All Saints Church of England Primary Parental Consent and Agreement for Walking Bus(Tesco to All Saints School)
I would like my child/children______to use the Walking Bus.
Please identify where you wish your child/children will be joining the bus and on which days they will be using the bus:
Location of bus stop / Times(arrival/leaving) / Please tick / M / T / W / TH / FTesco / 8.00/8.05
Cherry Street/Pullman Road / 8.15/8.20
Queen’s Drive / 8.25/8.27
Holmden Avenue/Central Avenue / 8.30/8.35
- If for any reason I am unable to escort my child to the ‘bus stop’ in the morning I will contact the ‘bus driver’ or the CoOrdinator before they set out using school mobile number07899 247496.
- I understand that there is a cost of 50p a day, which should be paid to the school office each Friday for the following week. If your child is in receipt of Free School Meal/Pupil Premium there is no charge.
- I understand that if I miss the Bus, I am responsible for getting my child/children to school on time.
- I understand that if my child is unwell I must contact the ‘bus driver’ using the school mobile number 07899 247496. I am also still required to inform School of their absence.
- I have read the guidelines and explained to my child/children the need for good behaviour.
- I realise that my child’s journey to school is still my responsibility even though she/he/they will be using the Walking Bus.
(Person with Parental Responsibility)
Print name______
All Saints Church of England Primary Parental ConsentAgreement for Walking Bus (Tesco to All Saints School)
Child’s Name / ClassChild 1
Child 2
Child 3
Name: / Address:
Telephone / Home
Name: / Address:
Telephone / Home
Additional relevant information about your child
(eg, disability, medical condition etc)
Signed:______(Person with Parental responsibility)
Print name:______
Please return completed form to school
Parent Copy
I would like my child/children______to use the Walking Bus.
Please identify where you wish your child/children will be joining the bus and on which days they will be using the bus:
Location of bus stop / Please tick / M / T / W / TH / FTesco
Cherry Street/Pullman Road
Queen’s Drive
Holmden Avenue/Central Avenue
- If for any reason I am unable to escort my child to the ‘bus stop’ in the morning I will contact the ‘bus driver’ or the CoOrdinator before they set out using school mobile number07899 247496.
- I understand that there is a cost of 50p a day, which should be paid to the school office each Friday for the following week. If your child is in receipt of Free School Meal/Pupil Premium there is no charge.
- I understand that if I miss the Bus, I am responsible for getting my child/children to school on time.
- I understand that if my child is unwell I must contact the ‘bus driver’ using the school mobile number 07899 247496. I am also still required to inform School of their absence.
- I have read the guidelines and explained to my child/children the need for good behaviour.
- I realise that my child’s journey to school is still my responsibility even though she/he/they will be using the Walking Bus.
All Saints: all growing, all learning, altogether.