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Past / Passed


This is used to describe something that happened previously or something associated with previous events.

It was all in the past; before you were born.

They liked to sit and talk about the past.

He is a past master at avoiding work.

It is also used to show the direction that someone or something goes.

An ambulance went past our house last night.

Go past the bus station and turn left.

Write your own sentences

Important: to type your own sentences into this worksheet select the Forms toolbar and ‘unlock’ the padlock. You will need to lock it again before doing the fill-in exercises on page 2.

Write a couple of sentences using past.


This is the action of moving - when it has already happened.

The goalkeeper passed the ball to his team mate.

I have passed that shop every day on my way to work.

The boxes are passed to the despatch department for delivery.

Write a couple of sentences using passed.


Complete these sentences by choosing the correct word from the menu.

1. He has a mysterious .

2. I've your house many times.

3. That is all in the .

4. The bus went the stop I wanted.

5. The newsagent's is just the butcher's.

6. She him the newspaper.

7. His record is excellent.

8. They the hat around to buy her some flowers.

9. This pie is its sell-by date.

10. I have my driving test.

11. He couldn't forget the .

12. His successes meant nothing to him now.

13. The young girl out in the heat.

14. The old man shuffled .

15. He felt that he had his prime.

16. Drop this in when you go the post box.

17. The nurse the scalpel to the surgeon.

18. He asked for his offences to be taken into consideration.

19. I will buy you a watch when you have your exams.

20. He ran the empty house.

Check your answers.

Past / Passed

1. He has a mysterious past .

2. I've passed your house many times.

3. That is all in the past .

4. The bus went past the stop I wanted.

5. The newsagent's is just past the butcher's.

6. She passed him the newspaper.

7. His past record is excellent.

8. They passed the hat around to buy her some flowers.

9. This pie is past its sell-by date.

10. I have passed my driving test.

11. He couldn't forget the past .

12. His past successes meant nothing to him now.

13. The young girl passed out in the heat.

14. The old man shuffled past .

15. He felt that he had passed his prime.

16. Drop this in when you go past the post box.

17. The nurse passed the scalpel to the surgeon.

18. He asked for his past offences to be taken into consideration.

19. I will buy you a watch when you have passed your exams.

20. He ran past the empty house.

This resource kindly contributed by Gaye Noel Park Lane College, Leeds.

Ww/L1.1 L2.1 Spell correctly words most often used at work, studies & daily life. Understand that spelling of homophones is related to meaning & grammar.

To use this worksheet. If you can’t see the drop down menus next to the shaded words select the Forms toolbar and lock the padlock. Use ‘print layout’.