
Dear 4th – 6th Grade Students and Parents,

Hello! We hope this time of year finds you excited and ready to be involved in new and exciting opportunities. This year we would like to get our students involved in the area Spell Bowl Competition. Like Math Bowl, the students prepare for one competition with area schools; the only difference is it involves Spelling and an individual representing a team by writing down their own spelling for a word when it is their turn. The words are more challenging than the regular classroom spelling lists, but it’s nothing our Saint Wendel students can’t handle! We received 2ndplace in our area last year!!! Here’s to another great year!!!

We would begin meeting next week, August 15th, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 2:35 – 3:10pm in the 3rd /4th grade classrooms. Students will get the complete word list, from which our studies will focus on, at our 1st meeting. Any of these words can be chosen at the competition. On Tuesdays (in Grade 3) and Wednesdays (in Grade 4), we will work on pronunciations and tricks to remembering spellings of the words and on Thursdays (in Grade 4), we may have practice tests covering that week’s words, to see how well we know them individually. This will continue until our competition which will occur Thursday, November 16that 5:00 pm. The place is normally an area high school. The host site is still being determined. Details will be sent out as we get them. There may be some days or weeks we may have to change the schedule, but we will warn you before of any day or time changes. If students ride buses they will be dismissed if the bus comes before we finish with practice, otherwise, if students are to be picked up by parents, please don’t come until 3:10pm on these days.

Please consider signing up to become a member of our team! We have many extra-curricular choices available to us. Academic teams like this will also help you excel in the classroom by building your vocabulary and spelling skills, while teaching a great lesson of teamwork that will last a life time!!!

If you would like to be a member of our team, please sign and return the bottom of this page by Monday, August 14thto either coach. Please consider this great opportunity for Saint Wendel School! It costs nothing on your part, just your time and dedication!!!! Hope to hear from you!!!

Spell Bowl Coaches,

Mrs. Dyson and Mrs. Waller

(Cut along the dotted line. Keep the top section for your records.)


I give my son/daughter permission to be a part of the Saint Wendel Spell Bowl team. .

(Parent’s Signature)

I am a member of the grade class. I would like to join the Saint Wendel School Spell Bowl Team this year.

(Student’s Signature)