2015- 2016 MMW Garden Club

Garden Club is back! Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Johnson & Mr. Irvin will be conducting this 5th & 6th grade club. This club will help to maintain the two Memorial Gardens at MMW, the Abby Fishberg and Susan Scherer Gardens located in two of our courtyards. Students will help beautify the gardens and learn how to plant flowers.

Here are the dates for the Spring meetings:

Monday, April 11 - 3:45- 4:30

Monday, April 18- 3:45- 4:30

Monday, April 25- 3:45 - 4:30

Monday, May 9- 3:45 - 4:30

Monday, May 16- 3:45 - 4:30

Monday, May 23- 3:45 - 4:30

Meet in the Art room

All dates are weather permitting. If raining, we will cancel Garden Club. We will post on The Garden Club webpage (on MMW’s website) if there is a cancellation.

Please complete the permission slip below and return to Mrs. Cole on or before April 11th . All students are responsible for their own transportation. Students MUST be picked up at the front entrance of the school promptly at 4:30.

If your child is late being picked up twice, we kindly ask that your child does not participate.

Keep top for dates

Return bottom only

MMW Garden Club Permission Slip

My child ______has permission to attend MMW Garden Club on the days listed above under the supervision of Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Johnson & Mr. Irvin. I understand that my child will be gardening and will need to bring a change of clothes and/or sneakers that are suitable for getting dirty. I must provide transportation and will pick-up my child promptly at the front entrance of the school at 4:30. If my child is picked up late twice, I understand that my child can no longer participate in Garden Club.


Parent Signature Phone number- preferably cell

Return to Mrs. Cole