Academic Senate Listservs

The Senate Office maintains nine Academic Senate listservs: senate presidents, curriculum committee chairs, SLO coordinators, BSI coordinators and (local) senate staff, Area A, Area B, Area C, and Area D. All the lists are moderated by the Executive Director and only staff can post to the senate presidents, curriculum committee chairs and SLO coordinator listservs. Area representatives can post to his/her area listserv only. All Executive Committee members are on the senate president lists, as well as the listserv for his/her area. The Senate’s Curriculum Committee members are on the curriculum committee chair list and the Accreditation Committee members are on the SLO listserv. Executive Committee members can request to be included on any Senate listserv.

The internal listservs are primarily designed to serve

  • the communication needs of Academic Senate Committees and Task Forces
  • the surveying functions essential to our work
  • the delivery of regular updates from president or office staff

External use of the Academic Senate Listservs

At times other organizations request that information be sent via listserv. When Academic Senate receives requests for use of one or more of these listservs by groups outside our organization, the following procedure will be used to determine an appropriate response to these requests.

1.The President or designee will review the request to determine first

  1. who or what group is making the request;
  2. whether the purposes for the request are consistent with the Academic Senate mission, its positions, pursuits, interests, and concerns;
  3. the time-frame of the request and needed response;
  4. whether or not Academic Senate has sufficient time and resources.

2.If during step # 1 above, the request is deemed incompatible with Academic Senate objectives, the group requesting the use will be contacted and will be apprised of other available resources (e.g., the Chancellor’s Office listservs).

3.If deemed compatible with Academic Senate objectives during the preliminary review described in # 1 above, the request will next be forwarded to the committee chair(s) most closely aligned with the request (e.g., Legislation and Governmental Relations, Curriculum, Ed Policies) with a time-line by which the committee will determine

  1. whether the proposed survey or communication is duplicative of or contrary to other work currently being planned or undertaken by the committee; or
  2. whether the survey or communication is separate from or compatible with work currently being planned or undertaken by the committee.

4.If a survey instrument has been received as part of the request, the Research Committee will also work with the assigned committee to ensure the clarity of the instrument.

5.The reviewing committee(s) will forward recommendations to the Academic Senate office prior to the next Executive Committee meeting so that any necessary action may be taken promptly by the Executive Committee or the Executive Director.

6.If approval is not recommended, step # 2 (above) will be pursued.

7.The Academic Senate office's current work load will determine the timeframes for distributing the information/surveys, etc.

8.As part of granting permission for use of its listserv, the Academic Senate may request that the external group share its raw data, findings, or results with the Executive Committee or other committees.

Procedure for Responding to External Requests for Using Academic Senate Listservs