RMIT Register of Compliance Obligations that may affect the whole of RMIT

The information contained in the table below has been compiled to assist university staff in areas that may affect the whole of RMIT, by:

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Author: Kathy Bramwell

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  • Providing brief information relating to the main areas of compliance risk that RMIT staff are likely to encounter.
  • Providing links to external federal and state websites to enable view of applicable legislation.
  • Providing links to internal web pages to assist with location of RMIT statutes, policies and procedures.
  • Providing an indication of where additional guidance, training or resources may be available if required.

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Author: Kathy Bramwell

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This category includes:

Document: Compliance_Ref_Doc_WholeRMITObs.doc

Author: Kathy Bramwell

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  • Health, Safety and Welfare
  • Trade Practices and Fair Trading
  • Privacy and Human Rights
  • Equity & Diversity, Ethics and Anti-Discrimination
  • Statutory and other Compliance
  • Marketing, Promotion and Media
  • Contract Development and Management
  • Risk Management, Business Continuity and Emergency Management
  • Information Technology and Electronic Transactions
  • Commercial activities
  • Food & Alcohol Safety and Hospitality
  • Misc – including events management, change management and customer service

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Author: Kathy Bramwell

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It should be noted that this table does not include all of the statutory or internal compliance obligations relating to all operations or functions within RMIT. Further information can be obtained in the other categories in this register:

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Author: Kathy Bramwell

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  • Governance and Administration
  • Staff and Workplace Relations
  • Academics, Teaching & Learning, Students and Research

Document: Compliance_Ref_Doc_WholeRMITObs.doc

Author: Kathy Bramwell

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Category / Function or Activity involved / Possible Portfolio, School or Group / Relevant Acts or Regulations / Potential areas of risk / Related University Policies or Statutes / Available training or additional resources
Health, Safety and Welfare / Occupational Health, Safety & Welfare
Return to Work Programs
Accident Compensation / People & Culture
All Portfolios, Schools and Groups / Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004 (S)
Occupational Health & Safety Regulations 2007 (S)
Accident Compensation Act 1985 (S)
Dangerous Goods Act 1985 (S)
Quarantine Act 1908 (F)
Food Act 1984 (S)
Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 (S)
Radiation Act 2005 (S)
Road Safety Act 1986 (S)
Working with Children Act 2005 (S)
Wrongs Act 1958 (S) / Heavy Lifting
Electrical Equipment
Dangerous Goods
Machinery, equipment, plant
Chemicals/ Substances
Needlestick injuries
Pollution/ emissions / Critical incident management policy
Emergency control policy
Hazard and incident reporting investigation and recording procedure
Managing threatening or inappropriate behaviour procedure
Emergency procedure information for sessional staff
Ergonomic furniture and assessment of workstations policy and procedures
Prevention of overuse injuries policy
First aid procedure
Laboratory waste disposal strategy procedure
Use of imported biologicals policy
Issue resolution process
Proposed change in the workplace - flowchart
Personal safety:
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS and related conditions policy
Alcohol policy
Drug management policy and procedure
First aid procedure
No smoking policy
Safety and security on campus
Safety footwear impact protection policy and procedure
Thermal distress policy
Safe working environment:
Buildings air handling and water systems policy
Chemical substances policy
Contractor health and safety policy and procedures
Cyanide and poisoning treatment procedure
Electrical safety guidelines
Electrical testing of portable electrical equipment
Eye protection policy
Health safety and security policy
Procedure for the disposal of chemical waste
Radiation policy and procedures
Synthetic mineral fibre policy
Worker’s compensation and rehabilitation:
Rehabilitation return to work policy
Rehabilitation return to work procedure
WorkCover eligibility and entitlements policy and procedure / Open Program:
Taking care of your back
Warden training
Weight Watchers at work
First aid CPR refresher
OHS risk assessment training
Workplace inspections
RMIT Website:
External Resources:

Trade Practices and Fair Trading / Legal Services
University Marketing
International Services
Educational Media Group
Global Business Development
All Portfolios, Schools and Groups / Trade Practices Act 1974(F)
Fair Trading Act 1999 (S)
Competition Policy Reform Act 1995 (F)
Competition Policy Reform (Victoria) Act 1995 (S) / Advertising and marketing of courses
Misleading or deceptive conduct re courses, teaching, employment prospects
Price fixing and market sharing / Online Training:
Trade practices compliance
RMIT Website:
Other Resources:
Legal Services
Senior Manager, Compliance – Internal Audit & Risk Management Group
Privacy, Respect and Human Rights / People & Culture
University Secretariat / Information Privacy Act 2000 (S)
Charter of Human Rights & Responsibilities Act 2006 (S)
Health Records Act 2001 (S)
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (S)
Ombudsman Act 1974 (S)
Public Records Act 1973 (S)
Whistleblowers Protection Act 2001 (S)
Surveillance Devices Act 1999 (S) / Inappropriate collection, use or disclosure of personal information (staff or students)
Inappropriate access to information
Collecting and distributing students’ work
Credit card information / Privacy policy and principles
Confidentiality and privacy of staff information policy
Personal files – access policy and procedure
Guidelines for managing students’ personal information in agenda papers and minutes
Privacy complaints procedure
RMIT counselling service policy for the management of personal information
Release of information from academic student files
Responding to enquiries from an external agency about an RMIT student - guidelines / Online Training:
Privacy at RMIT
Face to face training:
Via Privacy Officer upon request
RMIT Website:
External Websites:

