teaching teenagers their content in a transformational Biblical worldview. Candidates need to be licensed in Iowa. A complete application consists of a cover letter, resume and three character references. Questions about either position, or an application, can be sent to Wayne Dykstra at .

Community Announcements:

  • JFA Service/Learning Trips – Serve trips: Harvest Hands Ministries, Juarez, Mexico Jan. 27-Feb. 3; Spencer Perkins Center, Jackson, MS Feb. 18-24; Voice of Calvary, Jackson, MS Feb. 25-Mar. 3; Grace Reigns, Colorado City. AZ Mar. 19-25. RSVP by Jan. 6 to Lauren 476-2804 or email .
  • Dordt’s Annual Day of Encouragement – Sat., Feb. 4, 2017. This event is for all church members. A variety of speakers will cover several topics. Brochures on table.
  • NW IA Symphony Orchestra Guest Concert – Sat., Feb. 4, 7:30 p.m. in BJ Haan Aud. Advance tickets at True Vine - Sx. Ctr, Jubon Juweelen - O. C. Tickets also at the door.
  • Brothers in Blue at the Sioux Falls Pen., Feb. 17-19. Volunteers are needed to share Christ with prisoners. Contact Dale Boer (348-1049) or Tom Schemper (324-1015)
  • The Blessed & Unbreakable Tour, featuring SELAH & speaker, Missy Robertson - Sat., Feb. 18, 7 p.m. at Western’s Event Center. Tickets are on sale! Purchase your tickets for reserved seating online at: Missy, author of Blessed, Blessed…Blessed, will be speaking on the story of her family’s fight to love hard, stay strong and keep the faith when life can’t be fixed. Missy appears on the hit TV show, Duck Dynasty and is the wife of Jase Robertson. Questions, contact Shelly at the Hull Chamber Office (712) 439-1513, or .
  • Join the team out in the Hills! Inspiration Hills is looking for a Full-Time Building and Grounds Maintenance Assistant. Job description and application can be found at

January 29, 2017 Morning Worship 9:30 A.M.

Pastor Luke Wynja

Sunday School Children Singing

Children’s Message: “Children’s Catechism Q 12-15”

*Mutual Greeting

Opening Service

*Call to Worship: Psalm 146

*Silent Prayer

*Opening Hymn: 36(S):1, 3, 4 “How Great Thou Art”

*God’s Greeting

*Invocation/Lord’s Prayer

*Heidelberg Catechism Q & A #1

*Song of Praise: 417:1, 2, 4 “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”

Service of Confession and Assurance

Call to Confession: 2 John 1:6, 8-9

God’s Will For Life: Exodus 20:1-17

Silent/Corporate Prayers of Confession

Assurance of God’s Pardoning Grace: Ezekiel 11:19-20

Song of Gratitude: “In Christ Alone”

Service of the Word

Scripture Reading: Psalm 139:1-18

Prayer of Illumination

Sermon Series: “Stewardship” Title: Stewards of Life!

Prayer for Application

Service of Dedication

*Song of Dedication: 289:1-5 “All that I Am, I Owe to Thee”

Congregational Prayer

Offering forAmistad Christiana

*Doxology: 493 “Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow”

*Benediction *Moment of Silent Reflection *Please stand, if able

January 29,2017 Evening Worship 6:00 P.M.

Pastor Luke Wynja

We Gather to Worship

Call to Worship: Psalm 100:1

Silent Prayer

Chamber Singers: “As the Deer”, “Be Thou My Vision”

*Opening Hymn: 314:1-3 “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”

*God’s Greeting

Chamber Singers: “Father of Light”, “God of Grace”

Pastoral Prayer

Offering forMinn-Ia-kota

Offertory: Chamber Singers: “Amazing Grace”, “Hark, I Hear the Harps”

*Apostles Creed

*Song of Praise: 25 (S):1, 3, 4 “The Solid Rock”

We Hear God’s Word

The Scripture Passage: Ephesians 3:1-6

The Sermon: Stewards of God’s Grace

The Prayer of Application

We Respond in Faith

*Song of Dedication: 383:1, 2, 5 “O For a Thousand Tongues”

*The Challenge to Grateful Living

Chamber Singers: “For He is Our Peace”

*The Benediction

Chamber Singers: “Peace to You”

*The Moment of Reflection

* Please stand, if able.