March 3, 2015

The Massie Township Board of Trustees met for regular session at the Massie Township Government Center, 10 N. Harveysburg Road, Harveysburg, Ohio 45032. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Darrell McKinney. Present were: Vice-President Mark Dawson, Trustee Dave Crisenbery, and Mary Wilkie, Fiscal Officer.

McKinney led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Crisenbery made a motion to approve the minutes of the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting of February 3, 2015. McKinney seconded the motion. Vote: McKinney-Yea, Dawson-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.


Lt. Chris Miller from the Warren County Sheriff’s Office was present. He asked if there were any requests for extra patrol and anything else. McKinney mentioned that there were kids on his road banging on neighbor’s doors at midnight. Lt. Miller said that there was lots of criminal mischief all over the County with all of the snow days and extra time the kids have.

Road Department- Todd Fairchild reported:

Todd presented several quotes from Delta Electric. One was for $2060 to install receptacles in the ceiling for the new storage barn. There were also quotes for installing new light fixtures in the new storage barn, in the meeting room, and in the bay. All quotes involve costs for renting a lift rental. After discussion, the Trustees decided to hold off on any more new electric work right now so that when the decision is made, the lift will only have to be rented once which should be able to lower the overall costs.

Jones delivered a load of salt last week. The Village has used much less this year. They have a new road employee and he is doing a very efficient job in Todd’s opinion.

The Trustees discussed the joint chip seal road project with Warren County. Todd stated Huddleson Road and Brooks-Carroll Road need done this year. Since Sherod Road is short it could possibly be included this year as well as Levicy. With all of the snow, we can’t see the condition of the roads right now. Next year Gard Road and O’Neal Road should probably be done.

Fire Department-Chief Scott Hines and Asst. Chief Matt Hannigan reported:

McKinney presented a letter at this time he just received before the meeting from Tammy Ross. It involved an incident on Clarksville Road. McKinney stated the letter was very disturbing and questioned the Chief about the incident. The Chief was not aware of the incident but Asst. Chief Hannigan was aware and incident reports of all personnel on the run had already been completed. McKinney stated he was bothered by this and Dawson stated that the Chief should have been made aware. The Chief stated that an internal investigation will be done regarding the incident and he will get back with the Trustees.

The Chief stated that the on-call staffing was extremely important to him and the Department. Matt again presented numbers for on-call staffing during the week days for nine hours at $2.00 an hour. This presentation was for the busy months of May through October. If there is a run during their shift, then the member would receive from either $9.00 to $12.00 an hour depending on their ranking. (EMT, Medic, or Battalion) Matt shared that many members have agreed to come here for $2.00 an hour. Capt. Ted Coates spoke and said he as well as the others there would be glad to stay at the Firehouse for $2.00. It would pay his gas and maybe lunch where right now it costs him money to come serve at the Township. Matt used run statistics from 2012, 2013, and 2014 to estimate the total cost of $9332.40. Wilkie stated she has met with Hannigan to go over these figures and projected out three years. The Fire District still has a healthy reserve as well as the EMS Fund at the end of each year. She would like to support Matt’s proposal. Funds will be evaluated each month to see if on target as projected. This would be a trial. The monies would be mostly moved from repairs and maintenance since Matt doesn’t believe we will need the $25,000.00 appropriated this year for repairs. McKinney and Dawson were against the idea, concerned about a major repair expense, and concerned about the uncertain costs of the Marina to the Township. Crisenbery wanted to give it a try and support the on-call staffing for the months presented. McKinney asked how many present members are Township residents. There are currently three, one of which works out of town during the week. Wilkie asked if the Trustees would like to have a finance work session to go over the figures. Crisenbery said it was fine. Dawson said they all had the figures and could go over them themselves. Dawson emphasized to Asst. Chief Hannigan that he believes his numbers and figures. His numbers are always accurate that he has given the Trustees.

The Trustees received the Fire Department Standard Operating Procedure Book. It has been approved by the Warren County Prosecutor and now needs the Trustees’ approval. Dawson said he is still reading it.

Asst. Chief Hannigan talked with Medicount about hard billing non-residents. On average departments receive 7% of their Write-offs. Massie Township wrote off $7290.92 which would generate $510.36. The many complaints that would need to be fielded along with this small amount of monies would not be worth it.

The Chief had a requested a resolution for a new Fire Levy for 7.48 mil. This would generate $225,000 and would cost the home owner $261 a year for $100,000 home. This would allow hiring of part-time members seven days a week from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM as well as two nights a week. This would also give us money to purchase necessary equipment and supplies needed to run the Department.

The Chief presented the run report for February:

Four EMS Calls, two of them were mutual aid received from other departments due to staffing.

One mutual aid request to Wayne Township for possible structure fire which was cancelled.

Two water leaks in homes.

One lift assist which was mutual aid requested by Wayne Township

The average response time for the EMS/Lift assist was 23 minutes 33 seconds.

The average response time for the water leaks was 11 minutes.


Paul Gordon presented the new Zoning Code Book. The printing cost was $10 per book. The new book is loose leaf for convenience for changes and modification for the future. The binders were donated by Crisenbery. After discussion, the cost for copies of the new Zoning Code books will remain $20.

Paul Gordon asked Dave Crisenbery to apologize to his Board members as well as Zoning Inspector Don Jackson. Dave apologized and Paul accepted his apology. Dawson thanked Paul for their time on the new Zoning Code book. McKinney reiterated.

TRUSTEES-Old Business:

R03-03-2015-01: Crisenbery made a motion, seconded by Dawson to approve a Resolution to Sell Three Township Vehicles Which Are No Longer Needed By Massie Township. The vehicles include the 1978 Ford truck, the 1996 Chevrolet ambulance, and the 1978 International ambulance. They will be sold on GovDeals. Vote: McKinney-Yea, Dawson-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.

McKinney mentioned that Bob Ware of the Warren County Regional Planning Commission needs a copy of the signed resolution passed last meeting.

TRUSTEES-New Business:

The Trustees inquired about the functions for the Fire Department Association. The Trustees received several ideas at the Ohio Township Association workshops that they would like to implement like “Meet Your Neighbor” and “Trunk or Treat.”

Correspondence and Announcements:

Grassroots newsletter from the OTA; Warren County Combined Health District newsletter; VFIS renewal questionnaire; several vendors.

Fiscal Officer Reports:

Wilkie presented the 2014 Annual Financial Reports. McKinney made a motion, seconded by Crisenbery to receive the reports into the records. Vote: McKinney-Yea, Dawson-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.

Crisenbery made a motion, seconded by McKinney to approve the warrants. Vote: McKinney-Yea, Dawson-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.

Crisenbery made a motion, seconded by Dawson to approve the financial report. Vote: McKinney-Yea, Dawson-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.

The Trustees discussed the Cemetery Bequest CD renewal rate options. McKinney made a motion, seconded by Crisenbery to renew the CD for one year. Hopefully rates will be better at that time. Vote: McKinney-Yea, Dawson-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.

As there was no other business to come before the Trustees at this time, a motion was made by McKinney to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 PM. Dawson seconded the motion. Vote: Dawson-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea, McKinney-Yea. Motion passed.

ATTEST: ______Mary A. Wilkie, Clerk


Mary Wilkie, Fiscal Officer





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