Academic suspension shall be for at least one regular (fall or spring) semester. For students suspended at the end of a spring semester, the suspension precludes enrollment in any summer school session as well as the following fall semester (according to AOP 12.16). If you wish to petition for early readmission for summer terms, you must comply with the following requirements.

  • Complete FORM A—Petition for Early Readmission after Suspension and have it submitted to the LSSP Coordinator and a meeting with the Coordinator scheduled forno later than noon the business day prior to the first day of class in Summer Session 1.
  • Obtain approval of summer school course selection by an academic advisor (no more than 3 hours per term); Maymester is NOT an option.
  • WITH ADVISOR: Complete Form B—Summer School Addendum, attach to the completed FORM A, and have them both submitted to the Coordinator. (Forms also found on:
  • Participate in LSK 1033 during 1st Five Weeks and then take the required1-hr. follow-up in the fall.

(Your department must specifically approve your enrollment in summer school.)

Summer Academic Plan

(to be completed by the advisor)

NOTE: Students on Academic Suspension are not eligible for Maymester.

Term / CRN / Subject/Course / Course Title / Section / Days / Time
1st Five Weeks Summer 2016 / 20789 / LSK 1033 / Fundamentals of Achievement / 02 / MTWRF / 10:00 –11:50
2nd Five Weeks
(only if LSK 1033 is taken 1st 5 weeks)

*Any student allowed to enroll in this course during first summer term, MUST take the 1-hr. follow up LSK 1131 (01) (CRN 32564) listed on the Fall Academic Plan (on Form A of the Petition for Early Readmission after Suspension).

I have thoroughly read and completely understand the requirements above. It has also been fully explained to me that I must achieve a minimum GPA according to the standards of AOP Policy 12.16. I understand that if I do not achieve this minimum GPA by the end of all summer terms, I will be dismissed from Mississippi State University for one full year and FORM A will be voided. I fully understand and agree to these requirements.




Advisor or Department HeadDateDeanDate

For summer school only: You will not register through Banner. Once this form has been signed and submitted and as long as there are not any other holds on your account (Business Hold, Insufficient Address, etc), The Learning Center and Registrar’s office will input your summer school schedule ONLY. If you have questions, please contact Ms. Laura Pate at 662-325-7228.

Cohort #22-Summer/Fall 2016rev. 1/26/2016 LP