Information Service Geneva / Service de l’Information Genève NOTE 2012/8

Note to Correspondents / Note aux Correspondants


Geneva, Switzerland, 27 February – 23 March 2012

The 19th session of the Human Rights Council will be held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, from 27 February to 23 March 2012.

Media accreditation

Representatives of the media will need to be accredited for the coverage of the session. All journalists applying for accreditation must submit proof that they represent a bona fide media organization ([1]) and are kindly requested to send the following documents:

·  A letter of assignment on the official letterhead of the media organization from the Publisher/Assignment Editor or Bureau Chief requesting accreditation and specifying the dates for which it is requested;

·  Copy of a valid press card;

·  Copy of a valid passport (exceptionally, two other valid identity documents by a country recognized by the United Nations General Assembly can be accepted instead of a passport).


Mr. François Richer

Press and External Relations Section

United Nations Information Service

Palais des Nations

CH 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

telephone: +41 22 9174359 or +41 22 9172336

fax: +41 22 9170030


Once the request for accreditation is accepted, the badge can be obtained from the Security Identification Unit at the Pregny Gate entrance of the Palais des Nations. The unit is open from 08:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday (excluding holidays).

No acknowledgement will be mailed to the applicants.
PLEASE NOTE: Applications will be considered only if accompanied by a letter of assignment. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Accreditation is free of charge.

Journalists accredited with the United Nations in New York can automatically obtain a press badge from UNIS by simply sending a request to this effect to Mr. François Richer (contacts above).

Each member of a media accompanying a Head of State, Head of Government or Head of Delegation is also required to have an accreditation; the latter should be requested through an official letter from the country concerned to be addressed to

Ms. Alessandra Vellucci

Chief of the Press and External Relations Section

United Nations Information Service

Palais des Nations

CH 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

telephone: +41 22 9174359 or +41 22 9172336

fax: +41 22 9170030


The letter must list the names of the media representatives with their functional titles and affiliations, as well as their contact numbers.

For security reasons, each member of the media will be required to wear the UN press badge.

Entry procedures

All media personnel are advised to arrive early to allow sufficient time for screening. Last-minute arrivals may encounter delays.

1. Access to the UN premises in Geneva

A UN media photo badge will be needed. Only one type of badge will be issued to each media representative (no-NGO/Media or Delegation/Media co-badging).

2. Access to the meeting room

Media will have access to all public meetings. The plenary sessions will take place in Room XX. Media will be sitting in the press gallery on the left side of the room.

Media representatives will enter the room from the main door, and will be required to comply with the screening procedures which are applicable to all the participants in the session. Cameras and other audio-visual material will be subject to electronic screening.

3. Access to other facilities

All accredited journalists will have access to UN bars and cafeteria, and to the restaurant which is located on the 8th floor of the Palais des Nations.

Press conferences and interviews

The list and location of press conferences by Heads of State/government/delegation or UN Senior Officials will be posted on the UNOG website (

Interviews can be arranged in advance by contacting

Mr. Rolando Gomez

Public Information Officer for the Human Rights Council

telephone: +41 22 917 9711


Background material

For information about negotiation issues, suggestions for interviews and other assistance, please contact Mr. Rolando Gomez (details above).


Radio studios for interviews and transmissions through ISDN lines may be booked on +41 22 917 1077 or +41 22 917 2566.

Audio plugs are available in the press gallery.


Only UNTV and one other television crew at a time may film on tripods in the centre of Room XX. Priority will be given to a television team from the same country as the speaker addressing the Council.

Other crews may work from fixed positions at the back of the room and on the perimeter.

Audio plugs are available at the back of the room. The use of tripods may be restricted.

Crews are authorized to circulate in the room and film on the shoulder. This includes limited periods in the centre of the room and in the corridors. Filming on tripods in the corridors is not allowed. Filming of interviews and stand-ups is not allowed in the conference room.

Pool coverage may be arranged as needed.

Accredited cameramen and photographers who plan to cover the sessions should contact Ms. Yvette Morris, Chief of the Radio and Television Section, Information Service (+41 22 917 4606) or Mr. Gilles Sereni, Production Assistant (+41 22 917 4632 or

+41 79 444 6041), .

UN Television will provide coverage of statements in the High Level Segment of the Council in Betacam SX, DV and DVCAM (PAL only) as well as file formats (requestors should check format availability) to interested television and documentary producers. Coverage requests should be made in writing, in advance. Coverage requests and bookings for television studio and transmission facilities should be sent to:

UN Television

Room E.10, Palais des Nations

CH 1211-Geneva 10


Fax: +41 22 917 0031



Photographers will work in areas on the floor designated by Information staff. Pool coverage may be arranged as needed. No flash equipment may be used. For further information, please contact Mr. Gilles Sereni (+41 22 917 4632 or +41 79 444 6041).

Photos of speakers in the High-Level Segment and some highlights of the session will be available at:

Official website and social media

Information on all aspects of the Conference can be found at the following Internet website:

The website will contain news, practical information and statements related to the meeting.

Information about the Council will also be regularly tweeted. You can follow the Human Rights Council on Twitter at

The list of speakers and the speeches (subject to availability) will be posted on the HRC Extranet. Please note that hard copies of the speeches will no longer be distributed in the room.

To access the HRC Extranet please go to: [user name: HRC extranet; password: 1session]


The plenary sessions will be webcast.

You can follow the Council proceedings or access archives at:

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[1] Note on bona fide media organization: The Department of Public Information must be satisfied that the individuals applying for accreditation are bona fide media professionals and represent bona fide media organizations [formally registered as a media organization in a country recognized by the United Nations General Assembly]. Accreditation will only be given on proof of a track record of reporting for media organizations on international affairs Media accreditation is not accorded to the information outlets of non-governmental organizations. Applications are considered on a case-by-case basis and the decisions of the Department of Public Information are final. The Department of Public Information reserves the right to deny or withdraw accreditation of journalists from media organizations whose activities run counter to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, or who abuse the privileges so extended or put the accreditation to improper use or act in a way not consistent with the principles of the Organization.