Week 7:

Coping Step Plans – Problem Solving Plan

Batteries, batteries, batteries please!

MANNERS MONTH: The children will hopefully be ‘caught’ using examples of good manners and will be nominated by a teacher. Last Friday the following pupils received a certificate for their use of manners: Adam Sexton, Cormac McCarthy, Luke Nunan, Jasmin Liu, Michael O’Donovan, Dylan Fleming.


‘Let Us Witness Your Fitness’.

Thank you for completing the survey at home.

‘Halloween dress up’ day is on the 28th October.

Active treats instore!!

4th December – ‘School Fair: Each class are asked to produce a craft for the fair. We need parents to help. Classes have decided on their product however we would love help from you.

If each classroom had 5 parents who could help in class at an organised time, we could achieve our goal. Can you let the teacher know through a note in the homework journal if you could give an hour during the weeks in November.


‘Shoe Box Appeal’

Boxes to be handed in to the school this week pleasebefore Halloween if possible.

Next PA meeting Nov 9th at 9pm.

Fuschia Childcare Mid Term Kids Camp: (on school grounds) 1st November to 4th November 9.30am- 1pm. Phone Anna or Trish on 0874507952.


The Greens Schools Committee and 3rd class went to Fotaon Thursday20th to complete a workshop :Going Green,StayingGreen’ in collaboration with environmental unit of Cork County Council. This will involve hands on activities to promote the 3 R’s inparticular – reuse. This was a complimentary workshop 2.5 hours long. We are thankful to Cork County Council for allocating money towards our transport for this project.


Parent Teacher Meetings scheduled for 16th and 17th of November. You will be given a family time after Halloween Break.


School Book Fair Scheduled for 22nd of November. Further notice after the Halloween break.


Soccer Finals will be held on Friday 28th with guest referees. These are for 4th, 5th, and 6th classes. Team jersies are permitted on the day. Kids can change at school.


Green Schools Committee needs your help:

to help us begin a school garden improvement project we would be grateful if anyone could donate the following items for upcycling:

  • Six/Seven wooden pallets
  • Car/Wheelbarrow used tyres
  • Old wellies/boots/crocs ideally child sized wellies and larger adult sized boots
  • Hub caps/ bicycle wheels
  • Pots various sizes for planting both plastic and ceramic
  • Old style metal kettles

The Co-op have pallets and tyres and will drop them to the school. Thank you for your offer of these. Thank you to those who have sent in old boots and crocs. You might look further over mid term for the other items. Please leave a message in the office to arrange drop off.

Thanking you in advance

The Green Schools Committee

National Children’s Choir

Practice is ongoing with the songs in 4th and 5th class. Parent RoisinKilkelly is helping the 4th class with their repertoire for the next number of weeks.