Microchip provides this list of books as a convenience. The listing of a book does not imply endorsement by Microchip of the book or the contents of the book. Microchip makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the information in a book on this list.
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Book Title / Author/Publisher / ISBN / Language / Level / Microchip Products1 / A Baker’s Dozen: Real Analog Solutions for Digital Designers / Bonnie Baker/Newnes / 0-750678194 / English / Beginning / Analog
2 / Desbravando o PIC / David Jose de Souza/Erica / 85-7194-686-8 / Portuguese / Intermediate
3 / Easy Debug'n / David Benson/Square 1 Electronics / / English / Beginning / PIC16F87X
4 / Easy Microcontrol'n / David Benson/Square 1 Electronics / / English / Beginner
5 / Embedded Design with the PIC18F452 MCU / John Peatman/Prentice Hall / 0-13-046213-6 / English / Advanced / PIC18F452
6 / Guide to PICmicro® Microcontrollers / Carl Bergquist/Prompt® Publications / 0-7906-1217-8 / English / Beginning
7 / Introduction to Microelectronic Systems: The PIC16F84 Microcontroller / Martin Bates/Edward Arnold / 0340759208 / English / Beginning / PIC18F84
8 / La Programmazione dei Microchip a 8 bit / Guido Galletti/edizioni Master / 88-8301-046-9 / Italian / PIC16C5X
9 / La Programmazione dei Microcontrollori PIC / Andrea Sbrana/ / Italian / Intermediate / PIC16C84
10 / Les Microcontrolleurs PIC et mise en ouvre / Christian Tavernier/Dunod / 2-10-002647-X / French / Intermediate / All
11 / Mickrokontroller mit RISC Struktur / C.F. Urbain/Elektor Compact / 3-928051-83-0 / German / Intermediate / PIC16C5X
12 / MicroControladores PIC La Solution en un Chip / Usategui, Cuenca, Martinez/Paraninfo / 84-283-2371-2 / Spanish / Advanced / All
13 / Microcontroller Cookbook / Mike James/Newnes/Butterworth-Heinemann / 0-7506-4832-5 / English / ALL / PIC16C5X, 12C5X
14 / Microcontrolleurs PIC a structure RISC / C.F. Urbain/Pubitronic / 2-86661-058-X / French
15 / Microcontrol'n APS / David Benson/Square 1 Electronics / / English / applications guide
16 / Microcontrolador PIC16F84. Desarrollo de proyectos / Palacios, Remiro, Lopez/Ra-Ma / 84-7897-600-0 / Spanish / Intermediate / PIC16F84
17 / Microcontrolodores PIC-Disen-o Pra'ctico de Applicaciones / Jose M.Angulo Ustegui/McGraw Hill / 84-481-2858-3 / Spanish / Intermediate / PIC16F87X
18 / Microcontrololadores PIC Tecnicas Avancadas / Fabio Pereira/Editora Erica / 85-7194-727-9 / Portuguese / Intermediate / PIC 16F627/628
19 / Microcontroladores PIC16F628A/648A-Uma abordagem pratica e objetiva / Wagner da Silva Zanco/Editora Erica / 85-365-0059-X / Portuguese / PIC16F628A/684A
20 / Mikroprozessor PIC16C5X / Michael Rose/Huthig / 3-7785-2169-1 / German / PIC16C5X
21 / Mikroprozessor PIC17C42 / Michael Rose/Huthig / 3-7785-2170-5 / German / PIC17C42
22 / Mit dem PIC-Controller Erfolgreich Arbeiten / Dr. Ann Koenig/Manfred Koenig/Mark & Technik Vertag / 3-8272-5168 / German / Intermediate / PIC16C5X, 16CXX
23 / Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers / Fred Eady/Newnes Elsevier / 0-7506-7698-1 / English / Beginning / PICkitTM 1 Flash Starter Kit
24 / New Possibilities with the Microchip PIC / RIGA / Russian
25 / Part 1 PIC16C5X/71/84 Development and Design / United Tech Electronic Co. Ltd. / 957-21-0807-7 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C56X, 71, 84
26 / Part 2 PIC16C5X/71/84 Development and Design / United Tech Electronic Co. Ltd. / 957-21-1152-3 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C56X, 71, 84
27 / Part 3 PIC16C5X/71/84 Development and Design / United Tech Electronic Co. Ltd. / 957-21-1187-6 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C56X, 71, 84
28 / Part 4 PIC16C5X/71/84 Development and Design / United Tech Electronic Co. Ltd. / 957-21-1251-1 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C56X, 71, 84
29 / Part 5 PIC16C5X/71/84 Development and Design / United Tech Electronic Co. Ltd. / 957-21-1257-0 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C56X, 71, 84
30 / Physical Computing / Dan O'Sullivan & Tom Igoe/Muska&Lipman Publishing / 159200346X / English / ALL / PICBasic Pro
