


Transitional Housing Program-Plus

Specification Clarification/Modification and Recap of the Networking/Bidders Conferences

held on February 22, 2017 and February 24, 2017

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The following sections have been modified to read as shown below. Changes made to the original RFP Specifications document and RFP Attachment No. 1-Bid Response Packet are highlighted in yellow and deletions made have a strike through.

Revisions to RFP Specifications, Terms & Conditions

Page 4, Section A., INTENT, paragraph 2:

The intent of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to search for qualified vendors to provide THP+ services for emancipated foster youth in Alameda County, including those supervised by the Probation Department.

Page 4, Section B., SCOPE and BACKGROUND, paragraph 2 and 3:

The THP+ Housing Program provides transitional housing for young adults, ages 18 years and up to their 24th birthday, that have exited foster care, including those supervised by the ProbationDepartment. The goal of the THP+ Housing Program is to provide a safe living environment for former foster youth that supports the development of life skills necessary for their successful transition into independent living as young adults.

Alameda County has a long history of collaborating with community partners to deliver transitional housing to young adults transitioning from thefoster careand probation system, dating back to initial planning in 1999. A partnership between the Agency, a leading foundation and several foster youth advocacy organizations resulted in THP+ Housing Program being realized in 2001.

Page 7, Section B., SCOPE and BACKGROUND

Bidders may propose a rate for the THP+ housing services; however the County reserves the right to negotiate a different rate.

Page 7, Section C.1,4, 6, BIDDER QUALIFICATIONS:

The County is interested in applicants with a demonstrated history and/or commitment to serve this population, as evidenced by all of the following:

  1. Have an existing housing program now serving young adults that have transitioned from the foster care and probationsystem complete with comprehensive one-on-one case management support; collateral support; plan development and 24-hour, 7 daysper week crisis response availability.
  1. Have a demonstrated history of successfully serving the diverse population of young adults that have transitioned from the foster care and probationsystem including but not limited to African American and Latino young adults, pregnant and/or parenting young adults, young adults that have been commercially sexually exploited as children (CSEC) and young adults that identify as LGBTQ.
  1. Have a demonstrated capacity and interest in serving young adults that have transitioned from foster care as evidenced by a history of at least three to five years of providing service to this population.

Page 12 Calendar of Events:

Request Issued / Thursday,Friday,February 3, 2017
Written Questions Due / by 5:00 p.m. on February 24, 2017

Page 15, Section A, Evaluation Criteria and Respective Weights:

C. / Prior Experience:
  1. Bidder has past experience/expertise providing similar housing and support services to emancipated foster youth, including those supervised by the ProbationDepartment, in the last 3 to 5 years. (8 points)
  2. Bidder has addressed program achievements and challenges in the last 3 to 5 years. (5 points)

D. / Program Design:
  1. Bidder has described their program design, includingforthe type of housing service(s) offered (Host Family Model, Single Site Housing, Remote Site Housing),the location, the capacity, and if the site(s) will be fully operational at the start of the contract.(5 points)
  2. Bidder has described how their program design for each housing service (Host Family Model, Single Site Housing, Remote Site Housing) will support the development of life skills that will enable the young adults to successfully transition to stable housing upon exit from the program. (5 points)

Page 17, Section 2, Rating Elements:

Evaluation Criteria
In each area described below, an evaluation will be made of the probability of success of and risks associated with, the proposal response. / Weight
Point / x / Point Scale / = / Total
Prior Experience:”Does the proposal…”
1.Demonstrate the bidder’s experience/expertise in providing similar housing services to emancipated foster youth, including those supervised by the Probation Department in the last 3 to 5 years? / 8 / x / Max 5 pt. / = / 40
2.Address program achievements and challenges in the last 3 to 5 years? / 5 / x / Max 5 pt. / = / 25
3.Describe the bidder’s ability to meet performance standards on similar programs/projects? Describe the bidder’s oversight and evaluation of the program/project? / 7 / x / Max 5 pt. / = / 35
Subtotal / 20 / x / Max 5 pt. / = / 100
Program Design: ”Does the proposal…”
  1. Describe the bidder’s program design, includingforthe type of housing service(s) offered(Host Family Model, Single Site Housing, Remote Site Housing),the location, the capacity, and if the site(s) will be fully operational at the start of the contract?
/ 5 / x / Max 5 pt. / = / 25
  1. Describe how the bidder’s program design for each housing service (Host Family Model, Single Site Housing, Remote Site Housing) will support the development of life skills that will enable the young adults to successfully transition to stable housing upon exit from the program?
/ 5 / x / Max 5 pt. / = / 25

Revisions to Attachment No. 1 Response Packet

Page 7, Required Documentation and Submittals:

Response Packet:Check Boxes

Item / Number of pages allowed / 
1. / Bidder Information and Acceptance (page75) of the Bid Response Packet (Attachment No. 1) signed / N/A

Page 8, Proposal Narrative:

PRIOR EXPERIENCE-Ten pages are allowed:

  1. Describe your agency’s mission and prior experience and expertise in providing similar housing and support services to emancipated foster youth, including those supervised by the Probation Department, in the last 3 to 5 years. Your response should include the number of clients served, demographics of the clientele served, partnerships and/or collaborations with other community organizations and/or County child welfare staff.
  2. Describe the major program achievements and challengesin the last 3 to 5 years. Describe potential issues or problems with program and how you addressed them.

