Personal Fitness
Class Syllabus2017-18
TEACHER: Mrs. Dumm
Students will utilize the cardio machines in the Fieldhouseor the track toenhance their physical, mental, emotional, and social wellbeing through Personal Fitness.
This is a required course, meeting 5 days a week for a semester. Students are expected to dress and participate 100% in all gym classes. Grades are based on 10 points/class, 5 pts. for dress and 5 pts. for participation. Since participation is half your grade, attendance is very important in physical education and numerous absences from class will affect your grade.
The grades are 100-93% for an A, 92-65% for a P, and 64% or lower will result in an F for the nine weeks.
Arrive on time to class, tardiness will be monitored and recorded.
Be preparedbefore entering the locker room with a change of clothes. Athletic shorts or sweats, t-shirt, and tennis shoes. Tank tops, low cut shirts, or tight fitting clothes will not be permitted.
You are not permittedto leave the gym or locker room until dismissed. You will have 5 Minutes to change before and after class.
No passes from other teachers will be granted to leave a scheduled gym, or you will lose participation points for the day.
It is up to the Discretion of the Teacher, if you will be excused for one day due to an illness or injury.
A Parent’s Excuse is required for any short time illness or injury up to one week to justify nonparticipation.
A Doctor’s Excuse is required for any long term illness or injury after one week to justify nonparticipation.
No Cell Phones are to be used in the locker room, gym or outside. There may be an exception granted to listening to music on one’s cell phones during personal fitness. However, no pictures o or video’s being taken, no texting, no phone calls, or no googling on one’s cell phones while in possession during class. One will be faced with discipline procedures if these rules are not abided.
No Bullying in the locker room or during class. If you feel you or a friend are being bullied, let the instructor know and it will be addressed to administration.