anonymous111 asked for a victim, I choose... anonymous

Room information was updated by: anonymous1111

<place room="room" info="info" call-in="call-in" here="here"</place>

anonymous111111 asks: null

Magic 8-Ball says: Better not tell you now

anonymous2 morphed into Thomas Cucchietti

Melanie Knapp: Please record your attendance:

anonymous morphed into Michael Neuren

anonymous morphed into Jonathan

Fabio Vitali: hello

Fabio Vitali: joining now

Melanie Knapp: Good morning, Fabio!

Fabio Vitali: Apparently I am the first caller on code 226238

Fabio Vitali: any idea why?

Melanie Knapp: No, hang up and call again. That's the right code, but there are several of us on the line.

anonymous morphed into Kris Niedringhaus

Thomas Cucchietti: Congratulations!

Melanie Knapp: Thank you!

Melanie Knapp: Melanie will be on work leave OCtober through December. We will take a volunteer for Co-chair beginning in October. If no one volunteers, Fabio will handle all chair duties for those three months.

Melanie Knapp: We still need a permanenant secretary beginning ASAP but at least by October!!

Fabio Vitali:

Melanie Knapp: Fabio says his spreadsheet is not a final output mechanism, but rather a tool for us to use as we work together.

Melanie Knapp: Specific JSON structure for RDF. See Third Syntax tab in spreadsheet.

Melanie Knapp: JSON-LD

Melanie Knapp: Thomas F, two commnents. (1) why do we need extra elements in the Third Syntax, technically speaking? A: Fabio will respond by email about this. (2) Confidence Level--why not also assign confidence levels to source frame features, too, because there is some interpretation even in source frame elements.

Melanie Knapp: lack of author implies the author is the author of the entire feature set. lack of confidence level implies 100% confidence level.

Melanie Knapp:fabio would like for everyone to try out the mechanism. make a copy and make your own use case.

Melanie Knapp: we can then build a features list that we can converge to feature names.

Melanie Knapp: aim for 15-20 different examples by next conference call.

Melanie Knapp: For those not on the call, Melanie will send an email after this call to the whole Committee to get folks onboard to write an example.

Fabio Vitali:

anonymous morphed into Grant Vergottini

Melanie Knapp: We are discussing possibility of a winter US Lex Summer School on the West Coast. Maybe January.

Melanie Knapp: Sept 5 through 13 -- Lex Summer School in Ravenna, Italy.

Melanie Knapp: US Summer School has been suspended b/c Melanie cannot host this year, and we haven't identified a backup location yet. Grant will work on perhaps finding a second DC location for summer.

Melanie Knapp: Next meeting: Wednesday, May 4 at 10:00 a.m. EDT.