Aloomim Grade 9A
Mind Matters
Unit 3- Vocabulary
Word / Hebrew Definition / English Definition1. to affect / להשפיע על / to influence or change the condition of something
2. to afford / להרשות לעצמו / to spare of find enough money or time for something
3. appealing / מתחנן/נוגע ללב / producing feelings of sympathy and wanting to help
4. as simply as possible / הכי פשוט שאפשר / the easiest way you can
5. to avoid / להתחמק מ/להימנע מ / to keep away from something or someone
6. beat / פועל:להכות
שם תואר: הרוג/תשוש
שם עצם: פעימה,הלמות,נקישה / to hit something or someone
one hit or stroke or the sound of several
7. brand new / חדש לגמי / completely new
8. to burn a CD / לצרוב דיסק / the process of making a new disc
9. to call out / לצעוק/לקרוא / to say something in a very loud voice
10. to commit a crime / לבצע פשע / to do something illegal
11. to be controlled / נשלט ע"י מישהו או משהו / to be dominated by someone or something
12. copyrights/
copyrighted / (לקבל) זכות יוצרים (על) / to protect a work/author with the sole legal right to print , publish, sell, broadcast, perform, film or record the work or any part of it .
13. to download music / להוריד מוסיקה מהאינטרנט / to take music from the internet and put it on the computer
14. to earn a living / להתפרנס / to make a salary so you can live
15. effect / השפעה/תוצאה / a condition caused by something
16. to be fined / לקבל קנס / to have to pay money because of an illegal action
17. folks / אנשים/קרובי משפחה/הורים / people in general/relatives/parents
18. gang members / חברי כנופיה / people who belong to a particular group
19. to grab / לחטוף/לקפוץ על / take something roughly , selfishly or eagerly
20. to harm / לגרום נזק/לפגוע ב / to cause pain/anguish/damage to something or someone
21. hopelessness / חוסר תקווה/יאוש / feeling/giving/promising no hope of recovery or improvement
22. illegal / לא חוקי / forbidden by law
23. immigrants / מהגרים / people who come to live in a new country
24. to increase / להגדיל/להגביר/להתרבות / to cause something to become greater in size, number or degree
25. industry / תעשיה / work in factories, mines etc.. to manufacture or obtain things
26. ironically / באירוניה/למרבה האירוניה / using or expressing one's true opinion or intention by saying the opposite of one's thoughts in order to make one's remarks forceful especially by praising and not blaming
27. issues / בעיות/ נותן הוראה / a problem with something /giving an order
28. it doesn't matter / לא משנה / it's not important
29. melodies / שיר/נעימה / a simple song or tune
30. nation / אומה/לאום/עם / a large community of people in a particular territory having a society under one government
31. poverty / עוני / the state of being poor
32. property / רכוש/קרקע / thing owned /possessions/an area of land
33. protest / מחאה / a statement of disapproval or objection
34. recent / (מן הזמן) האחרון/ חדש / a short time ago
35. records / רישומים / a written statement of facts , events etc..
36. repetitive / חוזר על עצמו / an action that is repeated
37. to resent / להתרעם על/לכעוס על / to feel annoyed or angry about something considered to be unfair
38. responsibility / אחריות / legally or morally having to carry out a duty or to care for something or someone
39. rhythm(s) / קצב / a regular succession of weak and strong stresses , accents , sounds or movements in speech, music and movement
40. self awareness / מודעות עצמית / having knowledge of yourself
41. to share / לחלק / divide and distribute to someone or something
42. slum areas / איזורי מצוקה / places where there is a great deal of poverty and crime
43. software program / תוכנת מחשב / a program which runs on the computer
44. study / לימוד/מחקר / work related to a particular subject or topic
45. swaying / טלטול/התנועעות / to move 1st from one side and then to the other
46. swinging / לנגן בקצב הסווינג / to produce an exciting rhythm
47. theft / גניבה / the act of stealing
48. too good to be true / טוב מידי בכדי להיות אמיתי / impossible to believe
49. trend / מגמה/נטייה / general direction, tendency
50. unlikely / לא סביר / not likely to happen or to be true
51. violence/ violent / אלימות/אלים / using or showing or accompanied by great force