Thank you for participating in the 2011 PPW survey. We had a lot of great responses that will help improve the organization….

Find below the answers to some of the concerns that arose:

1)Coaching selection – During November and December, a Constant Contact goes out along with word of mouth that PPW is looking for coaches for the following season. After the season, around mid December/beginning of January coaches interviews are set up. Once interviews are conducted and surveys are read, the coaches are ranked in order. This is one reason surveys are so important, without your input only the interview can be considered. The number of coaches needed will depend on enrollment the following season.

2)Team selection – After registration, the coaches are given the opportunity to choose which division they wish to play in, Division 2A, Division 2B, or Division C. Division 2A is the most competitive, Division C being developmental, i.e. meaning mostly new players and or coaches. When there are 2 or more teams at the same level (i.e. MM, Jr PW etc), the number 1 ranked coach gets to choose his/her division first. When they choose to go Div 2A, they will have the opportunity to draft their players. Being a small organization that fields 1 or 2 teams per level it is difficult to compete with organizations that can stack teams due to the large amount of players. If both coaches decided to play in the same division then both coaches will be able to draft, getting alternative picks.

3)Board Positions – Like coaching positions, a Constant Contact goes out in November, and again in December & January advertising the upcoming openings on the Board. Names are gathered of interested parties and everyone is invited to the general meeting in January to introduce themselves and state why they wish to be on the Board. Board positions and descriptions can be found in the Bylaws and Policy and Procedures posted on the web site Once all interested parties are heard from the current Executive Board appoints new members. In the past interest has been low and Board members have needed to hold more than one position. We invite and encourage anyone with an interest in improving Poway Pop Warner to come out and join the Board.

4)Concessions – Each year teams are given the opportunity to participate and raise funds through concession at Poway High. This is optional team fundraiser. Funds can be used for travel if your team advances after the playoffs or cheer competition, or funds can be used to off set end of the year team events. The team parent representative and other team reps are a great resource for first time team reps organizing their concession date. Many teams keep their supply and job lists to use in coming years. PPW gives out general guidelines however does not mandate how your concession day is run as each team has different ideas on how they want their day to go.

Again thank you for your input, we look forward to a great 2012 season!