PROGRAM DESIGN–Eight pages are allowed:

  1. Describe your program design, includingforthe type of housing service(s) you plan to offer (Host Family Model, Single Site Housing, Remote Site Housing), the location of the housingsite(s), the capacity, and if the site(s) will be fully operational at the start of the contract. (5 points)
  2. Describe how your program design for each housing service (Host Family Model, Single Site Housing, Remote Site Housing) will support the development of life skills that will enable the young adults to successfully transition to stable housing upon exit from the program. (5 points)
  3. Describe how educational and employment support will be provided to ensure the participants complete their high school diploma/GED and/or find employment by the time they exit the program. (5 points)
  4. Describe how your program serves youth with mental illness, substance abuse challenges, as well as, youth in the CSEC and LGBTQ populations. (5 points)

Page 13, Budget Form has been modified as follows:

Cost shall be submitted onBUDGET FORM. Noalterations or changes of any kind are permitted. Bid responses that do not comply will be subject to rejection in total. The cost quoted below shall include all taxes and all other charges and is the cost the County will pay. (Two pages are allowed). Applicants must provide specific service rates for each service proposed. (See below).

Please check the box next to the THP+ Program you are applying for / THP+ HOUSING PROGRAMS / PROPOSED RATE PER CLIENT / NO. OF CLIENTS / Multiply
12 months / TOTAL
Remote Site Housing / $1,976.76
Host Family Model / $1,664.64
Single Site Housing / $2,693.06
Grand Total




Bidders Conference

Questions and Answers

February 22, 2017-Oakland, CA

February 24, 2017-Hayward, CA

  1. Q:Other than the rate sheet on page 13 of the bid response packet, are there any other budgets required to show how the funds are used?

A:No, transitional housing providers are paid per client per month.

  1. Q:If we have collaborative partners, do you want us to attach MOUs?


  1. Q:If we are submitting for multiple housing types, do we submit one application or multiple applications?

A:One application that thoroughly explains each housing model you are applying for.

  1. Q:Can participants switch between remote, single, and host housing?

A:Yes, if the provider offers multiple programs.

  1. Q:Will you post the signature pages, checklist, budget, etc. as an editable document on-line?

A:Yes, the RFP and Bid Response packet are posted on line at or

  1. Q:How many agencies do you anticipate awarding through this process?

A:Currently, we have three providers that are a part of a collaborative, but participants are welcome to apply as an individual agency.

  1. Q:We see a need for a young adult sober living house in our community. Would a proposal to accommodate youth in Recovery meet the criteria of the RFP?

A:Yes, provided the proposal meets all the requirements of the RFP.

  1. Q:Will the Oakland Housing Authority (OHA) subsidy be in conjunction with the two year THP+ funding or is the subsidy after the youth are disenrolled from THP+?

A:The subsidy and the THP+ funding will run simultaneously.

  1. Q:If we propose the suggested rate, is there an opportunity to negotiate a higher rate at the time of contracting?

A:No, the proposed rate per client is the current rate paid by the County of Alameda.

  1. Q:The required budget form does not allow changes to the rate. If proposing a different rate, would that be in the narrative?

A:No. The rates in the proposal are the current rate per client paid by the County of Alameda. There will not be an opportunity for the bidder to propose a rate. However, the County’s partnership with OHA’s Building Bridges program will give the contractor an opportunity to receive additional funding to provide rental housing assistance.

  1. Q:The budget form represents a total amount per month, is that o.k.?

A:No, the budget has been corrected to show the total annual funds requested.

  1. Q:How do referrals happen, do they only come through SSA?

A:No. Referrals can come from many sources; they can come from the SSA’s Independent living Program, other agencies, or the website.

  1. Q:How does a collaborative agency fill out the packet?

A:One of the agencies must serve as the lead agency. If a collaborative application is submitted, the lead agency must include a description of the collaborative and a brief organizational description of the subcontractors, the subcontractors’ qualifications and how the collaborative plans to work together. The lead agency must provide existing agreements or MOUs between the lead agency and the proposed subcontractors.

  1. Q:If applying as a collaborative, do all parties have to have five years minimum experience?

A:No, the lead agency must have three to five years minimum experience.

  1. Q:Are bidders required to be licensed for THP+ services?

A:No, THP+ providers do not have to be licensed by the State. See Bidder Qualifications on page 7.

  1. Q:Is this RFP for THP providers whose residential client base is at least 50 percent foster youth and / or Non Minor Dependents?

A:No. The residential client base must be 100 percent emancipated foster youth, including those supervised by the Probation Department.

Transitional Housing Program-Plus RFP
Bidders Conference Attendees
February 22, 2017 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
1111 Jackson Street, Oakland, CA
Name / Organization / Telephone / E-mail
Natalie Lopez / EOCP /
Shante Spears / Beyond Emancipation / 510-667-7741 /
Kathi Jacobson / First Place for Youth / 510-272-0979 /
June Miyake / First Place for Youth / 510-272-0979 /
Faith Fuller / FAS Services / 510-684-4558 /
Kate Durham / Beyond Emancipation / 510-667-7685 /
Transitional Housing Program-Plus RFP
Bidders Conference Attendees
February 24, 2017 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
24100 Amador Street, Hayward, CA
Name / Organization / Telephone / E-mail
Jessica Durkee / BAYC / 510-727-9401 /
June Miyake / First Place for Youth / 510-272-0979 /
Pam Glassoff / Eden I&R / 510-727-9506 /
K Carnahan / Abode / 510-270-1190 /
Emily Hinsen / Love Never Fails / 510-282-6273 /