LOAD TICKET / Ticket No. 000001
Section 1
Prime Contractor: / Date:
Subcontractor (Hauler): / Departure Time:
Driver: / Truck Plate No.:
Measured Bed Capacity (cu. yds.):
Debris Pickup Site Location:
(must be a street address)
Debris Type: □ Vegetation □ Construction & Demolition
□ Mixed □ Other:
Loading Site Monitor: Print Name:
Section 2
Debris Disposal Site Location:
Estimate Debris Quantity:cu. yds. ______ / Arrival Time:
Disposal Site Monitor: Print Name: ______
Copies: White – Load Site Monitor Green – Disposal Site Monitor
Canary, Pink, Gold – Onsite Contractor’s Representative or Driver

Debris Loading Site Monitoring Checklist

Date: ______

Arrival Time: ______Departure Time: ______Weather Conditions: ______

Loading Site Location: ______

(Street address or nearest intersection)

GPS Location: N______; W______

Loading Site Monitor's Name ______

(Print Name)

Roving Monitor's Name: ______

(Print Name)



Loading Site

1. Is the Site Monitor filling out the Load Ticket properly? YES NO

If NO, explain actions taken: ______

2. Is the Contractor loading eligible debris from the designated right-of way (approximately 15' from curb)? YES NO

If NO, explain actions taken: ______

3. Is the Contractor loading trucks to capacity? YES NO

If NO, explain actions taken: ______

4. Identify Contractor's truck numbers observed while on site:


5. Were photographs taken at the loading site? YES NO

If YES, list photo log numbers: ______;______;______;______;______

General Notes and Comments: (Include observations within the general area as to overall cleanup activities) ______(Use reverse side if necessary)

Debris Disposal Site Monitoring Checklist

Date: ______

Arrival Time: ______Departure Time: ______Weather Conditions: ______

Disposal Site Location: ______

(Street address or nearest intersection)

GPS Location: N______; W______

Disposal Site Monitor's Name ______

(Print Name)

Roving Monitor's Name: ______

(Print Name



Disposal Site

1. Is the Disposal Monitor filling out the Load Ticket properly? YES NO

If NO, explain actions taken: ______

2. Is the Disposal Monitor attaching a copy of the Weight Ticket to the Load Ticket? YES NO

If NO, explain actions taken: ______

3. Are the Contractor's trucks loaded to capacity? YES NO

If NO, explain actions taken: ______

4. Identify Contractor's truck numbers observed while on site:


5. Were photographs taken at the loading site? YES NO

If YES, list photo log numbers: ______;______;______;______;______

General Notes and Comments: (Include observations of operations at the landfill) ______(Use reverse side if necessary)

Appendix L: Debris Monitoring Tools Page 7