2nd International Forum on Geoparks:

Capacity Building and Sustainable Development
To be held 27-29 May 2011 in Taining, Fujian, China

Invitation and Call for Papers:

Dear colleagues and friends,

Geoparks are becoming very popular due to their combination of conservation, sustainable development and community involvement. UNESCO became active in this area in 1999 and in 2001 decided to gives its ad hoc support to national Geopark initiatives which are coordinated through a Global Geoparks Network (GGN) where national geological heritage initiatives benefit fully from their membership of a global network of exchange and cooperation.

The International Geographical Union (IGU) was established in Brussels in 1922 with history of international meetings of geographers dating back to before 1871. The IGU Commission on Geoparks (IGU-COG, offically named in 2008), began working in cooperation with GGN in 2004, to discuss our mission to promote the sustainable development and management of Geoparks from a geographical perspective.

Our 'First International Forum on Geoparks: Interpretation and Sustainable Development', was held in October 2007, in Yuntaishan Geopark in P. R. China, which is home to 22 globally recognized Geoparks and 182 nationally recognized Geoparks. As of October 2010, there are 77 Global Geoparks Network members from 25 countries.

Our Second International Forum will be held from 27-29 May 2011 at the site of the beautiful Taining World Geopark (Taining, Fujian, China). The three-day forum will focus on promoting capacity building and sustainable development in the management of Geoparks.

We warmly invite you share your experiences and your research about Geoparks, especially related to capacity building and sustainable development. We enthusiastically look forward to meeting you in Taining, China!

With very best regards,
Dr. WEI Dongying
Chair, IGU-CoG
December 9, 2010

Call for Papers:

Papers for the 2nd International Forum of Geoparks should focus on capacity building and sustainable development in managing Geoparks worldwide. Papers presented will provide comparative experiences from diverse nations that are involved with developing and preserving our Geoparks and Geo-heritage in sustainable ways. It is understood that heritage here refers not simply to monumental sites or cultural landscapes, but also to the intangible heritage that is so much at risk.

We are seeking innovative contributions from Geopark administrators, geographers, environmentalists, economists, educators, policy specialists and practitioners to share best practices and lessons learned, under the following five topics:

  1. Major challenges in capacity building and sustainable development of Geoparks (including to territories which want to become part of the EGN/GGN)
  2. Geoparks, GeoTourism & GeoHeritage Management Policy
  3. Widening Public Engagement and Forging Organizational Alliances
  4. Environmental Interpretation & Planning of Geoparks
  5. Geopark Education, Training, and Communication

Abstracts for poster presentations, short papers (10 min. presentations) and research papers (20 min. presentations) on these themes will be accepted until 20 February 2011. They should be a maximum of 300 words, in English. Full papers should be sent by 20 March 2011. All correspondence should be sent either by fax to +86-010-5883-6093 or by email to .

Authors should include full contact information (name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, phone, fax and e-mail address).

Notification of acceptance will be sent by 20 March 2011.

For questions or requests for additional information, please visit our website

Contact person: Ms. Christiana Lawson


+86-13718519502 (mobile)

+86-010-5880-7455 ext. 1385 (office)

+86-010-5883-6093 (fax)


In 1989, UNESCO initiated what is now called the Global Geoparks Network (GGN). This programme has the dual objective of enhancing the value of sites which act as key witnesses to the Earth's history while creating employment and promoting regional economic development. The International Geographical Union (IGU) has been cooperating with UNESCO on the program and in 2004 established a Commission on Geoparks. The IGU-COG's mission is to promote the development of Geoparks from a geographical perspective. A very successful First International Forum on Geoparks: Interpretation and Sustainable Development was held at Yuntaishan World Geopark in 2007. The IGU-COG and Taining World Geoparkinvite you to take part in the Second International Forum on Geoparks: Capacity Building and Sustainable Development 27-29May, 2011.


  • Promote research about geoparks in the field of geography
  • Exchange information and experiences on capacity building and the sustainable development of geoparks;
  • Identify major challenges regarding capacity building and sustainable development that geoparks are facing and ways to overcome such challenges;
  • Facilitate communication and networking among geoscientists regarding geoparks;
  • Promote capacity building and sustainable development in Geoparks;
  • Discuss collaborative activities among IGU and other relevant organizations


Co-organized by:

International Geographical Union-Commission on Geoparks (IGU-COG)

Taining World Geopark Management Committee

Supported by:

Geographical Society of China

Beijing Normal University


Approximately 50-60 participants are expected to participate in the 2011 Forum. Registration is required for participation. The working language is English, and Chinese translation will be available. The invitees include:

  • Experts on Geopark capacity building and regional sustainable development
  • Executive members of IGU
  • Executive members of IGU-COG
  • Other representatives of related commissions of IGU
  • Representatives of United Nations University
  • Related UN agencies including UNESCO, UNEP etc.
  • Representatives of international Geoparks
  • Representatives of national and selected local governments in China
  • National and governmental bodies which deal with geological heritage;
  • Earth scientists with an interest in geoheritage, cultural protection;
  • Tourism experts;
  • Relevant media

Schedule (Tentative)

International Forum on the Geoparks:Capacity Building and Sustainable Development Program

[Friday, 26 May]

Pick up in Nanchang Airport ( whole day)

Registration ( whole day)

18:00-20:00 Reception

[Saturday, 27 May]

09:00-10:30Opening Remarks

Executive member of IGU

Beijing Normal University

Local Government

10:30-12:00Keynote Speeches

Represetative of IGU-CoG

Represetative of Geographical Society of China

Representative of UNESCO (to be identified)


13:30-15:30Group Discussion

Group 1: Capacity Building and Sustainable Development in Geoparks

Group 2: Interpretation and Education in Geoparks

15:30-16:00Coffee Break

16:00-17:30 Summary and Plenary Discussions

18:30- Reception

[Sunday, 28 May]

09:00-12:00 Group Discussion

- Capacity Building Evalutions in Geoparks

- Management Training Geopark Staff and Interpreters

- Sustainable Tourism (sustainable innovation) in Geoparks

- Geopark Networking and Cooperation

12:00-13:30 Coffee Break

14:00-17:30Visit Taining World Geopark's Dajing Lake

18:00-19:30 Dinner

17:30Closing of the Meeting

19:00-21:00 Concluding Session

Conclusions/Recommendations on the activities and cooperation toward further promotion of sustainable development of Geoparks

Publication of the Taining Declaration

[Monday, 29 May]

9:00 -12:00 Visit Taining World Geopark's Shangqing Spring

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:30pm Take bus to Nanchang Airport or train Station


US$100Registration(including the proceeding, program book and related materials)

US$300 Hotel (Jinghu Hotel, 5 star) and meals (3 buffet meals offered per day and welcoming and farewell banquets) and local transportation, tours (Taining Gorge, Taining Lake, etc.), and entrance fees (all included)

US$100 Transportation between Nanchang airport and Jinghu Hotelin Taining (round trip)