31 / PIC 16C84 MCU Architecture and Software Development / ICC Company / 957-8716-90-7 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16X84
32 / PIC Application Part 1 / Flag Corporation / 957-717-116-8 / Chinese / Advanced / PIC16C5X
33 / PIC Basic Programming and Projects / Dogan Ibrahim/Butterworth Heinemann / 0-7506-5229-2 / English / Beginning / PIC16X84
34 / PIC CMOS MCU / United Tech Electronic Co. Ltd. / 957-21-0033-5 / Chinese / Intermediate
35 / PIC Implementation / Flag Corporation / 957-717-179-6 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C5X
36 / PIC in Practice / David W. Smith/Butterworth Heinemann / 0-7506-4812-0 / English / Beginning
37 / PIC Microvezerlok Alkalmazastechnikaja / Dr. Konya Laszlo/Chipcad Distribution / 963-00-3744-0 / Hungarian / PIC16F87X
38 / PIC®Microcontroller: An Introduction to Software & Hardware Interfacing / Han-Way Huang/Thomson Delmar Learning / 140-183967-3 / English / Beginning / PIC18XXX
39 / PIC mikrokontroleri / Dragan Andric, Nebojsa Matic/Electronica Mikro / 86-902189-1-2 / Serb-Croatian / PIC16F84
40 / PIC® Programirajmo Mikrokontrolerje / Jurji Mikeln/Electronic IR-An Arrow Company / 961-90703-8-0 / Serbian / PIC16F84
41 / PIC Robotics: A Beginner's Guide to Robotics Projects Using the PicMicro / John Iovine/McGraw Hill/Tab Electronics / 0-0713-7324-1 / English / Beginning
42 / PIC Theory and Implementation / ICC Company / 957-8716-53-2 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C5X
43 / PIC uC Praxis / Francesco Volpe/Safinaz Volpe/Publitronic Elektor / 3-89576-030-7 / German / Intermediate / PIC16C5X
44 / PIC:Your Personal Introductory Course / John Morton/Newnes / 0-7506-5038-9 / English / Beginning / PIC16C84/F84
45 / PIC16C5X MCU / Unalis Corporation / 957-22-2862-5 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C5X
46 / PIC16C5X MCU / United Tech Electronic Co. Ltd. / 957-21-0852-2 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C5X
47 / PIC16C5X Series Software and Hardware / ICC Company / 957-8716-75-3 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C5X
48 / PIC16C5X Series Stepper Control and Application Part 1 / United Tech Electronic Co. Ltd. / 957-21-1382-8 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C5X
49 / PIC16C5X Series Stepper Control and Application Part 2 / United Tech Electronic Co. Ltd. / 957-21-1628-2 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C7X, 84, 6X
50 / PIC16C71 MCU Application and Design / United Tech Electronic Co. Ltd. / 957-21-0833-6 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C5X
51 / PIC16C84 MCU / United Tech Electronic Co. Ltd. / 957-21-0814- / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C84
52 / PIC16C84 MCU Theory and Implementation / ICC Company / 957-8716-79-6 / Chinese / Intermediate / PIC16C84
53 / PICbook (Volume 1) / Guido Galletti/DTP Studio Editrice / Italian / PIC16F84
54 / PICbook (Volume 2) / Guido Galletti/DTP Studio Editrice / Italian / PICc876/12C508/12CE674
55 / PICmicro MCU C: An introduction to Programming the Microchip PIC in CCS C / Nigel Gardner/Bluebird Technical Press Ltd / 9.7E+08 / English
56 / PICmicro Microcontroller Pocket Reference / Myke Predko/McGraw Hill / 0-07-136175-8 / English / All / All
57 / PICmicrocontroller Project Book / John Iovine/McGraw Hill/Tab Electronics / 0-0713-5479-4 / English / Beginning / PIC16F84
58 / Pratique des Microcontroleurs PIC / Francesco Volpe/Safinaz Volpe/Publitronic Elektor / 2-86661-077-6 / French / Intermediate / PIC16C5X
59 / Programming and Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers / Myke Predko/McGraw Hill / 0-07-136172-3 / English / All / All
60 / Programming PIC Microcontrollers with PICBasic / Chuck Hellebuyck/Butterworth-Heinemann / 15-8995001-1 / English / Beginning / PIC16F876
61 / Programming Robot Controllers / Myke Predko/McGraw Hill / 0-07-140851-7 / English / Intermediate / PIC16F627
62 / Serial Communications / David Benson/Square 1 Electronics / / English / Advanced
63 / Teoria y Disenos con Microcontroladores PIC / Antonio R. Tafanera/ART Electronica / 987-43-1868-6 / Spanish / Intermediate
64 / Time'n & Count'n / David Benson/Square 1 Electronics / / English / Intermediate