Dining Basics

•Enter chair from right, exit to the left

•Place napkin on your lap, folded side toward you

•Place napkin on chair or table if leaving seat during meal

•Place napkin to left of place setting on table atend of meal

•Maintain good posture

•You will be served from left, dishes removed from right

•Begin eating after everyone is served

•Butter bite-size pieces of bread, not entire roll

•When using utensils, work from the outside in

•Take your cues from the host/hostess

•Do not reach for items

•Ask person nearest to the item to pass it to you

•Pass items directly to requestor; pass salt and pepper together

•If you take bread basket first, offer bread to the person on your left, then take a roll and pass basket to your right

Eating Messy Foods

•Avoid ordering messy food - spaghetti, french onion soup, corn on the cob, fried chicken

•Do not blow on soup, spoon soup away from you and sip from side of spoon

•When eating kabobs, use fork to remove meat from skewer

•Eat fried chicken, french fries, and ribs with a fork

•Eat bread, crackers, cookies, sandwiches, chips with fingers

•Shrimp with tail can be eaten with fork or fingers

•Cut large sandwiches in half

•Use napkin regularly

Ending the Meal

•Utensils at 4:20, fork tines down, knife blade facing you

•Place napkin on table to the left of the dinner plate

•Place used coffee or soup spoon place on saucer

•Exit chair from the left

Business Etiquette Guide

Professional Appearance


•Conservative, dark suit

•Appropriate length skirt with hose, bring extra hose

•Comfortable shoes with low heel

•Avoid camisoles or low riding pants

•Wear conservative makeup and jewelry

•Avoid perfume or scented lotion


•Conservative, dark suit; ironed shirt

•Belt matches shoes

•Comfortable shoes

•Hair cut, shaven, well-groomed

•Remove jewelry

•Avoid aftershave or cologne

Handshakes and Introductions

•Proper handshake: right hand, web to web, pump twice, maintain eye contact, smile

•Business etiquette is not based on gender; introductions are in order of importance:

“Mr. President, let me introduce you to Ms. Vice President.”

•If no one introduces you, wait 5 seconds, then approach the person and introduce yourself:

“Hello. My name is Tracy Thomas.”

•If your name is mispronounced, make the correction by repeating your name:

“Hello, Ms. Smith. I’m Joe Williams. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

•Use names during introductions to help your memory

“Mr. Lloyd, I would like to introduce you to Tonya Johnson.”

•Use titles (Ms., Mr., Dr.) until invited to use first names

Dining Etiquette

Place Setting

Dining Styles

•American/Zig-zag – switch fork from left to right hand

•European/Continental – fork stays in left hand

Buffet Etiquette

•Select food first, then go back for beverages

•Place up to 3-5 items on plate and take small portions

•Do not reach across table

•Although people will be sitting down to eat at different times, work at keeping pace with the majority of your table