Other Resources:
Privacy Officer, University Secretariat
Senior Manager, Compliance – Internal Audit & Risk Management Group
Equity and Diversity, Ethics and Anti-Discrimination / Staff selection
Treatment of staff, students or visitors
Curriculum management practices
Ethical Conduct
Gifts / People & Culture
All Portfolios, School and Groups
All Staff / Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (F)
Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987 (F)
Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (F)
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (F)
Equal Opportunity Act 1995 (S)
Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (S)
Education & Training Reform Act 2006 (S) / Staff selection processes
Treatment of staff, students or visitors
Curriculum management processes
Displaying, accessing, email offensive material
Student assessment / Anti-racism and religious tolerance policy
Children in the workplace and in the classroom policy
Equal employment opportunity policy
Gender inclusive language procedure
Sexual harassment policy
Bullying and occupational violence policy
Code of ethics
Conflict of interest policy and procedure
General responsibilities of staff
Outside activities policy and procedure
Personal relations between staff and students policy and procedure
Conflict of interest policy and procedure
Compliance / All areas / All areas
Internal Audit & Risk Management / All statutes
Australian Standard AS3806:2006 / Legal, potential for breaches / Recording of statutory/official employee roles (corporate functions)
Compliance policy
Corporate compliance strategy / Open Program:
The ESOS Act
Other Resources:
Internal audit website
Compliance website
Senior Manager, Compliance
Marketing, Promotion and Media / Marketing
Student information
Response to enquiries
Customer Service
Media Communications / International & Development Portfolio
Global Business Development
International Services
University Marketing
Academic Portfolio
Educational Media Group
Policy & Planning / Trade Practices Act 1974(F)
Fair Trading Act 1999 (S)
ESOS 2000 (F)
National Code (F) / Incorrect provision of information
Misleading Information
Breaches of ESOS Act and AQTF 2007 and relevant codes
Trade Practices Breaches / Branding and style guide policy and procedures
Course publicity procedures
Advertising procedure
CRICOS registration
International marketing procedure
National code marketing checklist
Media policy and guidelines for working with the media / Open Program:
Media training for academics
RMIT Brand story
Contract Development and Management / Chancellery
People & Culture
Property Services
Legal Services
International Services
Academic Registrar
All Portfolios, Schools and Groups / ESOS Act 2000 (F)
Telecommunications Act 1997 (F)
Trade Practices Act 1974(F)
Fair Trading Act 1999 (S)
Heritage Act 1995 (S)
Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 (S)
Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004 (S)
Project Development & Construction Management Act 1994 (S)
Property Law Act 1958 (S)
Retail Leases Act 2003 (S) / Open Program:
Managing Projects
Risk Management, Business Continuity and Emergency Management / Internal Audit & Risk Management
All Portfolios, Schools and Groups / Australian/NZ standard AS4360:2004
International Standard ISO 38000 (to be introduced 2009) / Business Interruption
Financial Loss
Fraud / Fraud control plan for RMIT and its controlled entities
Guidelines for assessing business risks
Risk management framework
Risk register template
Internal audit charter / Open Program:
Risk Management
Information Technology, Telephony and Electronic Transactions / Internet
Network/ Intranet
Spam / Information Technology Services / Spam Act 2003 (F)
Copyright Act 1968 (F)
Telecommunications Act 1997 (F)
Trade Marks Act 1995 (F)
Trade Practices Act 1974 (F)
Fair Trading Act 1999 (S)
Information Privacy Act 2000 (S)
Surveillance Devices Act 1999 (S) / Inappropriate use of corporate technology / Electronic communications policy
Electronic messaging system resource allocation policy
Rules of use of RMIT IT systems
Global email protocols
Password guidelines, procedure and standard
Network standards and operational regulations
IT information security policy
IT service delivery policy
IT sourcing and procurement policy
Network security – remote dial-in access
Non-standard product purchase procedure
Product order and install procedure
Computer equipment supply at RMIT
Mobile phone policy and procedure
Telephone charges (ITS service catalogue)
Blackberry approval and acquisition procedure
Voicemail guidelines / Open Program:
Campus LX, blogs, wikis, web 2.0 technologies & copyright
Webs, wikis, blogs and avatars – what the…?
Podcasting for reaching
10 top tips for Blackboard
Audio visual media – film, TV, music, YouTube, internet TV, internet radio & copyright
Website / Guidelines for profiling news, events and other activities on the RMIT home page
Mandatory protocols for use of YouTube and other internet hosting services
Web accessibility framework
Web style guide / Open Program:
Introduction to web accessibility
Learning Hub knowhow
Writing for the web
Commercial activities / Trade Practices Act 1974 (F)
Competitive Neutrality Policy / Maintenance of competitive neutrality
Unfair or anti-competitive trade practices / Competitive neutrality policy – RMIT compliance
Memorandum of understanding guidelines
Costing model for research and commercial projects
Fees for third party program delivery, consulting and research and innovation projects procedure / Open Program:
Managing Projects
Food & Alcohol Safety and Hospitality / Food Act 1984 (S)
Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 (S)
Wrongs Act 1958 (S) / External caterers
Unallocated categories / Public Performances
Events Management
Customer Service
Change management
Fundraising / Events manual: A guide to conducting events at RMIT university
Statute 12.1 Administration of trust and other property
AVCC Australian Universities Philanthropy code of ethics
Car parking policy / Open Program:
Event and protocol management at RMIT
Audio Visual Training
Learning Hub knowhow
Writing emails and business letters
Managing Projects
Writing for publication
Writing for the web
Business report writing
Sharpen your editing and proofreading skills

Document: Compliance_Ref_Doc_WholeRMITObs.doc

Author: Kathy Bramwell

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